Black Shadow (09/15/05)
hey cool site
Mimiako (09/10/05)
Not bad site, ^^ Cool name you have.
FrozenOrb (09/09/05)
Cool BG.Just Dropping by.
hinaru (09/03/05)
Hey there! Thanx for signing my GB! And yes, that's me on the avatar.
Glad you like the site... yours is pretty cool too... Linkin Park is cool!
Anyways, gotta go... um, I'll add you as a friend
See ya around
xThereIsNoSpoonX (08/31/05)
oh no it's fine, not many people get my name (it's off The Matrix which I'm currently and will always be obssessed with but I don't have my theme up now so sorry for the confusion)
Anyways thankx for dropping by my site! yours is cool as well and I'm adding you as a friend, Later!
Dork Knight (08/31/05)
howdy...thanks for signing my GB. really kool site.
EdwardElricThe2nd (08/31/05)
Hey there. thanx for signing my gb. nice site. I'll addu asa friend. Drop by sometime. CULATER! n_n
-ur friend EdwardElricThe2nd♣♠♥
ps welcomez to myo & askz me if u need any site helpz! n_n I'm out like the fat kid in dodgeball.
msyugioh123 (08/31/05)
you have a nice site cool background and cloro
Wolf Angel (08/31/05)
Hey Ambrosia,
I like your new site! It's really cool! I can't wait for the rain to stop, I am getting tired of getting wet. -_-' Well I'll try and calm down in school.
JeT224 (08/30/05)
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. You asked me if I was a boy or a girl. I'm a girl. You have an awesome site. I like the bg. Green Day rocks!! I'll add you. C ya round!! ^_^