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myOtaku.com: FairyHr

Friday, July 29, 2005

for all u confused people
ok...so i've read from some of you that your confused...so i will fix your confushion right now...k?

i was in foster care...not going into to meany details right here...but now i live with my mother now...so that is good!
i had a fanfiction...but it was all about fighting, and romance...but it kinda sucked...so now i'm trying to make a new one!
for this i will need characters!
that is what the last few posts have been about
if you would like to be a character in my up comeing fanfiction...then PM me with the PM tital being "your fanfiction"
or something of that nature
the matereal that i will need for the character's are
powere's (if ne):
and who it is based on:
(like for my character...it is...

age: 16
bread: half elf, half angle
past: she has trained with meany masters as she was growing...and now she is looking for her place in the world. Even though she is still in school...she knows that there is something more in the world...she has to hid the fact that she is part elf...and everyone beleaves that she is all human...with the exception of a few good friends
Apperence: She has long green hair that she keeps loosly tied back so as to hide her ears...her eyes are of the same briliant green.
Based on: me...duh! (was Jalie in my last fanfiction)

so i hope that this helps)

ne way...if ne of you are still confused...please PM me and i will fill in the confushion gaps!

love ya all

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