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myOtaku.com: FairyHr

Sunday, September 4, 2005

   don't you care?

ok...so today i helped a friend of the family with a yard sail...and then i went to the new pet shop in town...they had this realy cute chinchila there...AND I WANT IT SO BAD!!! the only thing is is that now i have to convinse my mom to let me get it!
other then that, i'm going to a paw-wow in betton sunday...and on monday, my boy friend wants me to go to his house...but my mom and her boyfriend want me to got to a pig roast...sounds fun enough...but i wanted to be with scott all day...i think i'll invite him to come along...but i don't know if he'll want to...
RANDOME STATMENT OF THE DAY-"fuck a car, get a horse and buggy!"
i picked this because of the prices of gass now a day...$3.59 IS WAY TO MUCH FOR GASS!!!

ne way, here is chapter 6 of my fanfic

We open the sean with Meia standing over Jalie trying to heal her.

Rin is sitting beside her

Akayo walks in

Akayo: how is she doing bro?

Rin: she’s preaty bad…just what did I do to her ne way?

Akayo: I have no clue…

Rin: I don’t remember a thing…I was eating…and then I saw some one…in my mind…I’ve never sean him before…WAIT…I HAVE…O GOD…I HAVE SEAN HIM BEFORE…HOW IS HE?¿? I KNOW I’VE SEAN HIM BEFORE…

Akayo:don’t stress out over it now bro…it will be ok…why don’t you go and get some sleep?

Rin: ya…maybe ur right…I should *he walks out of the room*

Akayo: if u want…u can go to Meia…I’ll waitch over her…she’ll be fine…but u look like u could use a good nights rest!

Meia: ya…I gess that is true! I was just so conserened! What got into rin? I mean…I’ve never sean him act like that before…I just hope that it doesn’t happen again!!!

Akayo: I can’t say weather it will or not…but I also hope it doesn’t happen…

Meia takes one last look at jalie before leaving the room

Akayo stays awake for 2 days strait just waiting for jalie to wake up…and finialy she dose

Jalie: uuummm

Akayo:UR AWAKE!!!

He huges her…and then relises that she is in pain…

Akayo…o sorry

Jalie: that is ok..*she kisses his forhead*

Akayo: so…it takes almost being killed to finialy kiss me? Lol

Jalie: ha ha…that isn’t the case…it’s just that I had a lot of time to think about some things while I was out

Akayo: ya…2 and a half days

Jalie: what? I was out that long?!?

Akayo: ya…you gave us quite a scare

Ukavo comes in the room: yes…ur awake! That’s a first that I’ve ever sean u go down! What happened?

Jalie: I have no idea…where is Rin?

Akayo: he left to get some sleep the last I saw him…I gess that was 2 days ago

Jalie: he sleaps long lol

Ukavo: I’ll go and get him for u

Jalie: ok…thanks! *gives her a hug*

Ukavo: no prob *leaves the room*

Akayo: so...do u do most of ur best thinking while ur asleep?

Jalie: lol…no…not realy!

They both laugh

Ai comes in the room

Ai: o man…sorry that I missed u getting up!!! I realy wanted to be there when u did!!! O well…how are you?

Jalie: much better! Thank you! Has there been any thing new going on lattely?

Ai: no not realy…it’s been preaty quiet scense u’ve been asleep.

Jalie is very quiet…and starts to think about what she just said

Akayo: you ok?

Jalie: hum? O…ya…it’s just that…o never mind…

Akayo: u shure?


Ai (seeing the look on jalie’s face) :I’ll be back in a bit

Akayo: ok…go and check on Ukavo and Rin please

Ai leaves

Akayo: you shure that there is nothing wrong?

Jalie: um…well…


Akayo: WHO WAS IT?!?




Akayo: ur in no condition to fight!!!

Jalie (trying to get up): but I have to! I’ve brought to much mayhem to this place as it is…I’m not gona let other people take the fall

Akayo: u didn’t deside to have them fight…they did!!! And I am! I won’t ever let any thing happen to you again!

Jalie still trys to get up…and Akayo hugs her

Akayo (starting to cry): don’t do this!!! Please

A tear fals on jalie’s sholder

Jalie: ok…I’ll stay…but I won’t like it!

Akayo: thank you!

Akayo and Meia go out the room

Akayo: now which way did they go?

Meia: they went out that window

Akayo goes to leave the room but meia reaches out and grabes his arm

Meia: be carfull…he is very strong…

Akayo: don’t worry…I will *he sprouts wings and flyes out the window* I WON’T LET U DOWN JALIE!!!

((i hope u liked this chapter...if so, COMMENT!!!...i don't get to meany comments now a day...*sigh*...no one loves me ne more...))

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