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Member Since
nursing student
Real Name
~falestine windearca~
graduate elem & highschool, to pass my subjects, to promote to the next level
Anime Fan Since
i was a child...can't remember what age...
Favorite Anime
cardcaptor sakura, tsubasa chronicles
to graduate & have a nice job & live a wonderful life...
surfing on the net, downloading anime episodes, watching tv, eating, drawing ofcourse & creating my own manga comics & stories
well...i could sing, & draw animes....
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/03/06:
yikes! ....
What is your reason for suicide?(with images)
Result Posted on 04/03/06:
hermione...that's wondeful!
Result Posted on 04/03/06:
being simple! that's me!;p
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
 B:Your Beauty lies in Plain Sight. Plain, simple and the girl next door. People tend overlook you as you are the "normal girl", but you're actually very beautiful. And you have plenty about you to set you apart, but more that lets you blend. People love the stability you have because as others may come and go, you will always be there and you may always be the same. You like simple things and that's what people like about you. You most likely enjoy things most consider normal, like movies, shopping, that sort of thing and are very friendly and probably have many friends. You are sweet and kind and that shows on you, but you're also strong and not very naive. You're a rather well-rounded individual. Even though some people pass you off as just another girl, shrug it off because they don't know what they're missing. Some Things That Represent You: Element:Earth, Light Animal: Cat Color: Pinks, Blues, Browns Song:Girl Next Door by Pilot Expression: Simple Smile Gemstone:Alexandrite Mythological Creature: Fox Demon, Hobbit Planet: Jupiter Hair Color: Light Brown Eye Color:Brown Quote:"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/03/06:
bestfriend ;)
What Kind of Girl are you? (anime pics)
Result Posted on 04/03/06:
bestfriend! thank you...
What is your anime occupation? (pics)
Result Posted on 04/03/06:
haha! nice one!
What type of anime girl are you?
Result Posted on 04/03/06:
What Mythical Girl are You?
Result Posted on 04/03/06:
white angel...not green? >.<
What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
 You're a "White Angel". You're a natural leader in every aspect of life because you always try to do the right thing. It may not always work out the right way but atleast you tried. You're pretty near to your family and you love being around them. You're not afraid of what people think if you except you relative because you have to deal with them everyday. Everyone else, you don't. You are only afraid that you won't live up to what they want you to be though. You want to be the best at everything and you'll push anyone out of your way if you have to. You're a person with big dreams and ambitions and you're a clear thinking. You never do things on impulse but always think things out first which helps you a lot in life. You'd be the one to stand up when no one else will, and the one who will speak up when all else are quiet. (If you cannot see the picture, go to my homepage and scroll down near the bottom. I have the results from all my quizess that have pics) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/03/06:
amazing story!
Result Posted on 04/03/06:
it's so wondeful!!
Abstract Passion 5
It seems that both Izumi and Kyogoku is inlove with you..Izumi will kill Kyogoku to have you..vice versa. Izumi feels that you belong to him, but will give you every right to chose the man you want by your side.Izumi wants you to be free, but obviously wants you to choose him! Kyogoku wants you, and you are overpowered by his charm and charisma. You cant help but feel you are getting to love the bluntness and nagging personality of Kyogoku....YOU LUCKY ACORN! Take this quiz!
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