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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

   same deal
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

*note* the realy big post will only be up for about 5 days...then it will be in the arcives!

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Monday, June 27, 2005

ok...i'm gona leave this up for 5 days only...that'll give people a chance to chatch up and read it all...sorry that i'm giveing it all to you now...but, here it is! and to see how the charecters look...go and look at my fanart! the pictures are marked "fanfic" "fanfic 2" "fanfic 3" feal free to go and look! and please comment on the story as well!
i hope u all like it!
(o...and by the way...i finaly figured out how to use the program for the car and window decals!)

Rilly: get up u lazy shit!

Jalie: what is ur problem? I don’t have to b to school for another houre!

Rilly: wrong…u forgot to set ur clock ahead!


Jalie rished and rased to get ready for school…but there was no way that she would be thair in time.

Jalie (thinking to herself):the only way I’m gona get thair in time is to fly…but it is to bright out…someone may c me…I can’t take that chaince.

Bell rings.

Jalie: o shit…forget it!

Big feathery wings pop out of her back and her hair becomes shorter and lighter…it is almost as if she is an angle on earth…

She flies to school just in time…to b late that is.

Mr. Miller: Jalie, ur late again…this is the 4th time this week…and it is only Thursday…go to the office!

When Jalie reaches the office…a strange man who is not part of the administration is standing in the door way.

Jalie: who r u?

Strange man: that is not important now…I would like to talk to u…please come with me.

Jalie: where r we going?

Strange man: I just want to talk to u about something that I think I saw today…or if u would rather talk to the vise prinsible…that would work 2!

Jalie: that won’t b nessary…what can I do for u?

Strange Man: come with me…the office already knows…there will b no prolem with them.

Jalie: ok…

Jalie fallows him…

They go to the field behind the school

Strange man: ok…so…I am Rin...i know u know how to fly…so lets go

Jalie is stuned to c that wings such as hers pop out of his back…and for some reason…she feals that she should do the same and is compeled to fallow him!

Jalie: where are we going?

Rin: u have a gift…and there are some people that I think u should know.

Jalie: what is going on here?

Rin:please…everything will b explained…just fallow me.

Jalie fallows him yet she can not understand why…for some reason…she feals as though some one is calling her to go with him. They fly through many parts of land in which she has never been to befor…yet it seams like she has been thair all of her life…

Rin:were here!

Their at a old factory in the hills
But when they get inside…it seams to be an endless place…the rooms are huge…and it all looks so well done…it is almost like it couldn’t be…for something so ugly out side…to see something so butiful inside!

Rin:this is where we train…practicle a second home! *puts hand on back of head

Jalie: it is beautiful!!!

Rin:well…thank u!

Rin:Akayo should be here any minut

There is a blast in the vally

Rin:that was strong

Jalie could feal it to

Jalie:what was that?

I don’t know…but I’m gona find out!

Rin takes off in the direction of the sound Jalie right behind him.

They approach a very loud battle going on



Jalie: I gess this is ur brother

Rin jusps into the fight!

Akayo: carful…this is Verbose!!!

Rin:I’ve heard of him…HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA

Rin land a punch on Verbose’s chest…but it balry makes a mark

Verbose:HAHAHAHAHAHA u thought u could beat me with that?

Akayo: no…but with this DRASTIC FLAME!!!

Verbose is knocked over, but he still gets back up

Akayo is unconshious from his attach

Verbose kickes Rin in the head…he is bleading profusely now…

Jalie (thinking to herself): no…not now…what do I do?

Something inside her takes over!

She sprouts wings again…and she is completely in control now…


Verbose:don’t worry…u will still have ur wish! YOU WILL DIE NOW!!!

They both power up and creat massive energey.


Verbose and Jalie throw their attacks at eachother

Verbose:ha…ha…I will win!...wait…her power…it is…is…AAAAAAHHHHHHHH

Verbose disinagreats with her attack.

Miea: Rin…Akayo…what the? O god…

Miea runs over and heals them both. Jalie still breathing heavily.

Jalie:they did great!...how was tha…

She passes out from all the energey that she used

Akayo: what happened to her

Rin: she used up all of here energey fighting for us last night.

Akayo: she'll b alright...right?

Rin:o ya...she just needs to rest.

2 days go by

jalie wakes up

Jalie: are they allright?

Rin and Akayo: yay ur awake!!!

Akayo: Jalie, r u part angle?

Jalie: yas...my mother was an angle

Akayo: what about ur father?

Jalie: that dose not matter

Vioce:dosn't matter? HAHAHAHAHA...o...but i think i do!

Jalie: how in the he** did u get out?

Jalie's Father: did u realy think that that would hold me? u were sadly mistaked!!!

Akayo: i know that this is a family thing...but do u 2 please mind?

Jalie's Father: no not at all *he fires some sort of energy at Akayo*

Akayo: aahhhh

Jalie: that's it...u've ruened my life enough as it is...i won't let u hurt any one elts...i was enough.

Jalie's Father: no...YOU WERE JUST THE BEGENING!!!

he punches Jalie in the face!

Jalie sprouts wings again...but something is different...her energy has chainged!!!

Jalie: now u did it...be for i jsut locked u up...but now YOU WILL DIE!!! HHHHHHHAAAAAAAA

Jalie's Father: don't think that it will be that easey! *catches the blast...and throwes it back at her*

Jalie: thanks...i just obsorb the energey around me...and i convert it into and elemint...so lets c...that didn't work...so lets see how u fair against FIRE...BLASING ENFURNO

there is no chance for him to block it...it hit's him in the blink of an eye.

Jalie's Father...breathing heavely: good...that was great...but just remember who tought you how to fight...that's right...i know every move and every hit that you could throw at me...i know you every thought!!!...YOU WILL DIE BY MY HAND AND NO ONE ELTSES!!! AND YOU WILL DIE NOW

Jalie: well that is where you are wrong...i will not die today...and i will not die by your hand!!! BUT YOU WILL DIE BY MINE!!! FUTURES END *Jlaie's father start to disinagreat befor her very eyes* it is an attack that looks for your soul...and when it finds it...it destroys it...with all of your love...and all of your hate...the more hate...the longer it takes!!! sorry that you have to suffer like this...but you did this to your self!

he is almost melted...the very molicules that mad him up are now buning in him...he calupses...and then he dissaperes...

Akayo: wow...i'm glad that i'm on your good side *smiles* so...why did you hate him so much to kill him?

Jalie: he did something to me that no one should ever have to go threw...but i didn't kill him...unfourtenitly...he is pure evil...and he will come back...all he has to do is find all of himself...and he will have help to do that...i'm sure of it...so this won't be the last that i will see of him!

Akayo: well...you saved my life...and being that you are now part of the group...i would more then gladly help you with this!

Jalie: good...and thank you!

Akayo: no problem!


Akayo: i have no clue...did Rin say ne thing 2 her?

Jalie: i have no clue.

Akayo: well...lets go and c just what happened.

Jalie: ok...i'll ask rin.

Jalie: Rin...did u say any thing to my mom about me being here?

Rin: O SHIT...I DIDN'T!!!


chapter 3 will be posted tomarow...sorry that this was so short...but as u red in the tital...today wasn't been such a great day!!!

Question of the day: What do you think would be good weepons for the charactors?

and if you would like to be in my story...just tell me what you want your name to be...and tell me a few details about your charactor...and i will put you into my story some how!



Jalie, Rin, and Akayo all fly back to Jalie’s house. When they get thair…there are a bunch of chars parked out side!

Jalie walks threw the door

Rilly: where have u been? The school said that u went with ur uncle…u have no family…I was woryed sick!!!

Jalie: u tould them u were MY UNCLE?

Rin:well…I thought it would work!

Rilly:who r these people? And what r they doing in my house? What is going on here?

Jalie:these r my friends and I have to leave for a while…there is something I MUST DO!!

Rilly: NO, I won’t loose u 2.

Jalie: what?

Rilly: Kat died in a car crash the other night…there was no hope…

Unka: Jalie…don’t go!

Jalie: I have to sis!...i don’t know what all happened…but I have to do this *tears start* even if Kat is gohn…I MUST!!!

Unka:what r u talking about ne way?

Jalie:these people can do things that until reseanrly I thought only u and I could do.


Rilly:what r u talking about…u r staying here…I damand it!!

Jalie starts to get upset…and wings pop out of her back:u didn’t know that I could do this…but now u do…and if I go…I may be able to find what happened to my real mother!!! I’m no longer a lost child looking for a place to live…I have a chance to find out everything…AND I’M GONA TAKE IT!

Jalie leaves the house

Unka fallows

Unka:wait…if ur going…then I’m going to! I need to learn how to controle it!!! And I want to be with u…u always said that if u could train me…that u would…WELL NOW U CAN!!!

Jalie:…ok…u may come IF they say it is all right!

Rin and Akayo: shure!


Ukavu (one of Jalie’s friends): JALIE!!! Wait…


Ukavu:I had no idea that u could do those things!!! Now I can tell u something that I’ve been meaning to tell someone for the longest time!!!

Ukavu changes into a lion

Ukavu: I’m a shape shifter!!!

Jalie: WHAT? O my god! That is increadable! How do u do that? OMG!

Ukavu: I have no idea!

Both laughing

Jalie: Well…lets go! There is so much to do…and so little time!


Jalie, Akayo, and Rin sprout wings…Unka is being carried by Jalie…and Ukavo turned into a hock!

When they get back…there are people thair in which Jalie has never met befor

Rin: YURI!!! Ur back so soon?

A tall girl with dark hair stands and turns around.

Yuri: RIN!!! *hugs Rin*

Jalie: (to Akayo) so I take it that is his girl friend?

Akayo: yep!

Yuri: I found a new recruit…her name is Ai


Jalie: hi…where are u from?

Ai: I don’t remember…Yuri found me in the forbidden forest…

Jalie: u survived the forbidden forest? U have to have some powers!!

Ai: I use water!! And I was up againse a fire dragen.

Jalie:and u didn’t catch it? They make great pets once their tamed!

several people laugh!
but the laughing is shortly interupted

Uketo: gahh...i will get u Jalie for what u did to our father!!! ggaaaahhhhhh

jalie is taken in by a swerling vortex...

so...this is where this chapter ends...

Question...where should Uketo take Jalie?
and if you would like to be in my story...just tell me what you want your name to be...and tell me a few details about your charactor...and i will put you into my story some how!



Akayo: where did he take her?

Ukavo: o god…I should’ve jumped in thair with her!!! What kind of friend am i?

Yuri: don’t be so hard on ur self…I didn’t jump in ither

Ukavo: yes…but u don’t know her like I do…it’s different *starts to cry*

Back to where Jalie is…

Uketo: welcome to my little hide out…some people say it is hell…but I would rather think of it as the place where I grew up!

Jalie: ur just like him…power hungry…and u never think about ne one but ur self…and ur quest for more power! Ur just as bad of a monister…even if u haven’t sould ur soul to the devil

Uketo: don’t you get it? Our father is a vampire…and so are u!!! we’ve already sould our soul to the devil!!!

Jalie: WHAT?!?!?

Uketo: why do u think u’ll never destroy him? Because he’s already dead!!!

Jalie: that’s not true!!! It could never be true!

Uketo: o…but it is true!...enough talking…lets fight!!!

Jalie: gladly!! HHHHHAAAAA

Jalie creats some sort of dark energy

Jalie (thinking to herself): of corse…this place is totally dark…the only thing that willl work are dark powers!

She creats dark matter – it is a vail so to speak that doesn’t let even a particle of light shine throw!

Uketo: where did u go? Running like a cowerd again? It’s just like u


Jalie: mommy!!! NO!!! DON’T DO THIS!!! MOMMY!!!!!

Jalie’s Father: don’t cry…she was nothing for u! u can be so much more with out her…I’ll train u even more…u’ll be the strongest and noone will be able to stop u! not evean i…but u must leave this weak creatcher to die!!! AND I WILL MAKE SHURE THAT SHE DOSE!!!


A type of energey comes out of her…and it open a demention in the space time continuum…she pushes him threw it…and the portal closes.

Jalie’s real mother: don’t cry my dear…I’m still here…and when the time comes…u will find me again…but for now, u must go!!! YOU MUST GO!!!

Her mother appears to die in frount of here eyes…jalie thinks to herself :I will kill u for what u have done to me!!!


Jalie: I never ran…and I’m not running now!!!


Jalie: I will beat u with the powers that I have gotten scense I left u brother!

Uketo: now that is what I’m talking about!! U still have potential! Maybe ur not a lost hope after all!

Jalie: the only lost hope around here is you! *she try’s to sprout wings…but they do not come out

Uketo: haven’t u figured it out yet? This place is ultimate evial…u can’t summon ur good side here! HAHAHAHAHA

Jalie: then I woun’t use my powers!!! I’LL FIGHT U WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!

She goes to swing at him but he grabs her hand and manages to break her left arm!


Uketo: just give up and help ur dear old dady!

Jalie: I will never!!! *the rage inside of her creats some sort of a projection…it looks to be a sword!!!


Jalie: I don’t care who’s it was suposta be…but it will never go to u…now that I have it that is! MUHAHAHAHA

The evel in the sword starts to take control of her

Uketo: what are u doing? Stop! I’m worning u *he raises his hands to block…but in his hands are a pair of guns

Jalie doesn’t even give him a chaince…and she slashes him across the chest!


He passes out

Jalie uses the sword to make a rift in time.

She can see everyone on the other side…and they don’t c here…till she goes threw it that is.

Ukavo: JALIE!!! UR NOT DEAD!!!

Jalie: nope! *smiles*

Akayo: I thought we lost you *runs up and gives here a hug*

Jalie: wow…I should get sucked into a swirling vortex more often!

All of them: NO!

so…this was chapter 4! Lol…now u know a bit more about jalie’s past!

I won’t be able to post again till Monday…sorry…tell me what all u want to happen in the next chapter!!!

After chapter 5…I’ll give character descriptions!

I love u all for reading my story!


and i have the best boy friend!!!

-the next day-

Jalie wakes up to see Akayo standing over her

Jalie: can I help u? (in a very tired and confused coice)

Akayo:o…sorry! I was just thinking…

Jalie: ya?

Akayo:well…what happened down there?

Jalie: it…it was nothing…

Akayo: something is trubeling u…what is it?

Jalie:look…it was nothing!

Akayo: fine

Akayo goes to walk out the door…but jalie stops him

Akayo: so…are u gona tell me or what? I’m just conserened…*a sad look in his eyes lets jalie know that this is the truth*

Jalie: that was my brother…not my real brother mind u…he is my step brother…from my step father…

Akayo: ur family tree is very confusing!

jalie: it’s not funny!

Akayo: sorry…I didn’t mean to sound cruel

Jalie: that’s alright


Jalie: well…he said that I was a vampire…but that’s not possible…I’m part angle…it would never work in my blood

Akayo: vampires don’t exist thoug

Jalie: I don’t know…how elts could my father still be alive?

Akayo: u sead it ur self…he is ultamit evil

Jalie: yes…but that just means that he should be gone for good…not commeing back again

Akayo: I don’t know what to say

Jalie: there is nothing that u can say

Akayo reaches out and hugs jalie: there may be nothing that I can say…but I still wana help u in any way that I can

Jalie starts to cry: thank you so much…no one has ever been thair for me…my mother was taken away from me when I was young…and I found these people who rely didn’t know ne thing about me…and

Akayo:…and now ur here…don’t worry about ne of that! *he wipes away her tears*

Unka walks in: ooowww…jalie and akayo siting in a tree…k.i.s.s.i.n.g.

Jalie throws a pillow at her

Unka:hey!!! What was that for?

Jalie:for being in the way! Now move it!!!

Akayo starting to laugh: shouldn’t u be bending water or something?

Unka: fine…I see that u 2 want some time alone ne way

She leaves

Akayo: she has a point u know!

Jalie: what?¿?

Akayo: that is what I was about to do! *he slowly leans in*

Jalie: sorry but I have to go

She slowly gets up to leave

Akayo: please…don’t leave

Jalie: I have to…*stomach growl* time for breckfast!

Akayo: ya…I gess I’m hungry to!

Jalie and akayo walk out to the kitchen for breckfast

Rin and Yuri are suting side by side eating tost with jelly

Unka and Ukavo are talking about what unka just saw in jalie’s room

Unka: haha did u 2 kiss yet?

Akayo and jalie: no!! *faces red*

Ukavo: don’t lissen to her…it will work out!

Jalie: thanks…I know it will

At that moment…something comes over Rin!

Rin: what in the hell is happening to me?

He starts to shake uncontroebly

Jalie: Rin?


He loses control and for some reason…he sprouts wings…and actuaily flys off twords town

Jalie’s wings come out of her…and she is forsed to stop him from reaching every one elst…no one can see him…or they may kill him because they do not understand!

Jalie catches up to him…and tackeles him to the ground

Rin in a deep voice: get away b**c*

Jalie: rin…I know that ur still in here…stop it now…or I’ll have to stop u!

Rin blastes her off of and she seams to be unconshious!!

Rin: I tould u!!!

Akayo: even if u r my brother…I WON’T LET NE THING HAPPEN TO HER!!! DRASTIC FLAM!!! I know that ur still in ther…and maybe this will bring u out of this sh**

Jalie is still laying there on the ground!

Rin wakes up and realizes what he was doing right befor the blast hit him…

Rin: aaahhh…

After the blast clears away…rin gets back up…looking confused: what happened?

Akayo: good to c that ur back to normal…BUT LOOK WHAT U DID TO JALIE!!!

Rin passes out

Akayo cayes jalie home

o no…what will happen with jalie?

I will try to get up character discritptions soon!

Hope u love the story so far!!!

-faids away into the darkness-

We open the sean with Meia standing over Jalie trying to heal her.

Rin is sitting beside her

Akayo walks in

Akayo: how is she doing bro?

Rin: she’s preaty bad…just what did I do to her ne way?

Akayo: I have no clue…

Rin: I don’t remember a thing…I was eating…and then I saw some one…in my mind…I’ve never sean him before…WAIT…I HAVE…O GOD…I HAVE SEAN HIM BEFORE…HOW IS HE?¿? I KNOW I’VE SEAN HIM BEFORE…

Akayo:don’t stress out over it now bro…it will be ok…why don’t you go and get some sleep?

Rin: ya…maybe ur right…I should *he walks out of the room*

Akayo: if u want…u can go to Meia…I’ll waitch over her…she’ll be fine…but u look like u could use a good nights rest!

Meia: ya…I gess that is true! I was just so conserened! What got into rin? I mean…I’ve never sean him act like that before…I just hope that it doesn’t happen again!!!

Akayo: I can’t say weather it will or not…but I also hope it doesn’t happen…

Meia takes one last look at jalie before leaving the room

Akayo stays awake for 2 days strait just waiting for jalie to wake up…and finialy she dose

Jalie: uuummm

Akayo:UR AWAKE!!!

He huges her…and then relises that she is in pain…

Akayo…o sorry

Jalie: that is ok..*she kisses his forhead*

Akayo: so…it takes almost being killed to finialy kiss me? Lol

Jalie: ha ha…that isn’t the case…it’s just that I had a lot of time to think about some things while I was out

Akayo: ya…2 and a half days

Jalie: what? I was out that long?!?

Akayo: ya…you gave us quite a scare

Ukavo comes in the room: yes…ur awake! That’s a first that I’ve ever sean u go down! What happened?

Jalie: I have no idea…where is Rin?

Akayo: he left to get some sleep the last I saw him…I gess that was 2 days ago

Jalie: he sleaps long lol

Ukavo: I’ll go and get him for u

Jalie: ok…thanks! *gives her a hug*

Ukavo: no prob *leaves the room*

Akayo: so...do u do most of ur best thinking while ur asleep?

Jalie: lol…no…not realy!

They both laugh

Ai comes in the room

Ai: o man…sorry that I missed u getting up!!! I realy wanted to be there when u did!!! O well…how are you?

Jalie: much better! Thank you! Has there been any thing new going on lattely?

Ai: no not realy…it’s been preaty quiet scense u’ve been asleep.

Jalie is very quiet…and starts to think about what she just said

Akayo: you ok?

Jalie: hum? O…ya…it’s just that…o never mind…

Akayo: u shure?


Ai (seeing the look on jalie’s face) :I’ll be back in a bit

Akayo: ok…go and check on Ukavo and Rin please

Ai leaves

Akayo: you shure that there is nothing wrong?

Jalie: um…well…


Akayo: WHO WAS IT?!?




Akayo: ur in no condition to fight!!!

Jalie (trying to get up): but I have to! I’ve brought to much mayhem to this place as it is…I’m not gona let other people take the fall

Akayo: u didn’t deside to have them fight…they did!!! And I am! I won’t ever let any thing happen to you again!

Jalie still trys to get up…and Akayo hugs her

Akayo (starting to cry): don’t do this!!! Please

A tear fals on jalie’s sholder

Jalie: ok…I’ll stay…but I won’t like it!

Akayo: thank you!

Akayo and Meia go out the room

Akayo: now which way did they go?

Meia: they went out that window

Akayo goes to leave the room but meia reaches out and grabes his arm

Meia: be carfull…he is very strong…

Akayo: don’t worry…I will *he sprouts wings and flyes out the window* I WON’T LET U DOWN JALIE!!!

so now something is going on…but jalie is to hurt to find out…but u will all know of corse!
And it also looks like jalie and akayo are getting closer
But what happened to rin?!?
O well…it will be explained!!
Thank you,
Peace in mind

Akayo is flying to find his friends

But over to where Rin, Ai, and Ukavo are

Ukavo: *rubbing her head* (eyes closed) uumm…what happened? (opens eyes to see a lion sitting in frount of her) u’ve got to be kidding me!

The lion leapes twords her…and right before it would hit her…she turned into a lion as well

She leaped at it…and as soon as she hit it it vanished

Ukavo: un illishion!!!...hum…I wonder

She rames into what appears to be a solid metal door…and she goes through it

Uketo: so…u figured it out?

Ukavo: uketo?!? What am I doing here?

Uketo: well…I needed bate to get my sister here didn’t i?

Ukavo:ur horable!!! She charges at him

Uketo: o…u missed! Lol **he mulatplies himself**

Ukavo: stop playing games!!!

Uketo: I will when u find me!

Ukavo starts prancing around…taking out illioshions one at a time! But she funs into the real one

Uketo: good job! **he james a knife into her chest**

Ukavo trunes back into a human…and spits up blood

Uketo looks at her in a weird way…thinks to himself : I only wanted to hurt jalie…she had nothing to do with this…and now she may die…I have to do something!!!

He pulls the knife out of her…:I’m sorry

Ukavo falls to the ground

Some how…Rin and Ai find uketo and ukavo

Rin:get away from her u freak

Ai: **running over to get ukavo** what did u do to her?


Rin: help her? Ur the one who did this to her in the first place…why in the would would I giver her to u?

Uketo: because I’m the only one here who can help her!!

Ai: no…I’ll get her to Meia!!

Uketo: there is no time!

Rin: and that wouldn’t be the case if someone here wouldn’t have put a big knife in to here body!!!

Uketo: I never ment for ne one but jalie to get hurt

Rin: and why do u want to hurt her ne way?

Uketo: that is none of ur bisness! But if u want ukavo to live…then hand her over to me!!!

rin: I don’t trust u ne more then I can throw u!!!

uketo: but u want her to live?

Rin: yes

Uketo: then give her to me

Rin thinks it over

Ai: hurry rin…she doesn’t have much time left

Rin: alright…but I’m gona waitch u!!


Uketo goes over and heals her

Akayo comes in throw the window

Akayo: let them go **powers up**

Uketo: they can go…I wanted jalie…but that isn’t possible right now…just tell her that I’m still waiting for her!

Akayo: that’s it? No….for get it! I’m gona kill u now!

Uketo: U NEED TO GET THIS ONE (points to ukavo) HELP!!! I’VE DONE ALL I CAN

Akayo: I’ll say!! *still is powered up*

Uketo: fine…if that is the way u want it…

Rin: now is not the time!!!

Akayo: ur right…we will finish this latter then!!!

Ukavo wakes up and looks at uketo standing above her: thank u

Uketo: I’m sorry

Ai grabs ukavo and they get ready to fly out the window!

Uketo: sorry about takeing u over rin!!! I was just trying to get jalie!!!

Rin: that was u?

Akayo grabs rin and they fly out the window to go home

so what do u think so far? It took me for ever to write this because I had tests all day!
I’ll try and post again tomarow!
But I won’t be able to post on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday!
I love u all for reading my story

Jalie is laying in bed when Akayo, Rin, Ai, and Ukavo come in.

Ai: r u fealing better?


Rin: ur brother happened to her

Jalie: I’LL KILL HIM!!!

Ai: I don’t think that he ment to do this to her!...he seamed realy sad


Rin: jalie calm down!

Jalie: he’s hurt my friends for the last time!!

Akayo: ur still in no condition to fight!

Jalie: I’ll manage!

Ukavo: don’t…he may come around…I could feal that there is more to him then what meats the eye

Jalie: there is nothing to him but evil!

Ukavo: ow…please…just wait for a bit…I want to try…

Jalie: after what he did to you?

Ukavo nods her head

Jalie: fine…but only for u…I’ll give him time

Ukavo passes out

Jalie get’s up off the bed and Ai lays Ukavo down

Meia: ur gona run me raged!

She begans to heal ukavo…but something is wrong…she can’t help her…

Meia: I can’t do ne thing…this wound has an energy lining…and the only one who can get rid of it is the one who put it there!!!

Jalie: he did this on purpose!!!

Akayo: stop…THIS IS NO TIME FOR REVENGE!!! We have to help ukavo!

Meia: I’ll go and find Uketo…then he can transfer energy to me and I can heal ukavo!

Jalie: I’m comeing with you!

Akayo: no ur not! If ur thair…the he won’t coraperate!..and we need his help…I’ll go with her

Jalie: no…stay with me then

Rin: then I’ll go

Akayo stays behind with jalie…holding her as she waitched Meia and Rin fly out the window

Ai: well…I have things that I have to do.

She grabs unka by the back of her shurt …ukavo is still unconshious

Unka: hey!!! This was just starting to get good!!!

Akayo: I’m sorry that u can’t go…I know that u want to end this night mare once and for all

Jalie: ya…I do want it to end…I just can’t stop thinking about it…

Akayo: I could help u take ur mind off things…

Ok…over to where rin and Meia are! (lol…sorry everyone)

Rin: ok…so were here…do u think that this will actuaily work?

Meia: yes…it will…as long as he works with us…and I don’t have to take it!

Rin: u fight? I’ve never sean u fight b 4

Meia: I’ve been training…it sucks to be the only one who doesn’t fight

Rin:ha…I gess so

Uketo showes up

Rin: u left an energy trail or something on ukavo…and we need u 2 do something inorder to help her

Uketo: she still needs something? What?

Meia: I need to obsorbe some of ur energy…it’s the only way

Uketo: then I won’t be able to destroy jalie.

Rin: is that all u think about? Maybe jalie was right when she said that u have no emotion! He powers up

Uketo: fine…if that is how u want to play it…then here

He powers up to!

They begain to fight and Meia get’s in between them

She gets hit by them both at the same time

Meia: aaahhh….*breathing heavy*…but it will do

Rin and Uketo power down

Rin: r u ok?

Meia: ya…and I got the power that I needed!

Rin: good! Then u can help ukavo?

Meia: ya

Uketo: tell ukavo that I’m sorry for doing this in the first place…I never ment for that to happen

Rin: y do u want to kill jalie so much?

Uketo: u better get back to ukavo…she needs u now

He disappears into the darkness

Rin and Meia fly out the window

Yuri is waiting out sid for rin to come back

Yuri: y didn’t u tell me that u were going over thair? I was worried sick!!!

Rin: I was gone and right back…

Yuri: not the point!!! *she drags him off by his ear*

Meia: well…I gess I’ll go tend to Ukavo!

When she wanks in she sees a sleaping jalie and akayo…

Meia thinking to herself :wonder what they were doing.

She walkes over to ukavo and begains to break the barrier…

Unka: ha… I knew it! They r so cute together!!!
She starts to laugh

Jalie wakes up…: aahh…ur back so soon?!?

She gently shakes akayo awake…

Akayo: hum? Just five more minuts mommy…ha? O…ya…I would like more…thank you…o ya…right there

Jalie: um…

Akayo wakes up all the way: AAHH!!! WHY DIDN’T U TELL ME THAT THEY WERE HERE ?!? *face turns red!*

Jalie: um…

Ai: unka…out!

They give them some privacy…ukavo is healing nicly now…and just needs some rest

Akayo: now…where were we?

so…what go u think? I know…a bit strong…but come on…I’m a girl…and I am lonely…and well…u get it! Lol

so other then that…I realy hope that u like the story so far!!!

I’m working on pictures for the charactors…and I will try and put them up some time next week!


I love u all for reading my story!

-flys out the non exsisting window-

For days have gone past and there hasn’t been any sing of any problems…in fact things are going great!!!

However…there has been someone weird going around the forest and no one knows who it is.

Jalie: akayo…whats wrong?


Jalie: don’t pull that stuff with me, I know u better then that!

Akayo: well…it’s just that I’ve had this fealing to go out into the forest…I don’t know why

Rin: akayo…can I talk to u alone?

Jalie: ok…I get it…I’ll be back

Akayo: ya…what’s wrong?

Rin: do u feal that?

Akayo: ya…I thought that I was crazy or something…

Rin: well…if ur crazy…then I’m crazy 2!

A strange song fills the intire bilding

Akayo and Rin are like zombies

They both walk out with out saying a word

Ukavo: Rin? Akayo? What’s going on?

Unka: it’s just a boy thing…they’ll be back

Ukavo: hum…I gess *she is wired because they have a dased look on their face

About two houres pass

Jalie walkes into the room where ukavo and unka are playing a strategy game…and Miea and Ai are talking

Jalie: hey…has ne one sean akayo or rin?

Unka: ya…they went out to the forest

Ukavo: I don’t know what got into them…they didn’t look like they were even awake…but I’m shure that they can take care of them self!

Jalie: I’m gona go and look for them ne way

Unka: o…I want to go to!!!

Jalie: fine…but if u get in my way…ur dead!

Unka: ha ha very funny!

They go out of the door

Ukavo: I gess I should go *she is about to leave*

Ai: I think u should let them go…for sisters…they never talk

Ukavo: ya…I gess so

Over to jalie and unka

Unka: so…r u and akayo getting close or something? Cuz I was just messing

Jalie: well…I think were getting close…

Unka: ha…ya…so…when r u gona train me?!?

Jalie: o…ya…I did tell u I was going to do that didn’t i?

Unka: yes!!! U did!

Jalie: haha…all right! When I find akayo and rin…I’ll start ur training!

Unka: YES!!!

They both laugh!

The strange song comes back

Jalie: what Is that?

Unka: I don’t know…

A strange figure comes out of the shadows

Jalie: who are u?!?

Unka: jalie…um…I think we should get out of here

Jalie: settle down…who is out there?

Figure: all u need to know is that I work with Uketo…and I have rin and akayo…and If u want them back…come by the old run down factory on 5th streat…o…and we also have ukavo, Ai, and miea!...if u want them safe…u’ll come

Jalie: u B****!!! I’ll kill u!!!

Figure: o….but u will do nothing of the sort!

Jalie: o realy?

She shots a blast in the direction of the figure

It stops in mid air

Jalie: what the?

Figure: u’d be best to just go and help ur friends!

Jalie: not till I get more infor from u!!! AND I’D JUST LIKE TO BEAT IT OUT OF U!!!

Figure: fine…sonick blast!!! A very high pitched sound comes from her and knocks out jalie.

Unka: u can’ do that to my sister

She creats a bubble of water around her and she trys to direct it in the direction of the figure

Figure: that was a good try…a bit more work and u may even get it to go strait! SONIC BLAST

Unka is knocked unconshious as well

The figure disappears

Two houres latter

Unka: hum? What…what happened?...O NO!!! JALIE!!

She formes whater around her body and she splashes just enough water on jalie’s face to wake hre up

Jalie: umm…AH…WHERE DID SHE GO? I’LL KILL HER IF IT IS THE LAST THING THAT I EVER DO!!! *begains to cry* why did she take akayo? And what about rin and ai and ukavo and meia? WHY DID U DO IT?!?!?!

Unka: now is not the time to get all emotional…that’s my job…haha

Jalie: I still have to go and find them…but first…I have to give u a crash corse in flying…

Unka: what?

Jalie: u have to come with me so that I can keep an eye on u and make shure that nothing bad happenes to u…and I have to try and save as much energy as possible in the proses…I have no clue what all will happen ther…and I have to know that if worst came to worst that you could get ur self out of danger…

Unka: (with tears in here eyes) ok jalie…now how do I do this?

so what do uthink so far? Will the training help unka ne? will jalie get thair in time to save every one? Who is this strange figure? When will I stop asking questions that u have no answeres to?
I’m just messing
Thank u all for reading my story so much!
I love u all…
-flyes out the non exsistint window-

We open the sean where ukavo and uketo are

Ukavo: hum…what happened to me?

Uketo: u were knoced out by Shinka

Ukavo: uketo? What am I doing here?

Uketo: I have something to talk to you about

Ukavo: what is it? And where are my friends?!?

Uketo: don’t worry about that right now…I have to tell u something…ur all I’ve been able to think about for days!!!

Ukavo: so that is why you kidnapped me?

Uketo: that…and to finaly get to my sister! Don’t u c…with her gone…we could be together!!!

Ukavo: that would be great…but I don’t know you….and what I do know of u is that u try to kill my best friend!

Uketo: but you can’t say that there is nothing betoween us!

Ukavo: yes I can say that there is nothing between us!! Just because you saved my life doesn’t mean that I love you or ne thing (thinking to herself: but you r very hot…and it took a lot to stand up like u did) BUT WAIT…UR THE ONE WHO MADE ME HAVE TO BE SAVED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

Uketo: but dose that mean that I ment for all of this to happen?

Ukavo: don’t matter…u still want to kill my best friend!!!


He stormes out of the room

Over to where jalie and unka are

Jalie: do u remember what I tould u now?!?

Unka: um…I think so

Jalie: ok then …now

Unka: ok *she thinks as hard as she can about everthing that jalie just tould her…and with the power that jalie transferred to her…she she be able to do it!!!

Only one wing sprouts from unka’s back

Jalie: well that won’t help u in flying none!

Unka: ha…ya…jalie…what if I can’t do it?

Jalie: were u thinking about not being able to do it?

Unka: well…a bit

Jalie: u have to beleave in you heart that u’ll b able to do it or u won’t be able to

Unka: ok…here goes nothing!!!

She consintraits…and the other wing pops out!!!

Jalie: U DID IT!!!

Unka: YES!!! Now…how do I actually fly?

Jalie: lol…just focaluse on a spot…and it should come to u…I didn’t just transfer power…I transferred knolage to!

Unka: ok…* she lifts off the ground and takes off in the blind of an eye!


They take off in the direction of town

Back to the factory

Uketo is smashing stuff in the main part of the facalty

Shinka: all this over a girl?


Jalie and unka are flying threw town now…

Jalie: that persion just saw me and you…

Unka: don’t worry…no one would beleave him if he did tell ne 1

Jalie: ha..i gess ur right!

The get to the factory

Jalie: ok…I’m gona go threw this window…and ur gona stay out here!!!

Unka: but I want to help!!!

Jalie: the only way that u can help right now is to stay out of harms way!!!

Unka: fine

Jalie crashes threw the windo


Jalie: take care of me will you? (lol…I’ve always wanted to say that) where are my friends ne way?

Uketo: well...Ai and Miea are in a room together getting ready to be let go…Ukavo is in a different room…and I’m waiting for her to come to her senses…and about Akayo and Rin…well…their over there…drueling over Shinka!!!

Jalie: WHAT? Is that a siren?!?

Uketo: yes…it is

Jalie: then why didn’t her song affect you?

Uketo: because the only thing that can cure a love sick persion waiting for his siren is the sirens kiss

Jalie: so that is it?

Uketo: yep…preaty much…o…and it won’t happen unless shinka here wants it to happen…their under her control…and she is under mine!

Jalie: release them!!!

Uketo: not until you’r dead


She powers up

Uketo: now that is what I’m talking about!!!

He powers up too!!

Jalie: this seams familure…WHEN R U GONA GIVE UP?

Uketo: NEVER!!!

Jalie: fine then FUTURES END!!!

Uketo: not this time…MIND BLOCK!!!

Jalie: fine…you’ve blocked you mind form me…that just means that it’ll take me a bit to kill you

Ukeot: stop talking and just fight

Jalie: fine! DEMONIC FLAME!!!

Uketo: gggrrr…that hurt…

Jalie: well…when you play with fire…U GET BURNED!!!

Uketo: humm…then…*he shouts the water pipe above her*

Jalie: ok…now I’m mad!!! No more messing around!!


Jalie: do u realy think that that attack will work on me? I created it…and I know how to get around it!!!

The blast comes twords her…but nothing happenes…not to jalie that is…instead…UKETO IS BURNING

Jalie: *with floresent green eyes* now you know how to redirect it!!! To bad that u won’t be around to use it at ne time!!!

Unka, Ukavo, Ai, and Miea come in the room


Jalie: ukavo? What is going on here?!?

Unka: it looked like you needed some help!




Ukavo: *running to aid uketo* jalie…what did u do to him?


Uketo: u don’t want me to die? Ukavo…I thought that u hated me…

Ukavo: I do…but no1 deserves to die *she winks*

Uketo smiles and for some reason…he starts to come back to his strength

Shinka: wait a minute…u were serious when you said that someone was gona die…?...i can’t work with all of this…AND I CAN’T DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT YOU WERE GONA KILL YOU’R OWN SISTER!!! *thinking to herself: this is all wrong…he made me beleave that jalie was the bad one…and that he was gona bring her to her senses…I never thought that it was gona get this far….


He get’s up and powers up again

Shinka: *wispers* no *she kisses akayo and rin on the forhead*

Rin and Akayo: what? O no…we have to save jalie!!!

Jalie: let’s go

Uketo: I was waiting for you

Jalie: what a gentalman

Rin and Akayo tackle Uketo.

Jalie: thanks…lets go

Unka: ok…ready to fly!!

Ai, Meia, Uketo, Rin, and Akayo: you can fly now?!?

Unka: ya!

Jalie: ok…then lets go!

Shinka: wait…I’m so sorry *tears well up in her eyes* I didn’t know!!! Please forgive me

Jalie: I understand…

Shinka: thank you so much…I thought that u of all would never forgive me…

Jalie: hey…no big…everyone deserves a 2nd chaince…BUT DON’T SCREW IT UP

The all laugh

so…it looks like there is a new face! Lol
so what do you think so far?


Love you all for reading



Current Location:SCHOOL (ELYSBURG)
Eye Color:BROWN
Hair Color:BROWN & BLOND
Right Handed or Left Handed:RIGHT
The Shoes You Wore Today:CONVERSE
Your Weakness:BOYS
Your Fears:MY FATHER
Your Perfect Pizza:LOTS OF MEAT!!!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:GO BACK HOME
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:LOL
Thoughts First Waking Up:5 MORE MIN'S PLEASE
Your Best Physical Feature:MY SMIAL
Your Bedtime:10:00
Your Most Missed Memory:MY MOM AND ME AT THE BEATCH
Pepsi or Coke:PEPSI
MacDonalds or Burger King:BURGER KING
Single or Group Dates:SINGLE
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:NESTEA
Chocolate or Vanilla:VINILLA
Cappuccino or Coffee:CAPPUCCINO
Do you Smoke:NO
Do you Swear:YES
Do you Sing:YES
Do you Shower Daily:YES
Have you Been in Love:YES
Do you want to go to College:YES
Do you want to get Married:YES
Do you belive in yourself:NOT REALY
Do you get Motion Sickness:NO
Do you think you are Attractive:NO
Are you a Health Freak:NO
Do you get along with your Parents:MOM YES...DAD NO
Do you like Thunderstorms:YES
Do you play an Instrument:YES
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:NO
In the past month have you Smoked:NO
In the past month have you been on Drugs:NO
In the past month have you gone on a Date:NO
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:NO
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:NO
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:NO
In the past month have you been on Stage:NO
In the past month have you been Dumped:NO
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:NO
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:NO
Ever been Drunk:YES
Ever been called a Tease:YES
Ever been Beaten up:YES
Ever Shoplifted:NO
How do you want to Die:YES
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:CHARACTOR DESINER
What country would you most like to Visit:AUSTRAILA
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:GREEN
Favourite Hair Color:BLACK
Short or Long Hair:LONG
Height:ABOUT 5'10"
Weight:ABOUT 170
Best Clothing Style:SEMI GOTH
Number of Drugs I have taken:2
Number of CDs I own:70
Number of Piercings:4
Number of Tattoos:0
Number of things in my Past I Regret:TO MEANY


The next day

Akayo: hey jalie…I didn’t…I mean

Jalie: I know

Shinka: hellow…I was just looking around…what exactly is this place?

Akayo: it is a traning facility…we are working to get rid of the evil that most people don’t see in their every day life

Shinka: o…I c…but u can’t possibley get all of it

Rin: hey every one

Akayo: hey rin

Jalie: akayo…do u want to go for a walk?

Akayo: shure!

Jalie and akayo walk out the room

Yuri: rin…what are u doing?

Rin: I was just looking for akayo…

Yuri: o…ok…I just wanted to spend some time with u…we never have ne time together ne more…

Rin =^_^=:comeing!!! I’ll talk to you soon shinka!

Shinka: ok…c u rin!

Over to jalie and akayo

Jalie: akayo…

Akayo: ya?

Jalie: just what is between us?

Akayo: well, from the other day…I thought that that was odvious….

Jalie: but I want to hear you say it

Akayo: then I will *he stops jalie and holds both of her hands*, jalie…I love you

Jalie: *hugging him* and i love you 2! *tears begen to form in her face*

Akayo kisses here forhead

Someone comes out of the forest…

Jalie: what is it with people comeing out of our forest?!?

Akayo: CORIE!!!

Jalie: you know him?!?

Akayo: ya…he was part of our group befor you were here….he disaperead…CORIE….what happened to you?

Corie: hey…um…I realy don’t remember what happened…how long have I been gone?

Akayo: it’s been almost 2 years!!!

Jalie: wow…

Corie: hey…wow…I realy don’t remember a thing…

Akayo: don’t worry…I’ll take u back and u can talk to rin! Every thing will come back to you

Corie: ya…that’ll be great!

Jalie: well…at least ur not evil like the rest of the people who I find in the forest!

They all laugh

Back to where Rin and Yuri are

Rin: yuri…what is rong? There is something on your mind…

Yuri: yes rin…there is…we don’t know ne thing about jalies problem with her family…we have no right to get involved

Rin: we do have a right…she came here to help us…and by doing so…we promised to help here to…

Yuri: but do we relay need her help?

Rin: she has power that we can only imajion…I know it…and when she brings it out…we will need her!!!

Yuri: I gess so

Jalie, Akayo, and Corie walk in

Rin: corie?!?

Corie: ya rin…it’s me…or atleast I think it’s me!

Rin: I can’t beleave this!

Akayo: well…you better beleave it!

Rin: where have u been?

Akayo: he dosen’t remember…can u help him with that?

Rin: can i? ha! You bet!

Corie: that is great!!!

Rin: well…all I will be able to do is to unlock your memory so u can find out for u’r self

Corie: well…that’s better then nothing! Thank you rin!!!

Shinka: o man!...*runs up and kisses corie on the forhead*

Corie: um…hellow?¿?

Shinka: u’ll thank me for that!!

Corie: I’m welcome?

They all laugh

so it looks like there is someone back from…um…well we don’t know quite where he is from!
O well
Ne ideas for my next chapter?
Ne 1?
Ne 1?
Again….thank you for reading my story!
Love you all

i'll post again on monday!
o...i forgot...question of the day...do u like where i'm takeing the story?

...today was fun not much to report out of the ordanary...


so please...for the love of god...COMMENT!!!

Current Location:SCHOOL (ELYSBURG)
Eye Color:BROWN
Hair Color:BROWN & BLOND
Right Handed or Left Handed:RIGHT
The Shoes You Wore Today:CONVERSE
Your Weakness:BOYS
Your Fears:MY FATHER
Your Perfect Pizza:LOTS OF MEAT!!!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:GO BACK HOME
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:LOL
Thoughts First Waking Up:5 MORE MIN'S PLEASE
Your Best Physical Feature:MY SMIAL
Your Bedtime:10:00
Your Most Missed Memory:MY MOM AND ME AT THE BEATCH
Pepsi or Coke:PEPSI
MacDonalds or Burger King:BURGER KING
Single or Group Dates:SINGLE
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:NESTEA
Chocolate or Vanilla:VINILLA
Cappuccino or Coffee:CAPPUCCINO
Do you Smoke:NO
Do you Swear:YES
Do you Sing:YES
Do you Shower Daily:YES
Have you Been in Love:YES
Do you want to go to College:YES
Do you want to get Married:YES
Do you belive in yourself:NOT REALY
Do you get Motion Sickness:NO
Do you think you are Attractive:NO
Are you a Health Freak:NO
Do you get along with your Parents:MOM YES...DAD NO
Do you like Thunderstorms:YES
Do you play an Instrument:YES
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:NO
In the past month have you Smoked:NO
In the past month have you been on Drugs:NO
In the past month have you gone on a Date:NO
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:NO
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:NO
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:NO
In the past month have you been on Stage:NO
In the past month have you been Dumped:NO
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:NO
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:NO
Ever been Drunk:YES
Ever been called a Tease:YES
Ever been Beaten up:YES
Ever Shoplifted:NO
How do you want to Die:YES
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:CHARACTOR DESINER
What country would you most like to Visit:AUSTRAILA
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:GREEN
Favourite Hair Color:BLACK
Short or Long Hair:LONG
Height:ABOUT 5'10"
Weight:ABOUT 170
Best Clothing Style:SEMI GOTH
Number of Drugs I have taken:2
Number of CDs I own:70
Number of Piercings:4
Number of Tattoos:0
Number of things in my Past I Regret:TO MEANY


The next day

Akayo: hey jalie…I didn’t…I mean

Jalie: I know

Shinka: hellow…I was just looking around…what exactly is this place?

Akayo: it is a traning facility…we are working to get rid of the evil that most people don’t see in their every day life

Shinka: o…I c…but u can’t possibley get all of it

Rin: hey every one

Akayo: hey rin

Jalie: akayo…do u want to go for a walk?

Akayo: shure!

Jalie and akayo walk out the room

Yuri: rin…what are u doing?

Rin: I was just looking for akayo…

Yuri: o…ok…I just wanted to spend some time with u…we never have ne time together ne more…

Rin =^_^=:comeing!!! I’ll talk to you soon shinka!

Shinka: ok…c u rin!

Over to jalie and akayo

Jalie: akayo…

Akayo: ya?

Jalie: just what is between us?

Akayo: well, from the other day…I thought that that was odvious….

Jalie: but I want to hear you say it

Akayo: then I will *he stops jalie and holds both of her hands*, jalie…I love you

Jalie: *hugging him* and i love you 2! *tears begen to form in her face*

Akayo kisses here forhead

Someone comes out of the forest…

Jalie: what is it with people comeing out of our forest?!?

Akayo: CORIE!!!

Jalie: you know him?!?

Akayo: ya…he was part of our group befor you were here….he disaperead…CORIE….what happened to you?

Corie: hey…um…I realy don’t remember what happened…how long have I been gone?

Akayo: it’s been almost 2 years!!!

Jalie: wow…

Corie: hey…wow…I realy don’t remember a thing…

Akayo: don’t worry…I’ll take u back and u can talk to rin! Every thing will come back to you

Corie: ya…that’ll be great!

Jalie: well…at least ur not evil like the rest of the people who I find in the forest!

They all laugh

Back to where Rin and Yuri are

Rin: yuri…what is rong? There is something on your mind…

Yuri: yes rin…there is…we don’t know ne thing about jalies problem with her family…we have no right to get involved

Rin: we do have a right…she came here to help us…and by doing so…we promised to help here to…

Yuri: but do we relay need her help?

Rin: she has power that we can only imajion…I know it…and when she brings it out…we will need her!!!

Yuri: I gess so

Jalie, Akayo, and Corie walk in

Rin: corie?!?

Corie: ya rin…it’s me…or atleast I think it’s me!

Rin: I can’t beleave this!

Akayo: well…you better beleave it!

Rin: where have u been?

Akayo: he dosen’t remember…can u help him with that?

Rin: can i? ha! You bet!

Corie: that is great!!!

Rin: well…all I will be able to do is to unlock your memory so u can find out for u’r self

Corie: well…that’s better then nothing! Thank you rin!!!

Shinka: o man!...*runs up and kisses corie on the forhead*

Corie: um…hellow?¿?

Shinka: u’ll thank me for that!!

Corie: I’m welcome?

They all laugh

so it looks like there is someone back from…um…well we don’t know quite where he is from!
O well
Ne ideas for my next chapter?
Ne 1?
Ne 1?
Again….thank you for reading my story!
Love you all

i'll post again on monday!
o...i forgot...question of the day...do u like where i'm takeing the story?

...today was fun not much to report out of the ordanary...


so please...for the love of god...COMMENT!!!

Chapter 12…awaken corie

Rin: r u ready corie?

Corie: as ready as I’ll ever b

Rin: ok then…lets do this!...come over here and sit…now this may be a little weird…

Rin places his hands over cories ears

*what’s going on in cories head*

images fly all around

~corie seas himself sitting by a tree…eating an apple

then he is taken in by a black mass…

*hears himself speak*

: I’ll never do it!!! Their my friends…

uketo: it apperes the u have no choice!!!

Corie is taken by some sort of mind

It seams that a few months have passed in the blink of an eye…

Wait…someone is kissing corie…IT’S SHINKA!!!

Corie: I love u so much…and after I kill all of those fools who I used to be friends with…it will just be me…and you!!!

*back to normal*

rin: what did u c?

Corie: hum…nothing…I gess it didn’t work…

Rin: darn…well…maybe it’ll work as time goes on…just tell me what happenes

Corie: ya…

He walks out into the hall…

Shinka is waiting out side

Shinka: did it work?

Corie: ya…*kisses her pasionltly*

Shinka: I gess it did!lol

They walk away

Over to jalie and akayo

Jalie: how long have u known corie?

Akayo: gosh…probley scense well…forever

Jalie: hum…and u trust him?

Akayo: with my life…y?

Jalie: nothing…

Akayo gives jalie a hug: u shouldn’t worry so much…it’s bad for ur healt!


He kisses her

Jalie: I gess ur right!

At that moment…someone comes busting in the door

Red eyes on the persion: WHERE IS CORIE?!?!?!

wow…what is with this? And sorry that this was so short…but I’ve been kinda bissy…

o…and I just need to draw yuri…then I’ll have all of them drawn and I’ll out it up!

Ja Ne

There is a Jamie.com

Chapter 13... WTF

Akayo: who are you and what do you want with corrie?

Strange person: HE KIDNAPED MY SISTER!!!

Akayo: Corrie would never do ne thing like that!!!

Strange person: he did!!! He took my little sister Shinka away from me!!!

Shinka comes into the room

Shinka: he didn't KIDNAP ME!!! i LOVE HIM!!! Toma, don't you understand?

Everyone but Shinka is confused!

Toma: then what was the note about?

Shinka: because mom would've never understood.

Akayo: so wait...what is going on?!?

Toma: come sister...there is much to talk about! *put arm around Shinka's shoulders*

Akato: well...I've officially confused!

Jalie: me 2!

Corrie comes into the room!

Corrie: what just happened here? I heard yelling!

Akayo: well...this guy named Toma came...

Corrie: TOMA WAS HERE?!?!

Akayo: ya and...


Akayo: he just wan...


Jalie: WILL YOU STOP IT!!! We know all of this already...and Toma dose know now!...it's ok

Akayo: he's talking to her right now...

Corrie: I have to go and try to fix all of this!

He runs out the door!!!

Jalie: well...this is definiatly different...who would've thought that shinka and corrie would be together? I mean...I don't know corrie or ne thing... but it is still odd...

Akayo: na...when u get to know corrie...u'll come to him as a guy who can't get a better chalange!

Jalie: lol

unka comes into the room

unka: you won't beleave what i saw just a bit ago!!! SHINKA AND CORRIE WERE KISSING IN THE HALLWAY!!!

Jalie: and this is a surprise to you because?

Unka: I just didn't think that you knew...

Akayo: we did know...didn't you hear all that yelling?

Unka: is that what that was? Hum...o well...hey, jalie, when are you gona start training me?!?

Jalie: um...o ya...well

Akayo: we're gona stare right now!!!

Unka: u mean it?!?!?

Akayo: ya

Jalie: thanks for helping!!!

Akauo: no problem jalie! *hugs her*

Unka runs out the door

Akayo:well...we better get going befor she starts without us!!!

Jalie: ya I gess so...

They go out the door to help unka train

so...what do you think of this chapter?
Sorry that it is so short!

But there is a lot in it!


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   great day
well...yesterday...my aunt and uncle came up and they actuaily want me to make a comic out of my fanfic!(they loved it!!!!! and because my aunt is in publishing...she can acutaily get it going! so soon (maybe about a year)...you'll see my own manga!!! i can't wait for it!)...she also brought a bunch of equiptment for me to make my own company! (i can now make car and window decal, signs, and coustom decals!)...the problem is...i can't get the program to start up because i don't know where she loaded it into...i have till friday to get it up and runnig again! (i have a decal to put on a car that day...already payed for and everything!)...me and my mom still have a lot of things to work on...but it is getting much better!...so i think that it will all work out!

love ya

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Friday, June 24, 2005

   can i pull my hair out preaty please?
well...today was looking very good...better then it had scence i'd even been home...but...just as it's getting better...it has to go back to the same way it was...
now that i'm home, my mom is doing the same BS that i had to deal with b4...me baby sitting and cooking dinner...and cleaning after her messes...(she expects me to clean the entire house while she's at work...ha, ya right)...and just to give u an example of the BS that she's trying to pull now...she's not even here...she's getting a back and neck mashage...while i still have to do her work...IT'S BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
but the good news is...that i'm still alive...(sorry...i couldn't think of any other good news...*sigh*)
every1 is saying that it shouldn't be this way...but i'm not even shure...but all i know is that it is, some how, better then when i was in foster care!
(even if only by a little bit)

i may be on again latter...but i'm not shure...so i'll c u when i c u

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   good news!!! (for a chainge)
gess what?
i don't realy have to much time on here...i have to keep the phone open...but i will be on agian tomarow!
(and if everything goes well...i'll finaly be getting back to my fanfic!!!!!)
i just wanted to share good news for a chainge...sorry that i don't have more of it...but...it's a start!
be back on tomarow!
love ya

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

   just a bit stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today was just a bit interesting....first of all...my mother went for a pre colage training thing (she's going back to school!!! -good thing- ) and while she was gohn...ppl came (electric company) came up and shut off the electric (my father never payed the bills (it whent into pot) and always said that he was!!! so now were so in deat that is not even funny!!!!!!) some how...we have to come up with $239 by tomarow!!!! (or my mom will be checking us into a womans shelter (so that my case worker don't try the "well ur not taking care of ur children so were gona take jamie back and now were gona take willie too!" (because they would try that!) i have no clue just how were gona come up with that money!!! (that's just the money that we need to come up with...we do have most of it...but we still need 239 of it *sigh* ) but for tonight were sleeping at my godparents house! so it is cool...BUT I'VE BEEN SO STRESSED!!!!! i refuse to go back into care!!! (and if they even try it...i have so much dirt on that place that if they would even try to...i would imberes the heck out of them...if not get it shut down before they would get me back into that place!!!!! (yes...it is that bad!...i just can't get into it right now!)
but please...do know that it will work out...it's just a matter of time!
will update asap!
love ya's

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...breath taking
Your hugs are...gentle
Your eyes...sparkle like the stars
Your touch is...irresistable
Your smell is...refreshing
Your smile is...amazing
Your love is...one of a kind
Quiz created with MemeGen!

How you really say "I love you." by lenatheraven
...believe in true love?
Your hands sayWith me, you'll never be lost.
Your eyes sayI'm so lucky.
Your hugs sayThis is where you are meant to be.
Your kisses sayI almost can't believe you love me.
Your body saysJust curl up next to me.
Your heart saysIk houd van u.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Are you hott? by evildj23
First Name
Guy or Gal
Your hottness is10...WOW! ARE U SINGLE?!?!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Which Band Should You Be In?
by couplandesque
Your Name
Band NameTravis
TrademarkAppearing Onstage Almost Nude
Love InterestGuy Who Works At Wal-Mart
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Who will you be stuck with at end of time? by chi_a_baidh
Your name is
Your sex is
Your favorite color is
You are stuck there becauseyou can't die
For _____ years50
With Johnny Depp. Click for pic.
He/She will think you areclever
You willrepopulate the earth
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What is you True Anime Character? (Girls&Boys) by albino blackWolf
Favorite Anime
Candy or Ice Cream?
What is your favorite color?
Your Apperance
You want..To be in your own World
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Inner Mage (Girls Only, TONS of anime pics!) by Keera
Current mood
What you look like
Your powerYou control the wind
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What kind of anime power do you have? (girls - with cool pics!) by Robsy
Fav. Colour
You haveThe power of innocence
You look like this:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

.:: What kind of Mithical Man is for you? ::. .:: Anime Pics::. by mistress_sama
Fav. Color
Fav. Anime/Manga
Do you have a boyfriend?
Your man is:
Where will you meat him?In a shop
What will he say whan he sey you?"Be mine for ever"
How long will he love you?For ever
Quiz created with MemeGen!

You as an anime girl (with pics) by ayane isozaki
Date of Birth
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Anime Goddess Generator (Anime pics) by BloodDivinity
Full Name
Favorite color
Anime Goddess:
Special Powers:Invisibility
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What Kind Of Anime Fairy Are You?::anime girl pics:: by angel_drifter
Current Feelings:
Favorite Place:
What You Look Like:
Where Can You Be Found:Laying On The Lush Grass
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

   @.@ party?¿?
today was just a bit interesting...me and my mom figured the best way to get everyone to get used to the fact that i'm home is to just have everyone come at the same time and have a big lunch/dinner thing...well...this did not work because everyone had already ate befor they came even though they were tould not to eat because this was what was planed (as meany of u know...what is planed don't always work!) so for quite a bit it was very aquard because most of the people ither didn't know the other / didn't know what to talk about / or just didn't know what to expect...the house was still a mess and everything...but it was much better then it was (at least there was no boxes all around) ~*~*~movieng day is a very interesting day~*~*~ (indead) i got to c a bunch of old friends that i haven't seen in a long time and beleave it or not...it was fun!
but now i'm tired!!!
good night

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Friday, June 17, 2005

   it feals so good to be back!!!
boy...i bet u weren't expecting me to be back any time soon...well i have good news (and no...i didn't just save a bunch of money by switching to giko) i'm back home with my mom (for those of you who already know what happened...feal free to just skim threw till something new pops up!lol) quiqk and simple...my dad's an ass hole...and he's locked up for ever and evers (it's preaty much offical...he was guilty on all 4 charges!!!) and now i'm back home with my mom!!! back to the school that i know and love...back to the life that i realy never had time to live...and no one can take it away from me (not that i think or ever thought that ne of u would try) so now i gess all of you will be seeing me around a lot more! (and not just in the comment part of my art work ither!) lol
other stuff that's happened scence i've been gohn...(most i just found out yesterday *sigh*)
1. i just got a kitten...it's a black one (like every cat i've ever had) and it's a girl (now that's new) i named her Koia
2. one of my best friends Faith is engaged!!! (i almost cried when i found out)
3. Robbie's 14 year old cousin commited suiacide...(realy big...she had so much going for her..but some jerk broke her heart...and she felt that she had to shout herself in the head to make the pain go away...if only she knew...)
4. Beth's sisters feoncey died in a car crash...
5. my father was GUILTY on all 4 counts (yay)
7. (i don't think that i ever tould you about jess...)...she got into a car crash a while ago and was in ICU...her condition is slightly better in the fact that she is out of her coma...but ther was brain damage and, well, to say the least...she is never gona be the same Jess that we all knew and loved
8. casey is haveing trouble with her mother
9. and i'm gona stop going on and on...today is soposta be a good day...i'm home...and i'm back to theO!!! ~*~i'm sorry that it seams that all i have for you is bad news...~*~

i will be back on!
you can count on that!!!

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Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Chapter 13
There is a Jamie.com

Chapter 13... WTF

Akayo: who are you and what do you want with corrie?

Strange person: HE KIDNAPED MY SISTER!!!

Akayo: Corrie would never do ne thing like that!!!

Strange person: he did!!! He took my little sister Shinka away from me!!!

Shinka comes into the room

Shinka: he didn't KIDNAP ME!!! i LOVE HIM!!! Toma, don't you understand?

Everyone but Shinka is confused!

Toma: then what was the note about?

Shinka: because mom would've never understood.

Akayo: so wait...what is going on?!?

Toma: come sister...there is much to talk about! *put arm around Shinka's shoulders*

Akato: well...I've officially confused!

Jalie: me 2!

Corrie comes into the room!

Corrie: what just happened here? I heard yelling!

Akayo: well...this guy named Toma came...

Corrie: TOMA WAS HERE?!?!

Akayo: ya and...


Akayo: he just wan...


Jalie: WILL YOU STOP IT!!! We know all of this already...and Toma dose know now!...it's ok

Akayo: he's talking to her right now...

Corrie: I have to go and try to fix all of this!

He runs out the door!!!

Jalie: well...this is definiatly different...who would've thought that shinka and corrie would be together? I mean...I don't know corrie or ne thing... but it is still odd...

Akayo: na...when u get to know corrie...u'll come to him as a guy who can't get a better chalange!

Jalie: lol

unka comes into the room

unka: you won't beleave what i saw just a bit ago!!! SHINKA AND CORRIE WERE KISSING IN THE HALLWAY!!!

Jalie: and this is a surprise to you because?

Unka: I just didn't think that you knew...

Akayo: we did know...didn't you hear all that yelling?

Unka: is that what that was? Hum...o well...hey, jalie, when are you gona start training me?!?

Jalie: um...o ya...well

Akayo: we're gona stare right now!!!

Unka: u mean it?!?!?

Akayo: ya

Jalie: thanks for helping!!!

Akauo: no problem jalie! *hugs her*

Unka runs out the door

Akayo:well...we better get going befor she starts without us!!!

Jalie: ya I gess so...

They go out the door to help unka train

so...what do you think of this chapter?
Sorry that it is so short!

But there is a lot in it!


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