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Sunday, September 11, 2005
thanks mish!
i realy do feal better now that i know that u still love me and my site...and sorry for not posting my fanfiction...but i promis that i will tomaro!
and Kayla...thanks for commenting too...i know that ur comp is a brat...and thanks!
i realy appreat it!
o, and now that i know that i'm still loved...i will be posting regardless of the time!
but i will save the fanfiction for eirlyer in the because it's almost 9...i'm gona save it for tomarow...kk? ^_^
again...thank you 2 for commenting!
it realy does make me happy!
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hi ya all...
morning...o, it's 3:30 right now...i gess it's not that much of a morning...o well...i gess i should post my next chapter...but it's kinda late for me to be posting it...because some ppl are only on realy eirly in the morning...i normaly post like at 12:10 am or so...o well...i gess i'll just save the next chapter for latter!
i love to keep you in suspence!
hardly ne of u read it ne way...i don't even know if i should continue one ever comments here...and for that matter, no one comments on my site at all!!!
it makes me sad...don't u ppl love me ne more?
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
don't realy have to much time right now to tell you all how i have been in the last past days...sorry for that...but ne way, here is the fanfiction! i hope u like it!! ^_^
Akayo is flying to find his friends
But over to where Rin, Ai, and Ukavo are
Ukavo: *rubbing her head* (eyes closed) uumm…what happened? (opens eyes to see a lion sitting in frount of her) u’ve got to be kidding me!
The lion leapes twords her…and right before it would hit her…she turned into a lion as well
She leaped at it…and as soon as she hit it it vanished
Ukavo: un illishion!!!...hum…I wonder
She rames into what appears to be a solid metal door…and she goes through it
Uketo: so…u figured it out?
Ukavo: uketo?!? What am I doing here?
Uketo: well…I needed bate to get my sister here didn’t i?
Ukavo:ur horable!!! She charges at him
Uketo: o…u missed! Lol **he mulatplies himself**
Ukavo: stop playing games!!!
Uketo: I will when u find me!
Ukavo starts prancing around…taking out illioshions one at a time! But she funs into the real one
Uketo: good job! **he james a knife into her chest**
Ukavo trunes back into a human…and spits up blood
Uketo looks at her in a weird way…thinks to himself : I only wanted to hurt jalie…she had nothing to do with this…and now she may die…I have to do something!!!
He pulls the knife out of her…:I’m sorry
Ukavo falls to the ground
Some how…Rin and Ai find uketo and ukavo
Rin:get away from her u freak
Ai: **running over to get ukavo** what did u do to her?
Rin: help her? Ur the one who did this to her in the first place…why in the would would I giver her to u?
Uketo: because I’m the only one here who can help her!!
Ai: no…I’ll get her to Meia!!
Uketo: there is no time!
Rin: and that wouldn’t be the case if someone here wouldn’t have put a big knife in to here body!!!
Uketo: I never ment for ne one but jalie to get hurt
Rin: and why do u want to hurt her ne way?
Uketo: that is none of ur bisness! But if u want ukavo to live…then hand her over to me!!!
rin: I don’t trust u ne more then I can throw u!!!
uketo: but u want her to live?
Rin: yes
Uketo: then give her to me
Rin thinks it over
Ai: hurry rin…she doesn’t have much time left
Rin: alright…but I’m gona waitch u!!
Uketo goes over and heals her
Akayo comes in throw the window
Akayo: let them go **powers up**
Uketo: they can go…I wanted jalie…but that isn’t possible right now…just tell her that I’m still waiting for her!
Akayo: that’s it? No….for get it! I’m gona kill u now!
Uketo: U NEED TO GET THIS ONE (points to ukavo) HELP!!! I’VE DONE ALL I CAN
Akayo: I’ll say!! *still is powered up*
Uketo: fine…if that is the way u want it…
Rin: now is not the time!!!
Akayo: ur right…we will finish this latter then!!!
Ukavo wakes up and looks at uketo standing above her: thank u
Uketo: I’m sorry
Ai grabs ukavo and they get ready to fly out the window!
Uketo: sorry about takeing u over rin!!! I was just trying to get jalie!!!
Rin: that was u?
Akayo grabs rin and they fly out the window to go home
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Thursday, September 8, 2005's officail here it is...i just officaily broke up with scott...he came over to the house...and i knew that it wasn't gona be easy...i just didn't know how hard not easy was...he came in and was all " what do we have to talk about" and i just plainly tould him that we couldn't be together ne more...but then he started saying "well, what was it that i did?" and i was saying that i tould you everything...and you didn't chaing b4...what makes me think that you will chaing now? and he just started crying his eyes out...and saying that he would chainge...and that i was the most important thing in his life...and i just keept telling him that there was no longer an "us"...i then asked my mother to show him the door...and he refused to leave...i was sitting in the kitchen crying my eyes out because i couldn't be with a controling persion...but yet i still felt bad...and i knew that this was the best for me...and in the long run for him as well...because all i would do is bring him down...but it wtill didn't make ne thing mom had to drive him home because he was a reck...and he actuaily said to my mother " well what do i have to live for now? " he is still young...and so am i...he has so much to live for...he has lived a sheltered life up untill he met in a way we helped eachother...he for getting me out of an abbusive house...and me for showing him that there is much more to the world then he knew...but still...all things must come to an end...i just feal bad that the end between us was so painfull...but regardless...not least not right now...i've never claimed to be a fortune i will not say that i know the future...because...i don't...
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bye bye boy friend
well...this is it...i've finaly made a, when scott come up...i'm gona break up with him...he don't ever lissen to me...and for that...i can't be with him...i've tyred to talk to him and tell him when he is being an ass...but he don't ever lissen...and i can't live with i have to do my best to get away from it...and that means breaking up with him...he is comeing over at that is when i will do it...i kinda fel bad though...but then again...i can;'t do it ne i must do what i have to do...
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
^_^ how is all of you?¿?
| here is the deal for today...i have an appt. to make shure that i do or do not have breast cancer...but it is a garentie that i ither have a cyst or cancer...*sigh*...i gess it could be worse...but for some reasion...i find my self begging to have a
a nother thing...i think that my relationship will be chainging boy friend don't act the way he should...nore does he respect my i think it is over...he just don't know it yet...
We open the sean with Meia standing over Jalie trying to heal her.
Rin is sitting beside her
Akayo walks in
Akayo: how is she doing bro?
Rin: she’s preaty bad…just what did I do to her ne way?
Akayo: I have no clue…
Rin: I don’t remember a thing…I was eating…and then I saw some one…in my mind…I’ve never sean him before…WAIT…I HAVE…O GOD…I HAVE SEAN HIM BEFORE…HOW IS HE?¿? I KNOW I’VE SEAN HIM BEFORE…
Akayo:don’t stress out over it now bro…it will be ok…why don’t you go and get some sleep?
Rin: ya…maybe ur right…I should *he walks out of the room*
Akayo: if u want…u can go to Meia…I’ll waitch over her…she’ll be fine…but u look like u could use a good nights rest!
Meia: ya…I gess that is true! I was just so conserened! What got into rin? I mean…I’ve never sean him act like that before…I just hope that it doesn’t happen again!!!
Akayo: I can’t say weather it will or not…but I also hope it doesn’t happen…
Meia takes one last look at jalie before leaving the room
Akayo stays awake for 2 days strait just waiting for jalie to wake up…and finialy she dose
Jalie: uuummm
Akayo:UR AWAKE!!!
He huges her…and then relises that she is in pain…
Akayo…o sorry
Jalie: that is ok..*she kisses his forhead*
Akayo: so…it takes almost being killed to finialy kiss me? Lol
Jalie: ha ha…that isn’t the case…it’s just that I had a lot of time to think about some things while I was out
Akayo: ya…2 and a half days
Jalie: what? I was out that long?!?
Akayo: ya…you gave us quite a scare
Ukavo comes in the room: yes…ur awake! That’s a first that I’ve ever sean u go down! What happened?
Jalie: I have no idea…where is Rin?
Akayo: he left to get some sleep the last I saw him…I gess that was 2 days ago
Jalie: he sleaps long lol
Ukavo: I’ll go and get him for u
Jalie: ok…thanks! *gives her a hug*
Ukavo: no prob *leaves the room*
Akayo: u do most of ur best thinking while ur asleep?
Jalie: lol…no…not realy!
They both laugh
Ai comes in the room
Ai: o man…sorry that I missed u getting up!!! I realy wanted to be there when u did!!! O well…how are you?
Jalie: much better! Thank you! Has there been any thing new going on lattely?
Ai: no not realy…it’s been preaty quiet scense u’ve been asleep.
Jalie is very quiet…and starts to think about what she just said
Akayo: you ok?
Jalie: hum? O…ya…it’s just that…o never mind…
Akayo: u shure?
Ai (seeing the look on jalie’s face) :I’ll be back in a bit
Akayo: ok…go and check on Ukavo and Rin please
Ai leaves
Akayo: you shure that there is nothing wrong?
Jalie: um…well…
Akayo: WHO WAS IT?!?
Akayo: ur in no condition to fight!!!
Jalie (trying to get up): but I have to! I’ve brought to much mayhem to this place as it is…I’m not gona let other people take the fall
Akayo: u didn’t deside to have them fight…they did!!! And I am! I won’t ever let any thing happen to you again!
Jalie still trys to get up…and Akayo hugs her
Akayo (starting to cry): don’t do this!!! Please
A tear fals on jalie’s sholder
Jalie: ok…I’ll stay…but I won’t like it!
Akayo: thank you!
Akayo and Meia go out the room
Akayo: now which way did they go?
Meia: they went out that window
Akayo goes to leave the room but meia reaches out and grabes his arm
Meia: be carfull…he is very strong…
Akayo: don’t worry…I will *he sprouts wings and flyes out the window* I WON’T LET U DOWN JALIE!!!
i hope that u liked this chapter...and even if you didn't get a chance to read the hole thing...please comment ne way...even if it was just to say...hi and bye or something like that!
i miss knowing that i'm loved on this site!
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
don't you care?
| today i helped a friend of the family with a yard sail...and then i went to the new pet shop in town...they had this realy cute chinchila there...AND I WANT IT SO BAD!!! the only thing is is that now i have to convinse my mom to let me get it!
other then that, i'm going to a paw-wow in betton sunday...and on monday, my boy friend wants me to go to his house...but my mom and her boyfriend want me to got to a pig roast...sounds fun enough...but i wanted to be with scott all day...i think i'll invite him to come along...but i don't know if he'll want to...
RANDOME STATMENT OF THE DAY-"fuck a car, get a horse and buggy!"
i picked this because of the prices of gass now a day...$3.59 IS WAY TO MUCH FOR GASS!!!
ne way, here is chapter 6 of my fanfic
We open the sean with Meia standing over Jalie trying to heal her.
Rin is sitting beside her
Akayo walks in
Akayo: how is she doing bro?
Rin: she’s preaty bad…just what did I do to her ne way?
Akayo: I have no clue…
Rin: I don’t remember a thing…I was eating…and then I saw some one…in my mind…I’ve never sean him before…WAIT…I HAVE…O GOD…I HAVE SEAN HIM BEFORE…HOW IS HE?¿? I KNOW I’VE SEAN HIM BEFORE…
Akayo:don’t stress out over it now bro…it will be ok…why don’t you go and get some sleep?
Rin: ya…maybe ur right…I should *he walks out of the room*
Akayo: if u want…u can go to Meia…I’ll waitch over her…she’ll be fine…but u look like u could use a good nights rest!
Meia: ya…I gess that is true! I was just so conserened! What got into rin? I mean…I’ve never sean him act like that before…I just hope that it doesn’t happen again!!!
Akayo: I can’t say weather it will or not…but I also hope it doesn’t happen…
Meia takes one last look at jalie before leaving the room
Akayo stays awake for 2 days strait just waiting for jalie to wake up…and finialy she dose
Jalie: uuummm
Akayo:UR AWAKE!!!
He huges her…and then relises that she is in pain…
Akayo…o sorry
Jalie: that is ok..*she kisses his forhead*
Akayo: so…it takes almost being killed to finialy kiss me? Lol
Jalie: ha ha…that isn’t the case…it’s just that I had a lot of time to think about some things while I was out
Akayo: ya…2 and a half days
Jalie: what? I was out that long?!?
Akayo: ya…you gave us quite a scare
Ukavo comes in the room: yes…ur awake! That’s a first that I’ve ever sean u go down! What happened?
Jalie: I have no idea…where is Rin?
Akayo: he left to get some sleep the last I saw him…I gess that was 2 days ago
Jalie: he sleaps long lol
Ukavo: I’ll go and get him for u
Jalie: ok…thanks! *gives her a hug*
Ukavo: no prob *leaves the room*
Akayo: u do most of ur best thinking while ur asleep?
Jalie: lol…no…not realy!
They both laugh
Ai comes in the room
Ai: o man…sorry that I missed u getting up!!! I realy wanted to be there when u did!!! O well…how are you?
Jalie: much better! Thank you! Has there been any thing new going on lattely?
Ai: no not realy…it’s been preaty quiet scense u’ve been asleep.
Jalie is very quiet…and starts to think about what she just said
Akayo: you ok?
Jalie: hum? O…ya…it’s just that…o never mind…
Akayo: u shure?
Ai (seeing the look on jalie’s face) :I’ll be back in a bit
Akayo: ok…go and check on Ukavo and Rin please
Ai leaves
Akayo: you shure that there is nothing wrong?
Jalie: um…well…
Akayo: WHO WAS IT?!?
Akayo: ur in no condition to fight!!!
Jalie (trying to get up): but I have to! I’ve brought to much mayhem to this place as it is…I’m not gona let other people take the fall
Akayo: u didn’t deside to have them fight…they did!!! And I am! I won’t ever let any thing happen to you again!
Jalie still trys to get up…and Akayo hugs her
Akayo (starting to cry): don’t do this!!! Please
A tear fals on jalie’s sholder
Jalie: ok…I’ll stay…but I won’t like it!
Akayo: thank you!
Akayo and Meia go out the room
Akayo: now which way did they go?
Meia: they went out that window
Akayo goes to leave the room but meia reaches out and grabes his arm
Meia: be carfull…he is very strong…
Akayo: don’t worry…I will *he sprouts wings and flyes out the window* I WON’T LET U DOWN JALIE!!!
((i hope u liked this chapter...if so, COMMENT!!!...i don't get to meany comments now a day...*sigh* one loves me ne more...))
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
game day bark bark
Ok, so today was the first football game of the was the berwick bulldawgs (us) vs. white hall...and it was kinda funny cuz we beat them 46 to 20...and yet they had banners all over the place that said "beat the dawgs"...aaahhh, the ironey of life!
that and i had lots of fun...i realy missed marching with berwick, all last year, i was at southern...but i realy missed berwick...i actuaily almost cryed when i was about to go out on to the field...i just love it so much!
o...and a bit ago, i had said about a test that i had to go for, and i had you all worryed about it...and i tould you that i would tell you what it was depending on the result of the test...well...i gess i should tell you...i had to go in for a breast cancer test...and my doc said that she wasn't shure if it was a realy small tommer in my left breast, or a sist...but the good news is that if it is a toomer, it should be caught b4 it would get to bad...and if it is just a sist, then it will be just fine!...but i'm going in for a mamagram some time just needs to get set i will keep you all posted on that...but i don't think that you need to way...i gess i should put up chapter 5 of my fanfic for you all!
So, here it is!
-the next day-
Jalie wakes up to see Akayo standing over her
Jalie: can I help u? (in a very tired and confused coice)
Akayo:o…sorry! I was just thinking…
Jalie: ya?
Akayo:well…what happened down there?
Jalie: it…it was nothing…
Akayo: something is trubeling u…what is it?
Jalie:look…it was nothing!
Akayo: fine
Akayo goes to walk out the door…but jalie stops him
Akayo: so…are u gona tell me or what? I’m just conserened…*a sad look in his eyes lets jalie know that this is the truth*
Jalie: that was my brother…not my real brother mind u…he is my step brother…from my step father…
Akayo: ur family tree is very confusing!
jalie: it’s not funny!
Akayo: sorry…I didn’t mean to sound cruel
Jalie: that’s alright
Jalie: well…he said that I was a vampire…but that’s not possible…I’m part angle…it would never work in my blood
Akayo: vampires don’t exist thoug
Jalie: I don’t know…how elts could my father still be alive?
Akayo: u sead it ur self…he is ultamit evil
Jalie: yes…but that just means that he should be gone for good…not commeing back again
Akayo: I don’t know what to say
Jalie: there is nothing that u can say
Akayo reaches out and hugs jalie: there may be nothing that I can say…but I still wana help u in any way that I can
Jalie starts to cry: thank you so much…no one has ever been thair for me…my mother was taken away from me when I was young…and I found these people who rely didn’t know ne thing about me…and
Akayo:…and now ur here…don’t worry about ne of that! *he wipes away her tears*
Unka walks in: ooowww…jalie and akayo siting in a tree…k.i.s.s.i.n.g.
Jalie throws a pillow at her
Unka:hey!!! What was that for?
Jalie:for being in the way! Now move it!!!
Akayo starting to laugh: shouldn’t u be bending water or something?
Unka: fine…I see that u 2 want some time alone ne way
She leaves
Akayo: she has a point u know!
Jalie: what?¿?
Akayo: that is what I was about to do! *he slowly leans in*
Jalie: sorry but I have to go
She slowly gets up to leave
Akayo: please…don’t leave
Jalie: I have to…*stomach growl* time for breckfast!
Akayo: ya…I gess I’m hungry to!
Jalie and akayo walk out to the kitchen for breckfast
Rin and Yuri are suting side by side eating tost with jelly
Unka and Ukavo are talking about what unka just saw in jalie’s room
Unka: haha did u 2 kiss yet?
Akayo and jalie: no!! *faces red*
Ukavo: don’t lissen to her…it will work out!
Jalie: thanks…I know it will
At that moment…something comes over Rin!
Rin: what in the hell is happening to me?
He starts to shake uncontroebly
Jalie: Rin?
He loses control and for some reason…he sprouts wings…and actuaily flys off twords town
Jalie’s wings come out of her…and she is forsed to stop him from reaching every one elst…no one can see him…or they may kill him because they do not understand!
Jalie catches up to him…and tackeles him to the ground
Rin in a deep voice: get away b**c*
Jalie: rin…I know that ur still in here…stop it now…or I’ll have to stop u!
Rin blastes her off of and she seams to be unconshious!!
Rin: I tould u!!!
Akayo: even if u r my brother…I WON’T LET NE THING HAPPEN TO HER!!! DRASTIC FLAM!!! I know that ur still in ther…and maybe this will bring u out of this sh**
Jalie is still laying there on the ground!
Rin wakes up and realizes what he was doing right befor the blast hit him…
Rin: aaahhh…
After the blast clears away…rin gets back up…looking confused: what happened?
Akayo: good to c that ur back to normal…BUT LOOK WHAT U DID TO JALIE!!!
Rin passes out
Akayo cayes jalie home
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
sorry that i didn't put more...but i got to get to school! i hope u have a great day! ~*~FairyHr~*~
-the next day-
Jalie wakes up to see Akayo standing over her
Jalie: can I help u? (in a very tired and confused coice)
Akayo:o…sorry! I was just thinking…
Jalie: ya?
Akayo:well…what happened down there?
Jalie: it…it was nothing…
Akayo: something is trubeling u…what is it?
Jalie:look…it was nothing!
Akayo: fine
Akayo goes to walk out the door…but jalie stops him
Akayo: so…are u gona tell me or what? I’m just conserened…*a sad look in his eyes lets jalie know that this is the truth*
Jalie: that was my brother…not my real brother mind u…he is my step brother…from my step father…
Akayo: ur family tree is very confusing!
jalie: it’s not funny!
Akayo: sorry…I didn’t mean to sound cruel
Jalie: that’s alright
Jalie: well…he said that I was a vampire…but that’s not possible…I’m part angle…it would never work in my blood
Akayo: vampires don’t exist thoug
Jalie: I don’t know…how elts could my father still be alive?
Akayo: u sead it ur self…he is ultamit evil
Jalie: yes…but that just means that he should be gone for good…not commeing back again
Akayo: I don’t know what to say
Jalie: there is nothing that u can say
Akayo reaches out and hugs jalie: there may be nothing that I can say…but I still wana help u in any way that I can
Jalie starts to cry: thank you so much…no one has ever been thair for me…my mother was taken away from me when I was young…and I found these people who rely didn’t know ne thing about me…and
Akayo:…and now ur here…don’t worry about ne of that! *he wipes away her tears*
Unka walks in: ooowww…jalie and akayo siting in a tree…k.i.s.s.i.n.g.
Jalie throws a pillow at her
Unka:hey!!! What was that for?
Jalie:for being in the way! Now move it!!!
Akayo starting to laugh: shouldn’t u be bending water or something?
Unka: fine…I see that u 2 want some time alone ne way
She leaves
Akayo: she has a point u know!
Jalie: what?¿?
Akayo: that is what I was about to do! *he slowly leans in*
Jalie: sorry but I have to go
She slowly gets up to leave
Akayo: please…don’t leave
Jalie: I have to…*stomach growl* time for breckfast!
Akayo: ya…I gess I’m hungry to!
Jalie and akayo walk out to the kitchen for breckfast
Rin and Yuri are suting side by side eating tost with jelly
Unka and Ukavo are talking about what unka just saw in jalie’s room
Unka: haha did u 2 kiss yet?
Akayo and jalie: no!! *faces red*
Ukavo: don’t lissen to her…it will work out!
Jalie: thanks…I know it will
At that moment…something comes over Rin!
Rin: what in the hell is happening to me?
He starts to shake uncontroebly
Jalie: Rin?
He loses control and for some reason…he sprouts wings…and actuaily flys off twords town
Jalie’s wings come out of her…and she is forsed to stop him from reaching every one elst…no one can see him…or they may kill him because they do not understand!
Jalie catches up to him…and tackeles him to the ground
Rin in a deep voice: get away b**c*
Jalie: rin…I know that ur still in here…stop it now…or I’ll have to stop u!
Rin blastes her off of and she seams to be unconshious!!
Rin: I tould u!!!
Akayo: even if u r my brother…I WON’T LET NE THING HAPPEN TO HER!!! DRASTIC FLAM!!! I know that ur still in ther…and maybe this will bring u out of this sh**
Jalie is still laying there on the ground!
Rin wakes up and realizes what he was doing right befor the blast hit him…
Rin: aaahhh…
After the blast clears away…rin gets back up…looking confused: what happened?
Akayo: good to c that ur back to normal…BUT LOOK WHAT U DID TO JALIE!!!
Rin passes out
Akayo cayes jalie home
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
me is so happy!
i have 100 GB sigs...and now i have 700 viits!
i will be posting more of my fanfic some time soon...but it is hard because i have school now...*sigh*
o's fun though!
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