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myOtaku.com: FairyHr

Friday, April 22, 2005

   Chapter 11…from where did he come from?
Current Location:SCHOOL (ELYSBURG)
Eye Color:BROWN
Hair Color:BROWN & BLOND
Right Handed or Left Handed:RIGHT
The Shoes You Wore Today:CONVERSE
Your Weakness:BOYS
Your Fears:MY FATHER
Your Perfect Pizza:LOTS OF MEAT!!!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:GO BACK HOME
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:LOL
Thoughts First Waking Up:5 MORE MIN'S PLEASE
Your Best Physical Feature:MY SMIAL
Your Bedtime:10:00
Your Most Missed Memory:MY MOM AND ME AT THE BEATCH
Pepsi or Coke:PEPSI
MacDonalds or Burger King:BURGER KING
Single or Group Dates:SINGLE
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:NESTEA
Chocolate or Vanilla:VINILLA
Cappuccino or Coffee:CAPPUCCINO
Do you Smoke:NO
Do you Swear:YES
Do you Sing:YES
Do you Shower Daily:YES
Have you Been in Love:YES
Do you want to go to College:YES
Do you want to get Married:YES
Do you belive in yourself:NOT REALY
Do you get Motion Sickness:NO
Do you think you are Attractive:NO
Are you a Health Freak:NO
Do you get along with your Parents:MOM YES...DAD NO
Do you like Thunderstorms:YES
Do you play an Instrument:YES
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:NO
In the past month have you Smoked:NO
In the past month have you been on Drugs:NO
In the past month have you gone on a Date:NO
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:NO
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:NO
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:NO
In the past month have you been on Stage:NO
In the past month have you been Dumped:NO
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:NO
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:NO
Ever been Drunk:YES
Ever been called a Tease:YES
Ever been Beaten up:YES
Ever Shoplifted:NO
How do you want to Die:YES
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:CHARACTOR DESINER
What country would you most like to Visit:AUSTRAILA
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:GREEN
Favourite Hair Color:BLACK
Short or Long Hair:LONG
Height:ABOUT 5'10"
Weight:ABOUT 170
Best Clothing Style:SEMI GOTH
Number of Drugs I have taken:2
Number of CDs I own:70
Number of Piercings:4
Number of Tattoos:0
Number of things in my Past I Regret:TO MEANY


The next day

Akayo: hey jalie…I didn’t…I mean

Jalie: I know

Shinka: hellow…I was just looking around…what exactly is this place?

Akayo: it is a traning facility…we are working to get rid of the evil that most people don’t see in their every day life

Shinka: o…I c…but u can’t possibley get all of it

Rin: hey every one

Akayo: hey rin

Jalie: akayo…do u want to go for a walk?

Akayo: shure!

Jalie and akayo walk out the room

Yuri: rin…what are u doing?

Rin: I was just looking for akayo…

Yuri: o…ok…I just wanted to spend some time with u…we never have ne time together ne more…

Rin =^_^=:comeing!!! I’ll talk to you soon shinka!

Shinka: ok…c u rin!

Over to jalie and akayo

Jalie: akayo…

Akayo: ya?

Jalie: just what is between us?

Akayo: well, from the other day…I thought that that was odvious….

Jalie: but I want to hear you say it

Akayo: then I will *he stops jalie and holds both of her hands*, jalie…I love you

Jalie: *hugging him* and i love you 2! *tears begen to form in her face*

Akayo kisses here forhead

Someone comes out of the forest…

Jalie: what is it with people comeing out of our forest?!?

Akayo: CORIE!!!

Jalie: you know him?!?

Akayo: ya…he was part of our group befor you were here….he disaperead…CORIE….what happened to you?

Corie: hey…um…I realy don’t remember what happened…how long have I been gone?

Akayo: it’s been almost 2 years!!!

Jalie: wow…

Corie: hey…wow…I realy don’t remember a thing…

Akayo: don’t worry…I’ll take u back and u can talk to rin! Every thing will come back to you

Corie: ya…that’ll be great!

Jalie: well…at least ur not evil like the rest of the people who I find in the forest!

They all laugh

Back to where Rin and Yuri are

Rin: yuri…what is rong? There is something on your mind…

Yuri: yes rin…there is…we don’t know ne thing about jalies problem with her family…we have no right to get involved

Rin: we do have a right…she came here to help us…and by doing so…we promised to help here to…

Yuri: but do we relay need her help?

Rin: she has power that we can only imajion…I know it…and when she brings it out…we will need her!!!

Yuri: I gess so

Jalie, Akayo, and Corie walk in

Rin: corie?!?

Corie: ya rin…it’s me…or atleast I think it’s me!

Rin: I can’t beleave this!

Akayo: well…you better beleave it!

Rin: where have u been?

Akayo: he dosen’t remember…can u help him with that?

Rin: can i? ha! You bet!

Corie: that is great!!!

Rin: well…all I will be able to do is to unlock your memory so u can find out for u’r self

Corie: well…that’s better then nothing! Thank you rin!!!

Shinka: o man!...*runs up and kisses corie on the forhead*

Corie: um…hellow?¿?

Shinka: u’ll thank me for that!!

Corie: I’m welcome?

They all laugh

so it looks like there is someone back from…um…well we don’t know quite where he is from!
O well
Ne ideas for my next chapter?
Ne 1?
Ne 1?
Again….thank you for reading my story!
Love you all

i'll post again on monday!
o...i forgot...question of the day...do u like where i'm takeing the story?

...today was fun not much to report out of the ordanary...


so please...for the love of god...COMMENT!!!

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