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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
(( i've been talking about it for a long time i'm gona give the discriptions...and then tomarow...i'll start the story!...ok?))
age: 16
bread: half elf, half angle
past: she has trained with meany masters as she was growing...and now she is looking for her place in the world. Even though she is still in school...she knows that there is something more in the world...she has to hid the fact that she is part elf...and everyone beleaves that she is all human...with the exception of a few good friends
Apperence: She has long green hair that she keeps loosly tied back so as to hide her ears...her eyes are of the same briliant green.
Based on: me...duh! (was Jalie in my last fanfiction)
age: 17
breed: Human
past: He is a kind hearted person who tries to avoid any conflict. However if his friends are involved he steps in without hesitation.
Apperence: Has shaggy brown hair, not very long just shaggy, his eyes are a deep blue.
power: he has the power of the white burns brighter and stronger then any other flame that i have ever seen!
based on: Sage Drago
Name: Kagami
Age: 17
Bio: A talented individual, Kagami, was already a great magician at a very tender age. She grew up in a good and supportive home, until the age of nine when she was kidnaped by an unknown organization for her gifts. They taught and trained her for their own purposes, and she thought nothing of it, until she discovered that to get to her they slaughtered her entire family. It is then that she escapes their influence to try and start a new and better life. Though she is of Elven blood she decides to live among the humans, and obtains everything normal teenagers would have... a place to live, a school(Kintanie’s School), and a part-time job. Because of her experience with these people she can not trust people easily, but she is willing to give people a chance seeing as how she is trying to get over her loss. She also appears to be naive, to not only human customs but elven ones as well, after being in isolation for so long it is no wonder. Appearance: Black, straight, below shoulder hair with long bangs. She wears her hair loose so her elven ears don’t show too. She also has brown eyes.
Power: Illusion-maker
Breed: Elf
Who it is based on: mishotarup
bread: half human, half elf
past: he has decide to stay away from the rest of the world because he is half elf...he is excedingly strong, but prefers not to fight. however, if a loved one is in trouble...he will fight with every thing that he has...and not give up till every one is safe...he loves Kintanie with every fiber of his being...and will never let any thing bad happen to them.
Apperence: He has short silver hair and is well bilt...his eyes are of a briliant shade of blue
Based on: my boyfriend...his tital should be safishent...(was not in my last fanfiction...or was he?)-bum bum bum...dramatic pause-
bread: all human
Past: she has been best friends with Kintanie for as long as they can remember...and is one of the few people who know the trouth that Kintanie is part elf and part angle...Mailin and Kintanie also spar and Mailin is almost as strong as Kintanie is. she may not be part angle...but she is one of the stronges humans that Kintanie has ever seen!
Apperence: she has long light blue hair that is down to her waist...her eyes are the same shaid of blue as her hair.
Based on: one of my best friends Renee...(was Fitulla in my last fanfiction)
bread: half human, half angle
past: she goes to the same school as Kintanie and is very suspisious of just who Kintanie is...being part angle herself, she can sence other angles around herself. Shinkora may not be very out going...but she has powers that not even she knows about...if she were to tap into them...she could even be stronger then Kintanie...which would make her a very strong alie...and a very dangerious enamy.
Apperence: she has dark purple hair that stops right below her sholders, and light blue eyes...
Based on: Celtick Gardien...(i think i spelled that wrong...but she is on my friend list...) AKA...kayla (was shinka in my last fanfiction)
((so i'll have the first chapter tomarow!))
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