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Monday, August 29, 2005
first day o school today!!!!!! lol
ok...so today is the first day o school for me!
i'm kinda worried, because i was away from it for so long...but i know it will be ok!
kinda wierde, but ok none the less!
nothing much happened so far, but, u know!
so here is the next chapter!
Akayo: where did he take her?
Ukavo: o god…I should’ve jumped in thair with her!!! What kind of friend am i?
Yuri: don’t be so hard on ur self…I didn’t jump in ither
Ukavo: yes…but u don’t know her like I do…it’s different *starts to cry*
Back to where Jalie is…
Uketo: welcome to my little hide out…some people say it is hell…but I would rather think of it as the place where I grew up!
Jalie: ur just like him…power hungry…and u never think about ne one but ur self…and ur quest for more power! Ur just as bad of a monister…even if u haven’t sould ur soul to the devil
Uketo: don’t you get it? Our father is a vampire…and so are u!!! we’ve already sould our soul to the devil!!!
Jalie: WHAT?!?!?
Uketo: why do u think u’ll never destroy him? Because he’s already dead!!!
Jalie: that’s not true!!! It could never be true!
Uketo: o…but it is true!...enough talking…lets fight!!!
Jalie: gladly!! HHHHHAAAAA
Jalie creats some sort of dark energy
Jalie (thinking to herself): of corse…this place is totally dark…the only thing that willl work are dark powers!
She creats dark matter - it is a vail so to speak that doesn’t let even a particle of light shine throw!
Uketo: where did u go? Running like a cowerd again? It’s just like u
Jalie: mommy!!! NO!!! DON’T DO THIS!!! MOMMY!!!!!
Jalie’s Father: don’t cry…she was nothing for u! u can be so much more with out her…I’ll train u even more…u’ll be the strongest and noone will be able to stop u! not evean i…but u must leave this weak creatcher to die!!! AND I WILL MAKE SHURE THAT SHE DOSE!!!
A type of energey comes out of her…and it open a demention in the space time continuum…she pushes him threw it…and the portal closes.
Jalie’s real mother: don’t cry my dear…I’m still here…and when the time comes…u will find me again…but for now, u must go!!! YOU MUST GO!!!
Her mother appears to die in frount of here eyes…jalie thinks to herself :I will kill u for what u have done to me!!!
Jalie: I never ran…and I’m not running now!!!
Jalie: I will beat u with the powers that I have gotten scense I left u brother!
Uketo: now that is what I’m talking about!! U still have potential! Maybe ur not a lost hope after all!
Jalie: the only lost hope around here is you! *she try’s to sprout wings…but they do not come out
Uketo: haven’t u figured it out yet? This place is ultimate evial…u can’t summon ur good side here! HAHAHAHAHA
Jalie: then I woun’t use my powers!!! I’LL FIGHT U WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!
She goes to swing at him but he grabs her hand and manages to break her left arm!
Uketo: just give up and help ur dear old dady!
Jalie: I will never!!! *the rage inside of her creats some sort of a projection…it looks to be a sword!!!
Jalie: I don’t care who’s it was suposta be…but it will never go to u…now that I have it that is! MUHAHAHAHA
The evel in the sword starts to take control of her
Uketo: what are u doing? Stop! I’m worning u *he raises his hands to block…but in his hands are a pair of guns
Jalie doesn’t even give him a chaince…and she slashes him across the chest!
He passes out
Jalie uses the sword to make a rift in time.
She can see everyone on the other side…and they don’t c here…till she goes threw it that is.
Ukavo: JALIE!!! UR NOT DEAD!!!
Jalie: nope! *smiles*
Akayo: I thought we lost you *runs up and gives here a hug*
Jalie: wow…I should get sucked into a swirling vortex more often!
All of them: NO!
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
her is yet another post!
Jalie, Rin, and Akayo all fly back to Jalie’s house. When they get thair…there are a bunch of chars parked out side!
Jalie walks threw the door
Rilly: where have u been? The school said that u went with ur uncle…u have no family…I was woryed sick!!!
Jalie: u tould them u were MY UNCLE?
Rin:well…I thought it would work!
Rilly:who r these people? And what r they doing in my house? What is going on here?
Jalie:these r my friends and I have to leave for a while…there is something I MUST DO!!
Rilly: NO, I won’t loose u 2.
Jalie: what?
Rilly: Kat died in a car crash the other night…there was no hope…
Unka: Jalie…don’t go!
Jalie: I have to sis!...i don’t know what all happened…but I have to do this *tears start* even if Kat is gohn…I MUST!!!
Unka:what r u talking about ne way?
Jalie:these people can do things that until reseanrly I thought only u and I could do.
Rilly:what r u talking about…u r staying here…I damand it!!
Jalie starts to get upset…and wings pop out of her back:u didn’t know that I could do this…but now u do…and if I go…I may be able to find what happened to my real mother!!! I’m no longer a lost child looking for a place to live…I have a chance to find out everything…AND I’M GONA TAKE IT!
Jalie leaves the house
Unka fallows
Unka:wait…if ur going…then I’m going to! I need to learn how to controle it!!! And I want to be with u…u always said that if u could train me…that u would…WELL NOW U CAN!!!
Jalie:…ok…u may come IF they say it is all right!
Rin and Akayo: shure!
Ukavu (one of Jalie’s friends): JALIE!!! Wait…
Ukavu:I had no idea that u could do those things!!! Now I can tell u something that I’ve been meaning to tell someone for the longest time!!!
Ukavu changes into a lion
Ukavu: I’m a shape shifter!!!
Jalie: WHAT? O my god! That is increadable! How do u do that? OMG!
Ukavu: I have no idea!
Both laughing
Jalie: Well…lets go! There is so much to do…and so little time!
Jalie, Akayo, and Rin sprout wings…Unka is being carried by Jalie…and Ukavo turned into a hock!
When they get back…there are people thair in which Jalie has never met befor
Rin: YURI!!! Ur back so soon?
A tall girl with dark hair stands and turns around.
Yuri: RIN!!! *hugs Rin*
Jalie: (to Akayo) so I take it that is his girl friend?
Akayo: yep!
Yuri: I found a new recruit…her name is Ai
Jalie: hi…where are u from?
Ai: I don’t remember…Yuri found me in the forbidden forest…
Jalie: u survived the forbidden forest? U have to have some powers!!
Ai: I use water!! And I was up againse a fire dragen.
Jalie:and u didn’t catch it? They make great pets once their tamed!
several people laugh!
but the laughing is shortly interupted
Uketo: gahh...i will get u Jalie for what u did to our father!!! ggaaaahhhhhh
jalie is taken in by a swerling vortex...
so...this is where this chapter ends...
Question...where should Uketo take Jalie?
and if you would like to be in my story...just tell me what you want your name to be...and tell me a few details about your charactor...and i will put you into my story some how!
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Friday, August 26, 2005
so...next chapter then! ^_^
ok...not to much has happened sence i last talked to you...i went in to oreantation today...so i know at least where i am going this year...not that i didn't know...but being away from it for a year, it is good to get reaquanted with the school! ^_^...ne way...i am going into art 3...even though i was un shure of that because i am a grade to low for it...but hey....i've got a lot of first's under my belt...first freshman ever to go on retreat...(for all you band geaks out ther...u know what i'm talking about! and u know that it is a realy big deal!)...first to get into such a situation witch i'm not gona go into detail about here...not quite yet ne way...not aloud...but it will be comeing...that is as soon as i can...and first to get 3rd year art when i should be doiing 2nd year art at this school...me is very lucky...but ne way...u wnat the fanfic, so here it is!
Akayo: what happened to her
Rin: she used up all of here energey fighting for us last night.
Akayo: she'll b alright...right?
Rin:o ya...she just needs to rest.
2 days go by
jalie wakes up
Jalie: are they allright?
Rin and Akayo: yay ur awake!!!
Akayo: Jalie, r u part angle?
Jalie: yas...my mother was an angle
Akayo: what about ur father?
Jalie: that dose not matter
Vioce:dosn't matter? HAHAHAHAHA...o...but i think i do!
Jalie: how in the he** did u get out?
Jalie's Father: did u realy think that that would hold me? u were sadly mistaked!!!
Akayo: i know that this is a family thing...but do u 2 please mind?
Jalie's Father: no not at all *he fires some sort of energy at Akayo*
Akayo: aahhhh
Jalie: that's it...u've ruened my life enough as it is...i won't let u hurt any one elts...i was enough.
Jalie's Father: no...YOU WERE JUST THE BEGENING!!!
he punches Jalie in the face!
Jalie sprouts wings again...but something is different...her energy has chainged!!!
Jalie: now u did it...be for i jsut locked u up...but now YOU WILL DIE!!! HHHHHHHAAAAAAAA
Jalie's Father: don't think that it will be that easey! *catches the blast...and throwes it back at her*
Jalie: thanks...i just obsorb the energey around me...and i convert it into and elemint...so lets c...that didn't work...so lets see how u fair against FIRE...BLASING ENFURNO
there is no chance for him to block it...it hit's him in the blink of an eye.
Jalie's Father...breathing heavely: good...that was great...but just remember who tought you how to fight...that's right...i know every move and every hit that you could throw at me...i know you every thought!!!...YOU WILL DIE BY MY HAND AND NO ONE ELTSES!!! AND YOU WILL DIE NOW
Jalie: well that is where you are wrong...i will not die today...and i will not die by your hand!!! BUT YOU WILL DIE BY MINE!!! FUTURES END *Jlaie's father start to disinagreat befor her very eyes* it is an attack that looks for your soul...and when it finds it...it destroys it...with all of your love...and all of your hate...the more hate...the longer it takes!!! sorry that you have to suffer like this...but you did this to your self!
he is almost melted...the very molicules that mad him up are now buning in him...he calupses...and then he dissaperes...
Akayo: wow...i'm glad that i'm on your good side *smiles* so...why did you hate him so much to kill him?
Jalie: he did something to me that no one should ever have to go threw...but i didn't kill him...unfourtenitly...he is pure evil...and he will come back...all he has to do is find all of himself...and he will have help to do that...i'm sure of it...so this won't be the last that i will see of him!
Akayo: well...you saved my life...and being that you are now part of the group...i would more then gladly help you with this!
Jalie: good...and thank you!
Akayo: no problem!
Akayo: i have no clue...did Rin say ne thing 2 her?
Jalie: i have no clue.
Akayo: well...lets go and c just what happened.
Jalie: ok...i'll ask rin.
Jalie: Rin...did u say any thing to my mom about me being here?
Rin: O SHIT...I DIDN'T!!!
chapter 3 will be posted tomarow...sorry that this was so short...but as u red in the tital...today wasn't been such a great day!!!
Question of the day: What do you think would be good weepons for the charactors?
and if you would like to be in my story...just tell me what you want your name to be...and tell me a few details about your charactor...and i will put you into my story some how!
Comments (7) |
Thursday, August 25, 2005
^_^...this wat u looking 4?
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ok...so here is the thing...i went to my appt...and they didn't do the test that was suposta be done today...so i still have no clue what is the deal...but it is a safe bett that i am just fine!
u don't know how much of a releafe that is for me!
o...and i'm gona do my fanfic for you all today...i think i will post up an old one for you all...cuz the ppl who visit my site now are rather new to it...so i will start from the top and give u all an idea of how they are!
and who knows...if i get enough responses...i may just do more with it!
i hope u like it!
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Rilly: get up u lazy shit!
Jalie: what is ur problem? I don’t have to b to school for another houre!
Rilly: wrong…u forgot to set ur clock ahead!
Jalie rished and rased to get ready for school…but there was no way that she would be thair in time.
Jalie (thinking to herself):the only way I’m gona get thair in time is to fly…but it is to bright out…someone may c me…I can’t take that chaince.
Bell rings.
Jalie: o shit…forget it!
Big feathery wings pop out of her back and her hair becomes shorter and lighter…it is almost as if she is an angle on earth…
She flies to school just in time…to b late that is.
Mr. Miller: Jalie, ur late again…this is the 4th time this week…and it is only Thursday…go to the office!
When Jalie reaches the office…a strange man who is not part of the administration is standing in the door way.
Jalie: who r u?
Strange man: that is not important now…I would like to talk to u…please come with me.
Jalie: where r we going?
Strange man: I just want to talk to u about something that I think I saw today…or if u would rather talk to the vise prinsible…that would work 2!
Jalie: that won’t b nessary…what can I do for u?
Strange Man: come with me…the office already knows…there will b no prolem with them.
Jalie: ok…
Jalie fallows him…
They go to the field behind the school
Strange man: ok…so…I am Rin...i know u know how to fly…so lets go
Jalie is stuned to c that wings such as hers pop out of his back…and for some reason…she feals that she should do the same and is compeled to fallow him!
Jalie: where are we going?
Rin: u have a gift…and there are some people that I think u should know.
Jalie: what is going on here?
Rin:please…everything will b explained…just fallow me.
Jalie fallows him yet she can not understand why…for some reason…she feals as though some one is calling her to go with him. They fly through many parts of land in which she has never been to befor…yet it seams like she has been thair all of her life…
Rin:were here!
Their at a old factory in the hills
But when they get inside…it seams to be an endless place…the rooms are huge…and it all looks so well done…it is almost like it couldn’t be…for something so ugly out side…to see something so butiful inside!
Rin:this is where we train…practicle a second home! *puts hand on back of head
Jalie: it is beautiful!!!
Rin:well…thank u!
Rin:Akayo should be here any minut
There is a blast in the vally
Rin:that was strong
Jalie could feal it to
Jalie:what was that?
I don’t know…but I’m gona find out!
Rin takes off in the direction of the sound Jalie right behind him.
They approach a very loud battle going on
Jalie: I gess this is ur brother
Rin jusps into the fight!
Akayo: carful…this is Verbose!!!
Rin:I’ve heard of him…HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA
Rin land a punch on Verbose’s chest…but it balry makes a mark
Verbose:HAHAHAHAHAHA u thought u could beat me with that?
Akayo: no…but with this DRASTIC FLAME!!!
Verbose is knocked over, but he still gets back up
Akayo is unconshious from his attach
Verbose kickes Rin in the head…he is bleading profusely now…
Jalie (thinking to herself): no…not now…what do I do?
Something inside her takes over!
She sprouts wings again…and she is completely in control now…
Verbose:don’t worry…u will still have ur wish! YOU WILL DIE NOW!!!
They both power up and creat massive energey.
Verbose and Jalie throw their attacks at eachother
Verbose:ha…ha…I will win!...wait…her power…it is…is…AAAAAAHHHHHHHH
Verbose disinagreats with her attack.
Miea: Rin…Akayo…what the? O god…
Miea runs over and heals them both. Jalie still breathing heavily.
Jalie:they did great!...how was tha…
She passes out from all the energey that she used
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
:(...me is sad...
i have to go for a test tomarow...for the doc that is...i don't want to get into it right now...i may tomarow depending on how it comes back...but it realy has me bummed...cuz if it comes back one way...my life may never be the same...and if it comes the other way...then it will be just fine!
but on top of that...the freaking @$$ holes in the fed...they are moveing the trial...so instead of all this cort BS being done and over with by hte end of december or so...it may just be another f'n year...i realy just want this all to be done and over with...but i have no control over it...*sigh*...i want him thrown in jail and have the key destroyed...but it may not be that way...sorry for all the ppl who i just confused the heck out of...but i do none the less...
ne way...i've got some sites to visit...i will be back on at a latter time...just not to shure when...o...and i'm almost done with chapter 6...but i could use some ideas...so if ne of u have ne good ideas for my fanfic...feal free to PM me...i say PM cuz i don't want to spoil it!
ne way...
c u latter
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
new site...u like?
ok...i have to chatch up on my fanfic...i just posted chapter 5 yesterday...but i still have work that needs to be done...and i also i just modified my site...this post was to ask you what u think!
so...what do you think?
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
sorry so long...
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hi ya!
i know it's been a long time...but i've been realy bussy...band camp just ended yesterday...and today i already went to a perade and i have another one at 3...*sigh*..it's been a bit...but o well...i should be able to post more now...schol for me starts the 29th...but ne way...i gess i shoule give u chapter 5 of my fanfic...so here it is!
-right outside the school after class-
Kigamie: Kintanie wait up!
Kintanie: wats up Kigamie?
Kigamie: not much...just been looking for Sage.
Kintanie: why were you looking for Sage?
Kigamie: um...well, you see, he was my boyfirend...but after I left "Hells Revenge"
Kintanie; wait...what?
Kigamie: when i left...he thought i was week...and didn't have the strenth to take care of an enamey...but i reliesed that u weren't the enamey...they were...and when i tryed to tell him that...
Kintanie: he just thought you were makeing excueses...
Kigamie: exactly
Kintanie: so, what were you planning to do?
Kigamie: well...i thought that he could get to know you...
Kintanie: Kigamie, if he is suposta kill me...what makes you think that he would want to get to know me?
Kigamie: people can chainge
Kintanie: he hasn't yet...
Kigamie: that doesn't mean that he can't...i did
Kintanie: that is different...
Kigamie: how is that different?
Kintanie: you wanted to see the trouth
Kigamie: how do you know that he don't want to chainge?
Kintanie: i don't...
Kigamie: then give it a chance...
Kintanie: what?...a chance to kill me?
Kigamie: no, a chance to chainge
Kintanie: ...your not gona change your mind about this are you?
Kigamie: not a chance
Kintanie: then fine...but if he even gives a hint that he wants to kill me...then it's off...
Kigamie: fair enough!
((i hope u like this chapter!...o...and if u missed some of the other chapters...they are still on the site...check the arcives...or scroll down for resent chapters))