dj r0cks (08/18/05)
nice site
check out mine and while ur there can u sign my gb and add me as a friend
Night shade2 (08/18/05)
I like your site could you sign my guest book I would really apreciate it.
Night shade
dark932.0 (08/18/05)
hi im new here so can you help me by coming to my site snd tell your friends
Panda (08/18/05)
Thanks for stopping by my site. I love all the FMA stuff you have posted. Very cool indeed. I totally love FMA. ^_^
Take care and I hope to see you around the site. Laters!
hatsuhara (08/17/05)
hey awesome site fma fan. you should read some of the fanfictions they're pretty good (www.fanfiction.net) is the website.and thanks for signing my bg
Outlaw Melfina (08/17/05)
Hello! Thanks for signing the guestbook, and adding me as a friend! I haven't got time to comment, but I'll add you as a friend!
Lady Subaru101 (08/17/05)
hey nice site i love the background
hope you dont mind if i add you as a friend
SammyJoe (08/15/05)
Hi Ya'
Thanks for signing my gb, i love your bg it is so awesome. Well i fixed my bg on my site hehe..well i will talk at you later and add you as a friend hope you don't mind welp have a great day/night
Ju (08/15/05)
Hello^^ I just wanted to say that you have an Awesome sight^^ well hope to see you around.
SongOfAnime (08/15/05)
hey there thanx 4 signing my gb ^_^ sry i it took me a while to respond my comp hasnt been working lately lol. but yeh cool site u got here nice background & avatar! i'll add ya as a friend 2, hope to keep in touch, later.