abc kid (09/12/05)
You're quite a boisterous one. I wish to know you better. Appreciated you signing the GB. Later.
-The abc kid
shade the great (09/12/05)
i like the video
akane15 (09/11/05)
hi Ra-chan douitashimashite? how are you? i luv ur site its so awesome! and i luv the song its so addicting@_@ thank you so much for sighning my guestbook i added ya as a friend^_^ oh and plz pm me sometime cuz no one doesT_T sayonara ~*~Lissy-chan~*~
ZatchBellSk8er (09/11/05)
Hey cool site you should drop by mine you will be amazed.O also sign my geust book and put me on your friend list because that is what i did.Bye talk 2 u l8er
fullmetalwinry (09/11/05)
hey thanks 4 signing my gb! i love your site Ra-chan! will u be my friend!?! oh sorry about the wp being cut off its just AL's and Winry's thoughts and feeligs towards Edward! GO WINRY AND EDWARD LOVE!!!!! n_n n_< pm me anytime! later! n_n
astronutz (09/10/05)
Hellooooo i like yo site........ kind-a-happy though.......i see pockey!!!! domo origoto mr roboto......
Hanyou-InuYasha (09/10/05)
hello! sorry it took so long for me to respond! anywho, thank you for coming to my site! ^^ i love your site! is the theme tsubasa chronicle? isn't that like a mix of all the clamp series? well, whatever it is, it looks really cool! i'll add you as a friend too! ja ne!
raya226 (09/04/05)
Thanks you so much for signing my guestbook. I really like your site. too awesome!! I will add you as friend too. And awesome linkin park song. I have their cds. Keep in touch. PM me sometime.
KitsuneKami (09/03/05)
interesting, your backrounds change. cool. see ya around.
soso chan (09/01/05)
Wow a very nice site u have it's soo cute oh and thanx for signing my GB.
Thanx again bye bye