I just went yesterday to see Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie. It seemed a little shorter that 92 minutes though... Here's the basic story I can muster up (It's missing a few parts, but hey, I'm not a proffesional storyteller):
We know that lucky boy Yugi Mutou solved the millenium puzzle, and he had awakened the Spirit of the Pharaoh. Little did he know that he also awakened the Spirit of the evil Anubis, which whom Yami the Pharaoh defeated ages ago. Wanting revenge, he develops a plan, and sneaks over to Pegasus' castle and slips in a card, 'The Pyramid Of Light' into his deck.
Next day, Kaiba (whose voice sounds slightly different here) flies to Pegasus' place and asks for a card that can defeat Yugi's god cards. Of course, Pegasus won't just hand them over, so Kaiba challenges Pegasus to a duel and promises to give his three BEWDs if Pegasus wins, and Pegasus promises to give the one card that can defeat the god cards.
Kaiba wins of course, and finds out there are TWO cards that cna defeat the god cards. Pegasus is in confusion, because there was only one... (Well duh, the evil dude Anubis slipped on in)
So, Kaiba challenges Yugi to a duel, and he forces Yami Yugi to bring out his god cards. Kaiba plays Pyramid Of Light, and it destroys all of Yami Yugi's gods (In the card game though, it says something different). Yami and Kaiba are trapped in the pyramid, and the 'normal' Yugi, along with Tea, Joey, and Tristan's souls, all get sucked into the millenium puzzle.
They find themselves in the Pharaoh's Chamber, and unlocka room full of dead mummies, brought back to life by yours truly, Anubis. Meanwhile, things aren't looking too good for Yami. Kaiba plays the all-new Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, compliments of Pegasus. Yami notices that when a person loses LP, theylose their energy, so Yami is pretty beat.
Okay, now let's skip big parts.
'Normal' Yugi pierces a dagger found in the Pyramid Of Light's eye, which makes Anubis appear. He shakes Kaiba off and duels Yami. He then summons Andro Sphinx and Sphinx Taelia. When Yugi beats both of them, Anubis summons a two-headed sphinx, and once Yugi had beaten that, Anubis loses his temper.
"It is no longer time to duel... It is time to DIE!" (*little brother cowers in fear*) and summons a REAL monster. ("Look Ma, no holographics...") Kaiba passes Yugi the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, and Yugi totally whoops Anubis' monster's butt, destroying the pyramid of light once and for all.
That's the end of that! Anyways, listen, I'm sorry I haven't been on myOtaku for awhile. The cold is worse than I thought. I kept throwing up. It's great to be back, tho...
O yeah! The cards... Well, guess what? I got BESD!! My bro got Watapon, my dad got Pyramid of Light (It's effect isn't the same as it is in the movie, tho... Crap.) and my cuz got Sorcerer of Dark Magic. My card was beautiful... 10-starred, 3000 ATK, 2500 DEF, A great effect, Ltd edition, holo... It was awesome! God, go see Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie!!