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The city of lost angels..a,k.a. Los Angeles
Member Since
singer/ writer/ student/vampire/old age goth/witch
Real Name
Amber but you can call me Fae-Fae
Choir Awards, Singing Awards, Poetry Awards...too many to list, Honor Roll my whole life
Anime Fan Since
well...since eighth grade but my newfound friends in p.e. got me more into it
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, Chobits, Yuyu Hakasho, Tenchi Muyo, Ruroini Kenshin...i know i spelled some of those wrong
to become a singer, study in Italy, find my true vampire love...already attained, to master my craft of magic
singing, being different, daydreaming, writing, dieing, bleeding from sel-inflicted wounds, crying, hurting, mentally breaking down, hating, loving everything but myself, ridiculing myself, drinking blood, casting spells, and learning about Wicca
singing, writing,...i think that is it
| Fae Tsukiakira
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/22/05:
 | You scored as Art Freak. You artsy fartsy kid you. You rock my world.
Art Freak | | 75% | Loner | | 63% | Nerd | | 31% | Loser | | 25% | Punk Ass Kid | | 19% | Cheerleader/Jock | | 13% |
What's You're Sterotype? created with | |
Result Posted on 02/22/05:
Result Posted on 02/22/05:
 | You scored as Goofy. Your alter ego is Goofy! You are fun and great to be around, and you are always willing to help others. You arn't worried about embarrassing yourself, so you are one who is more willing to try new things.
Goofy | | 75% | Cinderella | | 75% | The Beast | | 69% | Ariel | | 69% | Sleeping Beauty | | 63% | Peter Pan | | 56% | Donald Duck | | 56% | Cruella De Ville | | 44% | Pinocchio | | 31% | Snow White | | 25% |
Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego? created with | |
Result Posted on 02/03/05:
Result Posted on 02/03/05:
Result Posted on 02/03/05:
 "Let the world turn its back."
Dark Secret Love: Once you know it's love, you stick with it and don't care what anybody thinks of you 2. The relationship isn't you, them, and the people around you. Love is a 2 way thing that links you together. You respect and understand the word love...and never confuse it with lust or infatuation. Fuck what everybody else have your own opinion on things.
What HIM lyric best describes your love life? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 02/02/05:
Result Posted on 02/02/05:
Take the quiz: "How truly depressed are you?"
DepressedYou feel hurt and lost inside, its not funny. You want to die sometimes and can only see the black side of life, nothing other than that |
Result Posted on 01/30/05:
| You scored as Neutral Good. A Neutral Good person tries to do the 'goodest' thing possible. These people are willing to work with the law to accomplish their goal, but if the law is corrupt they are just as willing to tear it down. To these people, doing what's right is the most important thing, regardless of rules, customs, or laws.
Lawful Good | | 75% | Neutral Good | | 75% | Chaotic Good | | 65% | True Neutral | | 50% | Lawful Neutral | | 35% | Chaotic Neutral | | 30% | Chaotic Evil | | 25% | Neutral Evil | | 25% | Lawful Evil | | 25% |
What is your Alignment? created with | |
Result Posted on 01/30/05:
 | You scored as alternative. You're partially respected for being an individual in a conformist world yet others take you as a radical. You have no place in society because you choose not to belong there - you're the luckiest of them all, even if your parents are completely ashamed of you. Just don't take drugs ok?
alternative | | 83% | Middle Class | | 67% | Upper middle Class | | 63% | Lower Class | | 50% | Luxurious Upper Class | | 33% |
What Social Status are you? created with | |
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