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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Video of the day

Song: Forsaken~ Within Temptation
Anime: DNAngel

YouTube Resizer @ FreeLayoutIcons.com

Hi everyone. My weekends been kind of uneventful. I went to my cousins graduation party yesterday, and I guess it was...okay...I didn't really know very many people. But I guess later on when the party died down some was better. We ended up having a small campfire and rosted marshmellows.

They tried to get me to go into the woods behind their house. Yeah right. I told them if I end up getting killed I was going to haunt them. Then I ended up breaking sticks off of tree branches.

I was trying to get my Mom to take me to the mall today before it closed, but she said she didn't feel like it. And that she was too tierd. And felt too lazy. Yet she always throws a hissy fit when I don't want to go with her and she makes me go anyways. >< Does anyone elses parents do that?

Sorry guys. The Chrono theme didn't even last a week ^_^' I wanted to do a DNAngel theme, so I guess that's what ended up happening. I hope you guys like it. XD

But for some reason my stupid music won't work automatically. So you have to press play when the page pops up.

I suggest pressing it though, because it is pretty X3.

I have to go to my Grandma's tomorrow. >< And I don't want to because I know she's going to treat me like shit, like she always does. And I really want to go to the mall! I want my new stuff i've been saving up for. And I wanted to get the JTHM book! But my mom is being an ass. T_T

I can't wait untill I get my own car and can drive myself places when I want to.

Well I think that's about all for today. I know short and uneventful.

I hope you all have a good day

With much love, Fallen

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