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Palm Desert, Ca
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10th Grade Student
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Rachael. :]
nothing what so ever ._.
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i was 4 years old
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Guestbook Entries:
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kaye16 (08/31/05)
hey like your site,,,, go to see username joshizzle it has a cool quiz on there i think you mite like
CrimsonMoons (08/31/05)
Oh I love your site it's so cool! Imma adding you to my friend's list! I hope we can be friends!
Chibi Duo (08/29/05)
Cool site I lve all the Al's on there! sorry just sayin hi and bugin you Chibi Hiei um...TOLD ME TO DO IT!!! oh and I pute you on my FL!^^ I know Chibi Hiei so IT don't mind...eep eep wOOOt!^__^
M.Armstrong (08/29/05)
hey i like u site to knew that BBI was a game but i cant get any information on it i dont know anything bout the third game or the super smash style game but i want to play it sometime but i dont want to take to long so i stop know and thanks fer signin my GB i ad u as a friend
Fabrice Goosens (08/28/05)
hey... very nice website! I like how you put it together. You should come by my site and look at my drawings. They are mostly celebrity portraits. Anyway, maybe vote on a few.. thanks.
snow drop (08/28/05)
Hey Rach ^^ Thanks for visiting my site. Your site is so cool, I love the bg!!! Well thanks for adding me as a friend, i'll do the same ^^
~snow drop~
Chugoku-jinko (08/27/05)
hey this is chugoku-inko!!^_^ and thanks for the nice commet in my GB!!^_^ I love DC too and I also like FMA, Inuyasha, naruto, hikaru no go, pokemon, and yu-gi-oh but not as much as detective conan!! XDDD I'll add you as a friend too!! ^_^
oceans breeze (08/27/05)
hey! thanks for signing my gb...well my other gb. yeah, sorry i didn't tell u about it, i didn't really tell anyone. i figured if anyone wanted to see the site, they'd click the link. anyways, i'll add u too. ttyl!^^
SlasherX (08/26/05)
woi love your gb bg! very cool site! drop by mine sometime! adding u as a friend ,k? laterz ! peace!*bounces off*
Chibi Hiei (08/26/05)
Hay dat backround iz awzome aint it! I made it!(aplouze!!!) P.S. I made da Al one an I hope ye guyz likez it! come by me site zomtime!!!!!!!^_^
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