izzychan (10/20/04)
NYAW? hey hey, see you LOVEHS Love hina hmm? I have the boxset and zeh movies..but I HATE THE GOD DAMN VOICE OVERS! JEEEESUS! No offence, but whoever casted those seiyuu should be dragged out into the street and shot, then have their body mauled by vicious, under nourished rats, and not those winmpy little sewer rats either, im talkin big fat 'ill busta cap in yo ass' kinda rats. I dunno where im going with this. But yes I think the manga was much better...WHO THE HELL USES MERYL'S (Trigun) VOICE ACTRESS FOR NARU ARGH!. Yeh that reallly shits me. what the hell am i going on about..TOO MUCH BRAIN NOISE, NOT ENOUGH ROOOOM...yesss. for more ramblings and current pictures, check out my deviantart page..cos i kinda put my Myotaku one on Hiatus for a while. Say 'HEY NADDLES, MY BROTHER!!' to Nadine for me...
*Tag your it*
-Kussu to hariken!