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nursing student
Real Name
~falestine windearca~
graduate elem & highschool, to pass my subjects, to promote to the next level
Anime Fan Since
i was a child...can't remember what age...
Favorite Anime
cardcaptor sakura, tsubasa chronicles
to graduate & have a nice job & live a wonderful life...
surfing on the net, downloading anime episodes, watching tv, eating, drawing ofcourse & creating my own manga comics & stories
well...i could sing, & draw animes....
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
i'm back!
hi guyz!!! i'm back!!!! wow!!! after 4 mons!! of without any communications & updates here in my site!!! gosh!! i'm glad i now have time to update here! at that time i couldn't get in touch or update because i have lots & lots & lots of work to do!! exage? but true! atleast now i have time again! i could be with anyone right now!! as you all can see, i have done changes here in my site! forget the past! present is better! that is why i have done changes around here hope you guyz would like it! i guess i'll be in touch with you guys! i hope there are people who would visit my site again!! i'll be waiting!! till here then!!
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
konichiwa minna!! ^_~
minna!! ogenki desu ka?! *sigh* wow!! it's been a week since my last check here in my site! i'v been busy with my summer classes....& you know what...? I'M AWFULLY TIRED EVERYDAY!! ~hyuu...~ all i did was to study, study, write notes, &...! continuing my story...oh yeah! my story! sorry guys for not posting it last sorry....i'll try nextweek once i'v finished my major assignment this time i promise..i will not broke it again...i just stop by to see my site & post one just like this one to let my freinds know that i'm still alive i truly promise i'll post it alright? hopw you guys won't get mad at me...thanks everyone! love yah ol!! ^_~
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
new sigs!
hi there! *whew* i hope everyone who came & comes to my site would read my story ^^ by the way i'll post the second half tom or on friday i haven't decided yet since i'm busy here doing other stuffs just as i told on my intro i'll be posting graphics here so there they are!
they are all....
~ tsubasa reservoir chronicle's sigs! ~

i love this anime soo00 much!! so i'v been creating sigs, banners, avatars & buttons of them! from the creators down to the story!! i love it!! i love how the characters flows smoothly at the story!! i really loo000ve them!! hope you guys love the signatures! ja minna matta ne!!!
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
~ Descendant Goddess ~ *episode 1*

~ the beginning ~
"C'mon Haru! it's time to go to school!" shouted Akito from his car. "Coming father!" Haru said while walking faster towards their car. "I'm ready" smiled Haru as she closed the car door Akito smiled her back. 'Hi! my name's Tatsumaki Haru i'm 12 years-old & i'm in 6th grade at Tokyo middle school & the person beside me is my father Tatsumaki Akito. He's a teacher from our school he's teaching grades 8 & 9 since our teacher left our school this year i wonder...who'll be our teacher...? i hope it's dad...' "Haru.." "yes, father?" " I have an important meeting right after my fellow teachers e-mailed me lastnight & told me about it &...we'll be having our dinner after the meeting'll be going home on your own..." said Akito in a gentle voice "Why are you worried about me father? it's alright i understand it's part of your work so there's nothing to worry" haru said as her father park their car "There's nothing to worry father honestly what could possibly go wrong? i'm 12 years-old & i can handle everything on my own" she said to her father. As they both enter inside the school "I know there's nothing gonna go wrong just becareful on your way home alright?" as a father would normally kiss her daughter. Haru kissed her father back & said "Bye father & goodluck on your meeting" she wave her father goodbye & dashed off toward the school's hallway. As she open the door, her friend greeted her "Haru! it's nice to see you again! oh! i missed you so much!" then she hug Haru so tight "Goodmorning too Hinami're so full of energy today" said Haru. Hinami let her go & said "I'm excited as always to see you ofcourse! i'm always like this in the morning but classess starts...*sigh* another year of studying, school activities, studying then exams! is there anything new?" said Hinami as she sit on her chair "Oh don't complain!" said Haru with a big smile "It's perfectly fine! I love this kind of life it's perfectly-normal what else could i've ask for?" Hinami giggled "That's you alright you haven't changed a bit!" "Excuse me Haru" they both stop talking to see who just called her. "Do you know who'll be our teacher this year?" asked one of her classmate Daisuke "Oh! nope i don't i'm sorry Daisuke my father didn't tell me anything about that...sorry..." said Haru in a apologizing voice "It's ok no need to apologize i just came by to ask if you know well see yah later!" said Daisuke as he went back to his friends "Our teacher is coming!" shouted one of their classmate. Everyone arrange their seats & sat properly. As the door opened, the teacher enter their classroom & face his class to everybody's surprise it was Akito Haru's father who'll be teaching their class this year "Goodmorning class, i konow you all know me & i'll be your teacher this year" as he finished his sentence he smiled to his class "I didn't expect that your father will be our teacher" whispered Hinami to Haru "Neither do i Hinami, he didn't tell me he'll be our teacher" Haru whispered back. Her father smiled at her as she gave her father a big smile in return.
After few hours of teaching, the bell finally rang it indicates that "It's dismisal time class i want you all to read chapter 1 pages 1-7 & answers the exercises pages 8-10 on history book that's all for the day class dismissed" Everyone went out from the room leaving 3 people inside Haru & Hinami approach their teacher "Why you didn't tell me that you'll be our teacher?" asked Haru "To surprise you & you were surprised i saw it on your face" said Akito as he tease her daughter "You really did father! but i'm glad that you're my teacher this year!" Haru said as she hug her father "Becareful on your way home alright?" "Yes father nothing to worry i'm with Hinami" "Alright careful girls i got to go now our meeting starts after 5 mins" he wave goodbye to them & went out from the room "So today is our first day of class where do we go?" Haru asked Hinami "Hmm...lets see...ah! i know! to the place where we love most!" saild Hinami with excitement in her voice "That's right! let's go then!" said Haru as she hold her friend's hand & run "There it is!" Haru said with excitement "Let's go!" said Hinami. They enter inside a icecream store they were amazed by it's new look. The icecreams were being aisle properly, people looking at the icecreams, people choosing what flavor they like as Haru & Hinami walked inside they got to see diff. varieties & flavors. Haru stop at the last aisle & called Hinami to come over "Look at this icecreams! they're soo like heaven! said Haru "What flavor do you want then?" asked Hinami "Hmmm...i can't choose coz i like all of them!" said Haru with a big smile "We have to choose one atleast anything that comes to your mind??" "yeah..." as Haru wa staring at the green-colored icecream "I'll take the mint flavor i love green!" saild Haru with excitement in her face "Then..i'll take this cherry flavor then..." smiled Hinami they both paid the icecream & went out from the store & they both look up at the sky "It's dark i guess it'll gonna rain" said Haru "C'mon lets go or we'll be soak" "Right! i'll walk faster i don't want my laundry to get wet...again" said Haru as they both walk faster at the end of the street, they both said goodbye & separate. When haru entered the house, she quickly ran to their attic to get their dry clothes as she finally gather all their clothes, the rain starts to pour "Whew...that's a relief..." said haru as she place their dry clothes neatly inside the cabinet "i'll iron these tom." she close the cabinet & went to her room to change clothes. after changing her clothes, she went back downsatirs to place the icecream inside the fridge & check what food are available to cook for her dinner. At the middle of her cooking, the telephone rang & this made Haru jumped "That's a surprise" she went to the other side of the kitchen & pick up the phone "Tatsumaki residence this is Haru speaking" "Haru" said the person in the other line "Oh! it's you father what is it?" asked Haru it was Akito who called "Can you do me a favor? i need you to go to my room check if my grey folder is on top my desk if it is, can you place it at our living room table i'll get it once i get home it's important" said Akito "Sure father no probs i'll get it for you" said Haru "Thanks got to go becareful now bye!" "Bye!" as they both hung up the phone. Haru return to the kitchen to see if her food is cook already as she turned off the stove she went upstairs & enter her father's room. As she approach the desk she search for the grey folder "Grey folder...grey folder...where are you..." Haru said mumbling to herself. While she was looking for the folder, she accidentally knock off one of her father's precious jewelry box "Oh no...!" cried Haru the jewelry box hit the floor panicked, she quickly gather all the jewelries that have spilled on the floor one by one she placed them back properly as she was about to close the box, she noticed something shiny under the desk she knelt down to reach the item when she got hold of it, it was a sphere a green-colored sphere "" said Haru with excitement. She held the sphere high to se what was inside it's a golden-key that shines at the places when there's light "Cool..i where father got this cool & neat stuff...? oh well...better place it inside the box again or father will get angry at me" before she could place the sphere back inside, memories were flashing inside her mind...different memories, different places, weird clothes, different voices & blury the very last memory was the two shadowy figure all Haru could see is their silhouette she couldn't determine if they were boys or girls...before she could see their full detail, the sphere suddenly rolled right out of her hands & the flashing of memories ended. Haru kept on staring blankly before she could realize that it was finally ended. Haru returned to her normal self she realized that she was back to her father's room & asked herself "W-what was that...? w-who are they...? she tries to remember the two silhouette figures. She looked down at the floor & found the sphere afraid that it might happen again she took her father's piece of cloth & she used it to pick up the sphere, placed it inside the box, then closed after she placed the box properly again she found the grey folder that her father wants she quickly ran outside the room & went at the living room to place the folder. After few mins, her father arrived & took the folder & gave it to his fellow teacher. When everything was settled, they both laugh, share stories. Haru ate her dinner & they both ate the icecream she bought she forgot about the incident that happned to her inside her father's room. Haru entered inside her room very tired she changed to her pjs & went to bed & get her goodnight's rest. As she was fell in a deep sleep, her mind were wondering off...again...
~ to be continue ~
well guys!! this is the first episode of my story! ~whew...!~ it's too long...very very long! the episode 2 will be post tom hope you guys would enjoy this story & thanks to the people who'll be reading it! ja! minna! matta ne!! ^_~
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
i'm confused....

hi there it's my late post again actually i'm totally confused where should i type my story? here at the post section or at the article? waah! i'm really really confused....if i type it here it's too long...if i type it at the article section...i'm not sure about it coz i'm looking for someone who write a story & place it there but i found no one it's full of editorial, guide, analysis & other categories i haven't found someone who writ a story & post it i'm totally confuse where should i type it....
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Friday, April 7, 2006
~ story update ~

hi guys! sorry for the late post again i have finished writing the first volume of my story & i'm gonna post the first half tom coz it's kinda late right now and the first half is quite long honestly i'v based my story in my comic version of DESCENDANT GODDESS in my comics iv finished 3 volumes already and i'm already starting the fourth volume but i guess i'll be focusing on my story version once my story version have cope up with the comic version i'll start drawing it again what i did the whole day today is to finish the first volume and be able to post it early unfortunately my sister is using my computer the whole evening so i didn't post it that's why i'm only posting new post at this time of night sorry people for the late post tomorrow i'm gonna post it i promise ^_^ thanks!
~ FaLeStInE WiNdEaRcA ~
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Thursday, April 6, 2006
webpage update!

hello there everyone! sorry for my late post today i just got home & i'm soo000 tired...~hyuu~ my gosh my mother & i went to the mall to buy stuffs, & went to her friends house & they chit chat then we were asked to join them to go to a restaurant & eat dinner...soo we went to resto & ate dinner then they chat again...what a day...& oh yeah! i forgot i'll post my summary of my story right now before i logout i just hope you guys would like goes...
Haru Tatsumaki is a 12-year old girl with positive attitude, good personality, generous at heart and a 6th grader at her middle school. She's been living with her father Akito Tatsumaki who is one of the teacher at Haru's school. Haru lives a normal life like most normal kids do like cooking, cleaning, studying, making friends and problem-free but, this fact will not remain for the rest of her life. Her life is about to change when she accidentally knocked off one of her father's precious jewelry box and hit the floor panicked, she gather all the items and placed it inside the box then, she noticed one of her father's jewelry was under the desk when she finally reached it, the item is a green sphere with a key inside. Suddenly, different memories were flashing inside her mind and also includes the two people which she's having dreams about them since she was five years-old she suddenly dropped the green sphere and stared at it.
What are those memories? What business brings to her? Who are those people? Why she's been having these dreams about them? and what power lies inside the sphere...?
you'll find out when i finish the first chapter of this story which i posting at the review site but unfortunately, the review site is not available till then i'll finish the first chapter before summer classess starts till then this is the only info i'll be giving away for today ^_~ oh yeah by the way! i'v just added a MIDI here in my webpage play the song tell me if it's good ^_~
that is all folks tom i'll be posting new post! ja ne! minna!! oyasumi nasai!! ^_^
~FaLeStInE WiNdEaRcA ~
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
~ i'm dizzy... ~

hi guys...i'm dizzy from all this work...i'v been creating signatures for my forum...avatars for me & for my forums as well & my story which i'll be posting it here...~hyuu~ i'm really dizzy...i just hope i'll be able to make it before my summer classes starts...or i wont be able to manage this again...but then i'll be working my story at school with or without professor inside the classroom so by doing that i'll be able to continue to post my stories & i won't let my site to be neglected again...have a nice day to all!
~ falestine windearca ~
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
edited my webpage!

hi guys! i'v just edited my webpage as you can see i'v just added graphics which i have discovered how to add up more! hmm...i guess it's time for me to post my works but i'm still gonna arrange it to look good! hmmm...there are still few things which i haven't discover so far these are the things i'v found out i'm still gonna experiment my site hope you guys would like it!
~ ps. i'll keep you guys updated so stay tuned for my announcements! ~
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it's over!!

my downloading days are over!! it's time for me to focus in this site! i'll be experimenting this site i know there are lots of things i haven't discover here & uhmm...oh yeah! i'm gonna burn these episodes & i'll be adding them to my collection! great isn't it? & the next episodes i'll be downloading hmm...maybe...spiral but i'll download it after my summer class soo000...i'll be here discovering this site! wish me luck!
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