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The city of lost angels..a,k.a. Los Angeles
Member Since
singer/ writer/ student/vampire/old age goth/witch
Real Name
Amber but you can call me Fae-Fae
Choir Awards, Singing Awards, Poetry Awards...too many to list, Honor Roll my whole life
Anime Fan Since
well...since eighth grade but my newfound friends in p.e. got me more into it
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, Chobits, Yuyu Hakasho, Tenchi Muyo, Ruroini Kenshin...i know i spelled some of those wrong
to become a singer, study in Italy, find my true vampire love...already attained, to master my craft of magic
singing, being different, daydreaming, writing, dieing, bleeding from sel-inflicted wounds, crying, hurting, mentally breaking down, hating, loving everything but myself, ridiculing myself, drinking blood, casting spells, and learning about Wicca
singing, writing,...i think that is it
| Fae Tsukiakira
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Wearing:...Black Dress with dangly thingies, black nylons with little skulls, spiderweb gloves, lace chocker with a gothic cross, huge black combat boots with the red and black ribbons i attatched, black angel wings.
Hair: thrown over into my an indie or emo rocker which ever one it the guys wear their short/long hair, a small tiara atop my head
Make-up: black eyeliner and black shimmer eye-shadow, burgandy lipstick.
Feeling: Lovesick

the trip to vegas was a ex of course came along and completely and full out disrespected my family...he was cold and distant...when i confronted him he used his same old excuse that that was just how he was...has he not heard of respect...???...i never go to his house and disrespect his family...aye...there are a mess of details on what happened but i wish not to delve into that past event...i am just trying to forget it and him...he also cracked my Halo game...which has me rather ticked...i am making him replace it...*taps food impatiently*...

I have finally received my senior pics...*shivers*...eww...i look so hair is parted down the middle and i hardly have on any makeup...i wanted to do my eyeliner and wear my spikes and stuff but my mother didn't want to spend 100$ on an image of my everyday appearance...understandable i suppose...i shall only put up one for right now...the other i may put up on my next entry...

what do you think...??? honest...i can take the criticism...

i have been reaching within myself these past few days trying to grasp onto some strength...i have been frustrated and nervous and beyond exhaustion...i think i am over exherting much work has yet to have been completed...and i just want to lay out somewhere and feels as if something is following me...trying to find the point at which to plunge down within my life and shatter it to shards...*grabs hair and pulls it due to stress*...

My Strumming Muse was apparently very pleased with my work on his band...they loved the article and enjoy my writing...*smiles*...hmm...maybe i will post it here...h/u
ok back...Headline...which i did not write...Ragweed: Not The Kind You're Allergic To
Lying hidden within the month of February in the year of 2003 teh birth of a local band took place. The initiators of this project were guitarist Adrian Valdez and lead singer Reggie Visico. Originally containing dreams of becoming a pro-skater, Rafael Cuevas, hearing that there was need for a drummer, quickly acted upon the call. While receiving guitar lessons from Adrian, Eric Sandavol was convinced to join the band as the bass player. These four individuals made up the band known as Ragweed.
Bands that inspired Ragweed include Thrice, The Unseen, The Casualities, Minor Threat, Anti Flag, AFI's older material, and many more. The sound that the band was aiming to produce was pure punk but they fell slightly short and were unable to fully accomplish the goal. Instead they provided a sound of punk melded into another genre.
One thing that is evident with Ragweed is that the passion and magic of music dwells within their very souls. Whey they do take the stage they do so in such a superior manner and with absolute ease. Ragweed produces a magnetic energy that draws the audience deeper into the music. Valdez said, "When perfomring it's just me and my guitar, and i zone out." Ragweed becomes its mucis, and the music becomes Ragweed.
Reggie provides the lyrics for hte band, while Adrian creates a melody and conducts for the other members to follow suite. With the process, Ragweed creates new songs. Ragweed united to perform music because it is something they enjoyed doing. They prefer performing to be a hobby than a chore. Any decisions on making this their life career is undecided and they would rather just take it as it comes.
Unfortunately the tale of this band has come to a close because of the departure of lead singer Visico. However, it is not the end of each band members' musical journey. Plans for future musical projects are underway. All they truly wish for is to have a joyous time while doing what they love and hope that their fans have as much fun a time as they do.
Valdez, Visico, Cuevas, and Sandavol are true musicians seeking to create their art in a passionate nature rather than a superficial one. They contain the drive and motivation needed to thrive in the world of musci. While remaining true to themselves and their music, they are bound to gain the respect deserved for such a magnitude of talent.

sorry guys...*slaps self*...this entry is getting rather long...jsut a few more things and this entry shall end...brb...gotta go stop by the store...
ok...a few quizzes...
 Who's your inner rockstar?

hmm...i shall be placing one pic of ville valo on each entry...some of you may like this i know...others i know will not...but can always scroll past it if you wish not to gaze upon this delectible creature...

interesting discussion...
in static limbo [10:05 PM]: i wonder if us depressed people are condemned to live this life forever suffering
Innocent Demon 8 [10:11 PM]: no...we aren't...we write our own suffering and condemn ourselves into this inferno and decline the attempts made to help us escape
in static limbo [10:11 PM]: ..there are not attempts to help
Innocent Demon 8 [10:13 PM]: yes there are we just dont' see them at times...
Current song playing...Mr. Pessimist by Tears For Fears

alas i must venture off...i have remained on for quite some time...must go and consume some portions of food so i do not whither away...Good Night all and pleasant nightmares...i send you all my love and wishes of happiness...*bows and walks away*
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