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Chobits, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Angelic Layer, Revolutionary Girl Utena. All the classics.
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| Fallen Angel
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mood: I'm alright.
Hi everyone. How was your day? It looks like it is going to rain here. Better then snow at this point. You see I like snow...but when it gets the season when you now it isn't ever going to be enough to give you a snow can just go away already.
I was thinking about changing my theme again. But I don't know for sure if I want to yet or not. You guys liked it so much this time! ^_^' I don't know what to do. So here's a deal. If you want me to change my site put yes or no in your comment.
If you put no, tell me what you would like to see. And i'll check from there.
I changed the song. So maybe that will change things enough to satisfy me. XD
I was in credit recovery yesterday. And there is this one girl in there who says I way too happy for her. (Personally I don't see myself as too happy....) And she always asks me,
"Are you going to be laughing when you get shot?"
"Are you going to be laughing when you get stabbed?"
And it's starting to scare me. T_T
She also asked me what grade i'm in and when I told her a freshman she went,
"Well you're just a failure aren't you?"
It's starting to get to me....she scares me saying the stabbing and the shooting school has been known for fights that are caused be what seems like absolutly nothing. T_T
Wish me luck on that.
Tomorrow in choir we are having the tryouts for concert choir. I hope I do good. Maybe I can get into mixed instead. (If that's even possible)
She told us today that at the awards banquit at the end of the year, she gives out special awards to good students in each choir. (Thos who do very good accademically wise and singing wise) But she also added that only two people get that. My friend and I already concluded that it was going to be the two teachers pets....
So wish me luck on that too please ^_^
I want a solo soooo bad in that class but I don't think I have the talent. A lot of people say I do but I get so nervous trying out that my legs start to shake and my voice gets squeaky...and I can't sing streight.
And besides that only seniors get solos so...yeah...
And for everyone who knows someone or is someone that goes Virginia Tech. My heart goes out to you all and you'll be in my prayers.
Untill next time
Comments (4) |
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mood: Happy
Hey everyone. I was so surprised I got 8 comments last time. It's a new record for me! XD
For the people on here who where waiting for the english version of Tsubasa reservoir chronicles to come out, it comes out in May. And as some of you might've already know the enlgish trailer for it is up on Funimations myspace. So check it out here.
They also have the trailer for Peach Girl on there too so if you're a fan of that.
I went on there to check it out and ended up requesting a bunch of voice actors and actresses who have myspaces.
Of course you know (probably) i'm a Vic Mignogna fan! XD
Today is my last day of spring break. *sighs* -_- So i'm kind of depressed about having to go back. I was really enjoying being able to stay up late then being able to sleep in. But I guess I had to go back sometime.
I have to make up a science lab in Pathak. (prnouced Pah-tuck) It would've been fun had I'd been able to do it in the class room. You know. It's the slime lab. Where we get to make homemade goo....the only thing now is that I either have to make it up during lunch (which means I can't have lunch because there's no food allowed in the science room) Or I have to stay after school another day during the week for two hours. Not fun.
So wish me luck with that.
I'm almost done with my manga. I have one more to go. Of course I read Tsuabsa first! XD CLAMP rulz! And then I read Ouran High. Now i'm working on Gentlemen's aliance cross.
I gots me a cool poster with GAC! I'm going to frame it! XD
Well that's all for now I think. I hope you all are having a great Sunday!
Untill next time ^_~
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Friday, April 13, 2007

Mood: Happy
Song: Don't really have one right now....
Hey everyone! Happy Friday the 13th!
Guess what? I didn't have to put my dog down!
She showed a lot of signs of improvment! She ate. And walked on her own. We still have to carrie her down the stairs 'cause she's old...but that's alright.
So i'm uber happy about that.
And I went shopping with my gramy yesterday. It was cool. We bought a bunch of stuff to helo set up her aquarium. Like decorations and stuff.
And before that we had to drain all of the water out of it because for some reason it had turned green. We found out, when we went to Pet smart, that it was because she hads plants around her tank. So we drained that and set everything up and such so it'd look purty.
And she bought me a thing for my cats to play with.
And....guess what else? I have my dad's cellphone number. My gramy gave it to me. And after he told me the number I was calling (which turned out to be Maria's cellphone. Which is why she always picked up) was the only phone they had. They're such liers XP
So i'm going to ty calling him tonight.'
I had my money this morning, but I gave it to my mommy because I'm ordering manga from Borders and she's picking them up. XD I torture my poor mother sometimes.
I was suppose to go into worl with her...but I wanted to enjoy the last weekday of my spring break. Is that too much to ask for? SHe was complaining about it. And I really didn't feel like going. So I didn't XD
i'm getting:
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles volume 5
Ouran High School host club volume 1
And Gentlemans Aliance volume 1
So I have some reading to do.
Then I'm getting some more money next week. And i'm going to catch up on my Loveless manga probably. (I only have volumes 1 and 3)
Yesterday I think almost everyone on my friends list updated. And of course I wasn't home so I couldn't visit when you guys updated. SO I went through this morning and updated, and now I have to go through again today for all of you who update today. So wish me luck with that.
Anyway. I think that's all for now.
Untill next time ^_~
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mood: Sniffly
Song: Dear my Friend ~ Miyavi
Hi everyone. It's about 15 minutes after eleven right now and I thought this would be a good time to update. (even though my cat keeps trying to jump on the keyboard and my lap to prevent me XD)
I'm still on spring break. And i'm enjoying every minute of it. I really do need long breaks like this. They seem to always have a positive effect on my mental health. ^_^
I'm so glad everyone liked my theme. XD And that you could read the text. Sorry if I've made it too dark in the past. I'll try and work on it.=]
I get to go shopping and stuff with my cool grandma tomorrow. That'll be fun since she takes me to places I usually like....or at least I think she will...
To tell the truth i've never been shopping with my Gramy....this should be interesting 0_0
At least I know she treats me A LOT better then my other Grandma.
We decided we're going to put Jessie (my dog) down on Friday. That is if she dosn't get drasically better by then....which I highly doubt she will.
She can hardly stand, let alone walk around the house. And she won't eat a thing. -_- It's very depressing to look at. And it makes it even worse when my mom starts crying over it.
On a happier note, I made nother animation yesterday. About a little stick figure that kicks a dogeball and ends up getting knocked right back upside the head with it. XD Funni stuff man.
I might end up making videos of them when I get a digital camera. So look out for those alright?
I'll also be putting up some art work of mine. SO you can look forward to those as well. XD
Well I think that's about all for today. Oh! I know!
Go visit my friend Innocent Chii...or is it Chi? I dunno. But sh'es new here. And needs a few more people to talk to. ^_^
Untill next time. ^_~
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Monday, April 9, 2007

Mood: Sad
Song: The Sky and the sun and the dawn ~ Celtic Women
First off I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday yesterday. I did. In fact i'm eating leftovers right now. Yay left overs!
Secondly I have changed my theme once again! I know I know. I did just change it....but I got bored and inspired. Those two things mix well with me. ^_^
So my new theme is from the series Full Moon Wo Sagashite. In which I have been a fan for about two years maybe. At least since the first manga ever came out in the US! XD
Secoundly I have to bits of sad news to report. ONe might concern some of you. The other concerns me personaly and probably touches home with some of you.
First off I am sad to say that I just heard Yensid won't be on for a long time. This sadens me greatly. Especially to think I have had her for a friend for a long time.
And Seconly my mom says we might have to put our dog of fifteen years to sleep next weekend. She has gotten old and feeble. And has been getting sick a lot lately. They got her two weeks before I was born so you can tell I think of her almost as a sister.
I'll probably cry. But it's gotten so bad that we have to carry her up and down stairs.
I've been a little shakey about if it's her or not though. Because of all those food recalls. It makes me wonder if any of those had anything to do with it.
But with an old dog you never can tell.
Well i'm still sick. *sneezes* I don't know when this is going to end, but I hope really soon because I want to enjoy my vacation!
I still haven't spent my money either, but you bet I'm going to "waste" it on manga! XD
Alrighty. Questions.
1: Have any of you lost a beloved pet you've had for god knows how long?
2: Have you ever heard of Full Moon Wo sagashite?
3: Do you guys like my new theme?
Comments (3) |
Saturday, April 7, 2007

Mood: Relaxed
Song: Misty Rain ~ Shunichi Miyamoto
I want to start off with saying a BIG thanks to everyone who posted last time! I got six comments! A record for me! Yay! *throw confeti and hands everyone a cookie*
You guys really do make me feel a whole lot better about myself! You really do.
I think I will do a contest. But I have to think of one now. Heheh *laughs nervously*
Yesterday was a disaster.
I went shopping with my grandma. Not fun.
She was the bad grandma.
She always tells me that my stuff is junk and garbage. And yesterday she did just that.
First off she took my cousin and myself to a store and she told us she would buy us some clothes. And let me tell you this store had nothing but clothes for skinny people and old people.
My cousin is like 20 pounds skinnier then me and she can barely ever find something.
When I left the store without anything she got mad at me and started going off about how I never can find anything there and I need to be more like my cousin. (who only got a jacket and a pair of jeans because they were the only things she could find that fit her right and she liked)
Then later she gave us each like twenty dollors. To supposivly spend whichever way we wanted.
Well my cousin blew it all like 5 minutes after she got it on concealer and a Seventeen magazine. While I didn't get anything and decided to save my money because I get it few and far between. And as an anime fan that can be really torturous ^_^'
Well when I got back in the car, right after telling my cousin that the stuff she bought wasn't stupid, and that if she liked it she should've spent her money on it. It was hers to spend not anyone elses. That's when my Grandma blew a gasket.
Grandma: "Why didn't you spend anything!?"
Me: "I wanted to save it Gran--"
Grandma: "Let me tell you one thing! You are not wasting on junk! None of that japanese crap you always buy!"
I ended up feeling horrible afterwards and sank into the seat. I ended up just plugging in my headphones and drowning her out.
My mom says I should've probably given her the money back. But I didn't get anything from the store so I wanted to keep it. She gave it to me!
And if my cousin got to spend it however way she wanted. I'm going to spend it the same way!
I'm sure i'm boring you all by now so i'll just leave off by saying I wole up this morning and decided to try Ouran High host club and it's cool man! XD
I like Honey-sempai! I wanna give him a hug! XD
Alrighty questions!
1: Do you have any family members that treat you the same as my grandma treats me?
2: Have you seen Ouran High?
untill next time!
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Thursday, April 5, 2007

Mood: Still Sick
Song ~ Freedom fighters ~ Miyavi
I stayed home again today everyone. -_- I had no voice when I woke up this morning. -_-"
Not fun.
I'm so happy you guys like my theme! I was kinda shakey about it and was trying to debate rather or not to change it right away.
So now I won't. I might change the song soon though.
Well last night I went to the talent show at my school. I was going to try out, but I didn't have any music. So they wouldn't have let me try out anyway.
I went for my cousin who was playing his guitar.
The poor guy couldn't hear himself playing though. I felt bad for him, because he had to keep stoping to hear himself.
I'm guessing the amp was too loud.
He did good in the end though ^_^
Besides him there was only one or two other people who did good. SOme of them I don't even know how they got in....
And then that audotorium was filled to the brim with ignorance. >< I had to take a ton of tylenol when I came home. @_@
I think my ears are still ringing.
Well anyway.
I want to try and think of a contest for you guys. But the thing is I don't know how many of you would even try out in it.
So here is were my question of the day comes in,
1: If I had aq contest would you perticipate?
Untill next time! ^_^
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Mood: Sick
Song: Every Heart ~ BoA Kwon
Hey everyone. I'm home sick today. Hence why I can post so early.
I have a new theme now. Mythical Detective Loki! Yay! It's a good series.
Anyway. Yesterday we had to have or Sophmore calls sheets filled a=out and ready. (They're what we fill out to pick our classes for next year)
Freshmen class got to skip 5th and 6th hour because of it. We all gathered in the auditorium to wait, due to the fact we get up one at a time with our selected councilers and they make sure we haven't taken a class twice or anything.
Well what I had on my list was as follows.
Algebra concepts
American Lit.
Health / Dance
~Back up classes~
Art 1
My English teacher had told me that I could tke American Lit. as long as I had passed a test that was going to be held after school next week. And my choir teacher said not to specify which choir you were going to be in because you have to try out.
Well, when I got up to my counciler she started getting all pissy with me.
"You failed last semester of English and you expect to go to American Lit! It's impossible. You can't be that ignoranty can you?!"
Then she looked at choir.
"You have to specify which one your in!" *crosses out and puts womans chorus* (My current choir)
Me: "But she said not to---"
"No! No! NO! That's not how it works here! You need to learn that!"
Then she looks down at yearbook and starts going on about how I needed a signature to get into yearbook. Even if it is a back up class.
God lady it's my first year of high school. You expect me to know which teacher has that class, or know I needed a signature?!
I hate my school councilers! ><
Then some of you might've read one of my posts from last year about how our school wouldn't let us go to state choir festival even though we got streight ones....well guess what this years middle school gets to go?
That isn't fair if you ask me....T_T I wanted so bad to go to state last year but we couldn't go becuase not everyone could supposivly afford $10 to go. And the principle wouldn't let us do a fun raiser.
That's how crappy my school is. -_-
Well anyway. I need to go take some meds. I have a killer headache.
I hope you guys like my new theme! ^_^ Leave me some awsome comments!
Untill next time ^_~
Comments (3) |
Sunday, April 1, 2007

Mood: Tierd
Song: It's not over ~ Chris Daughtry
Hi everyone. I'm posting early today. I hope you're all having a good weekend. I guess I am.
I went to a party last night. All ways lots of fun. It was my friend Katie's sweet 16. It lasted from 6 to 10.
LIke I said loads of fun.
Even if there were tons of people who annoy me there. And people I didn't know.
I made it though.
It was appropriate too. No achohol or anything of that sort. She hired a dj to come and play. Cool songs man.
Even if seeing a few people dancing during "Call me when you're sober" and "Broken" kinda sorta ruined the songs for me. XD
Luckily I knew most of the poeple. SOme for a while.
Let's just say everyone was acting crazy and stupid. In the good sense.
ONe of my friends came ten minutes before the party ended though. I felt sorry for her.
We were suppose to ignore the annoying people together. ><
But that didn't end up the way it was suppose to.
I ate so much sugar I felt sick. I hadn't eaten that much in a long while.
And her dad was handing out these humongus peices of cake! 0_0
I swear I didn't think I could eat it all...
But I did anyway XD
Then felt horrible after words.
Then after the party was almost over we had a toast to her with sparkling apple juice...
of course me being me, I had to show off my amazing balance skills and had to dance with a glass on my head.
It was empty though so there was no problem there. XD
Well I really don't have anything else to say so I guess i'll ask the questions now.
1: Been to a party lately?
2: Have you ever eaten so much sugar you thought you were going to get sick?
3: Do your friends act stupid in a good way?
Well i'm going over to my grandma's today so i'll try to post on people's sites that have allready posted. If you haven't i'll try to get to you later.
Untill next time
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mood: Stressed
Song: Tourniquet
Hi everyone!
I hope this is what you wanted. 75% of you guys wanted DNAngel! I hope you don't mind I added it with a black and red theme. ^_^
Well let's see, current changes. New theme. New vote box. And right above us is a chat box if you guys want to chat go right ahead. XD
I'm getting bumbarded with school work now. I'm strugking to get my projects organized and in order by Monday. And now I have to type a seven to five page essay for science due on Monday. -_-
I think I just went deeper into the hole....
We had a concert last night. It last about three hours. It was boring...Not the singing part. But it was the fact we had to practice for choir festival this weekend. And we had to practice site reading too. I think I just got deeper into the hole! @_@
Speaking of things this weekend. I'm getting my hair cut short. It's going to be longer in the front and short in the back. Then i'm going to dye it red and black.
The only problems?
1: I've had long hair all of my life.
2: I have curly hair and I would have to style it a right way for it to look right. (I'm streightening the sides)
3: I can't go and get my grade for Choir festival if I have an "abnormal" hair color.
SO you can see why...-_- I'm scared but I think it'll look cool.
I have to go to the asian market tomorrow and buy stuff for the food I have to make and bring into the class on Monday. I get to make Onigiri!
But...I have to make thirty....
So I have to bring those in and all the stuff for my othe two presentations. While being dressed up. I dun know if I can do it all. Hopefully I can pull it off.
Tomorrow I'm going to go to my mom's work and work. I have no school. So I can earn a little extra money.
For those of you who were wondering the lst time I I never did get my iPOD back.
That's why i'm going to work with my mom. She isn't going to just buy me another one. I have to earn a whole 'nother one. That's 15 dollars a'll take forever to reach $240! *Sighs* There goes my summer, and my freedom of spending for a while. *tears*
And ontop of that my stupid choir teacher anounced the conferences at the concert last night! The very one's I was trying to keep secret from my mother! Now I'm getting draged there later tonight....*bigger tears*
Wish me luck eveyone. I think I need it lots...*Waves goodbye*
Untill next time
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