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myOtaku.com: FairyHr

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

   ^_^ U R all awesome! ^_^

CHAPTER 17-the trouth about Jalie's future-
Jalie: what dangers lie before me?

Akayo puts his hands on Jalie's back

Tanie: You have barly begon to even meet your foes...let alone to fite them...they will come in all shapes and sizes...and none shale even know what i happening till it is truely to late!

Jalie: well, that is all well and good...but who are these people?

Tanie: not even i know who they are...or who the work for...they have different masteres...and different goals...not all of them will appear evil...that is...till it's to late! keep an eye out for everyone...even people who you think are your friends! *looks at Akayo*


Tanie: DON'T BE FOLISH!!! everyone has evil in them...everyone!

Jalie: i'ver heard enough! Akayo...lets go

Akayo: no...wait, there is trouth to what she says

Jalie: what?!?!? what are you saying?

Akayo: she's right...everyone has evil in them...even me *looks down to the floor*

Jalie: *starts crying* why are you saying this?

Akayo: BECAUSE IT'S THE TROUTH!!! Jalie...i'm mostly a demon...you have yet to see this come out...but there have been times in which i couldn't control it...and peole say things about me that i never ment them to see.

Tanie: i can sense that you can control it with this love in your heart for my daughter...your not alone! just because there is evil...dosn't mean that it is the bigest part of you!

Jalie:o...so now ur one to say he's good?

Tanie: i never said he was bad

Akayo: Jalie...it will be ok...you have me...and i have you!

Jalie: *hugs him* i know...i'm just scard.

Tanie: fear...can be a great wepon

Jalie: *looks up* what do you mean?

Tanie: think about it...when you fear that you may lose...or that someone elts may be hurt...your stranth increases greatly!

Jalie:ya...i have notised that! *hears something in the kitchen* what was that?

Tanie:o...that was just probable Bento

Jalie: Bento?

Tanie:um...yes, well...after Batanie died...i met Hilakeat...and well, Bento happened...you also have a step sister...so to speak...her name is Fintulla, she's proably out looking for trouble...she's alot like you!

Jalie: so your saying that i have a brother and a sister?

Tanie: yes...and unlike the 'other brother' that u thought u had...these are closer...and have good soles

Jalie: so what do you want me to do?

Tanie: well...Fitulla is your age...five days yunger to be exact!...but bento is only eight!

Jalie: so...dose Fitulla have any powers?

Tanie: she says no to me...but if u were to ask anyone elts around here...they'd sware that they saw and angle one moment...and then Fitulla the next

Jalie:...so she is like us!

Tanie: so she is like you...and yes...she may go with you.

Jalie: how did u know that i was gona ask that?

Tanie: *smiles*...i'm a mom!

^_^ I just wanted to thank you all! I've only been getting good info back from all of you! Thank you all so much! *bows* I know that I haven't been the greatest host, but you'r all so understanding! ^_^ You'r all so great! thanks again!

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