Fallen Angel101
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Monday, January 23, 2006
Time: 10:41
Current Mood: Ok
Listening To: Scars((i love this song))
'Sup all!
well frist off, i would like to say Happy [late] Birthday Sand Dragon 19! i tryed to PM u today to give u a card but for some reason i couldnt T_T sorry

well my b-day was...ok i guess! besides teh fact i was SICK!! i have teh flu or something T_T
Geuss what.....MY BRO GAVE MEH HIS X-BOX FOR MY B-DAY!! X3 he said he went a quote traded it in but he just hide the damn thing from me till meh b-day ._. ((yah i watched him go out the door to game-stop and trade it in -3- he hide it in one of the cars till i wasnt looking)) lol and my mom gave me 100 bucks, a shirt that says 'I love((love is in japanese with a heart behide it)) anime [otaku]((yah i says otaku on teh shirt', and got my ear pierced again!! up at teh top of my ear where all teh freakin' cartlegde((i cant spell to save my life)) is!
me: *watches some girl get her ear pierced[normal way, at BOTTOM of ear] as the girl screams bloody murder*
aunt: that ladys a bitch! ((lady had said something to her i dont remember what though))
me: ne...*waits*
lady: ok you ready *talking to me*
me: *walks up and jumps on chair*...*yawns* *thinks "god im bored"*
lady: ok this is gonna hurt, u sure ur ready
me: *nods* -3- *feels needle thing stab my ear* *eye twitches*
aunt: *ish flurting with some guy* [my god shes married to -3-] didnt that hurt rach o-o
me:*pays for ear piercing*..ow *twitch*[yah it hurt] *thinks: GAH IT HURTS!!! O.<* *whispers* that bitch made it hurt more than its suposed to, watch...*looks at aunt who is still talking to that dude* melinda stop flurting and lets go, we still gotta go to hot topic -_-; *aunt goes on saying how hot that guy was till we leave mall and for a while after we get home*
my ear is STILL hurting!!! its been over 24 hours since it was done to XD lol
at the mall i got Tsubasa vol.7 manga, a Sasuke key chain, 2 FMA patches, and more that i cant think of ^-^'
my g-ma got me a Saiyuki DVD!!! YAY!! lol i got my g-ma to play me some DOA and she liked it!! she was screaming and yelling!! XDD
saying "AHHH!! YOUR KICKING MY ASS!! OMG..HOW'D YOU DO THAT?!!! O_O" and laughing to ^-^ yah besides being flu-sick it was good! the cake was SO GOOOOOOOOOD!! *drools* we had to give it to my aunt though T^T NOOOHOHOOOOHOOOO!! we actually got 2 cakes! lol the dinne was also really good! lol
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Friday, January 20, 2006
*looks around corner*
Yo! *raises hand as greeting*
What up?!
geez, i havent posted in *counts*...five days ^-^' so how r yaz?! im fine if anyone was wondering
sadly((for meh)), i wont be here tomorrow((Friday)), Saturday((my b-day)), or Sunday((...what...)) b-day ish on anime T^T NO FAIR MAN!!!! I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO WATCH ANY TV IN WEEKS!! AH TEH HORORR!!! lol oh well i dont care right now -3- just another stupid b-day spent in crappy Hemet...this is teh 4th year in teh row i've spent it out there, oh well. my aunt is gonna take me to teh hella crappy mall on saturday though, thats good...even though its VERY tiny! they got a NEW hot topic soooo im gonna go check it out! and i FINALLY MIGHT b able to get my ears periced...AGAIN!!! MUAHAHAH!! ((and yes i really [in real life] just laughed like that[the 'MUAHAHAH' way])) ^0^ thats also good! lol
ok i got nothing else to say
sayonara T_T
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
dumdumdum *goes all ninja-like*
sup' all!!
not much here! my family's watching a movie right now! lol i dunno what it ish but it doesnt sound that interesting -_-' lol
ok well my FMA movie STILL hasnt gotten here!!! GAH!!!! i wish they would hurry up and deliver it!!! the suspence is KILLING me!!!! *dies*
ok but seriously i cant WAIT for the movie!! WEE! lol
oh and i added a few codes! see looky *points at the bottom of screen* SEE!!! it USED to just saw "done" but now it dont :D
*eats cookie* mmmmmm...yummy chocolate chip *V* oh dude i frikin stabed myself in the hand with a lil carving u-tensil((sp? @_@)) and i was on teh phone with Chibi Hiei when i did XDD lol i was on the with Chibi Hiei and M.Armstrong for a few hours today lol im sorry but they're lil bro's are annoying O_O only reason i think that is that they refuse to go to frikin bed!!! i'd flip if i had to deal with them every night!! i swear i'd go nutz!!! ....though i already have ._. ya know i often wonder if im totally insane XD lol
ok i'm out
Pride's Random Question: If you draw, what kind of u-tensils do u use??
My Answer: i use my art pencils, than if i feel like coloring my pic i use my PRISMACOLOR pencils that my g-ma bought me like a year in a half ago-2 years ^0^ *dances to waka laka* XD *finds self singing waka laka* O_O.......*goes silent*.....*runs into kitchen and leaps onto counter* >:D *dances* *grabs cup and pours some dr.pepper and grabs hot cheetos* dumdumdumitydum!! *jumps down and runs into living room dancing around* *throws ass on floor and watches some Gundam Seed* *hums and sips dr.pepper*
other self: arent u gonna turn your com off..?
me: *gets up and types all this* ^-^ im to happy to deal with you know...
other self: -3- *gets up and goes and reads some good fanfics*
me: *goes back and throws ass back on floor* STFU DOG!!! ((DOGS HAVE BEEN BARKING ALLLLLLL DAY!!!!))
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
9..more days...o_o'
well i just realized that in 9 days i'll be 14 ovo so
*eats mcdonalds* *V* mmm...its actually good o_0' i gots 2 burgers,large fry, med drink, 9 nuggets, and i forgot to get 3 cookies ._.' eh..heh ^^' u know im surprised that i weight 98 lbs O_O seriously, its a shocker ._.' lol *eats fries* :T *drinks dr.pepper* ...*stops* im gonna make myself sick ._. *looks down*...*dogs sitting there barking* ((pretty much means he want my food)) noooo...*dog smacks mcdonalds bag with his paw than starts barking* ._.'.....*other two dogs get in on it* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! T_T U CANT HAVE MEH FOOD!!! MINE!! MIIIIIIIIINE!!! >:D *dogs keep barking* ._.' STOP I SAY!!! STOP DARN U!!! *dogs keep at it*...FINE I'LL LET U HAVE SOME U DOPES!! *gives dogs some fries and some of my ONE burger**gives em some nugget* -_-' *sniffs* *pulls other burger out of bag and eats it* mmmm....*v* *drink dr.pepper*
ok back to whatever i was sayin-....what WAS i saying??? o_0' eh...i dont remember...oh we went to the store and just got back about 10 minutes ago and the whole time i was there these two ppl who worked there keep staring at me and followed me around like i was gonna steal there crapy shit ._.'
eh..heheh ^^' *looks down* -_- ok u dogs need to go....STOP STARING AT MEH!! O_O *pulls out crazy string* BACK!!! BACK I TELL U!!! I-I'LL SPRAY U!!! AND ITS BLUE!!!! *dogs just stare* ._.'' *turns slowly to com and turns music to full blast* ah....*makes Pride plushie dance to song* my fries are cold now ._.
ok i go
*jumps out window*
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
OMFG!! GUESS WHAT!!!....*waits 3 seconds* I BOUGHT THE FMA MOVIE LAST NIGHT AT 11:47PM!!! ((yes i remembered the time and i will forever and ever ._.' thats what i did when i bought my FMA series AND my Inuyasha movies...)) *dances lil happy-full dance*
oh and New Theme as you can see, I dicided to do a Sherrice theme, one cuz...well i dunno and i brought it up with Jess a few months ago and she liked the idea so yah...i just out it together i havent been trying to finf good walls and everything for 3 months, k! I still gotta find a good song though!
dude, a few days ago i went to the store and while we were there i wanted a drink so i was running around the store saying "here drinkiy drinky drinky!!" o-o strange..i didnt even really realize i was saying it for a while ._.' lol
*sips hot chocolate* mm this is good!! *yells to mom* WHAT DID U PUT THIS? *takes another drink*
mom: milk
me: o_o spits it out* WHAT?! O_O
mom: what?
me:.......*stares into cup* -_- y u tempt me so?! *talking to hot coco* *stares* ._. even though u have milk in it.....u still good..*drinkis it all* o god...i think im gonna be sick @_@ *falls over* ((any kind of chocolate milk stuff makes me sick*))
Oh Yah!! I've also have had a fever all day ^^ sw33t!!
ok i gotta go my moms yelling at meh ._.'
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
Muahahah ahahah ahahahahahha!!!! ((quizes to))
i back -_-
i STILL havent done ANY of my homework XD and its due tomorrow!!!! ^^ lol i'll do it when i get NOT gonna do the science report CUZ' i dont know what info they want, she wants only certain info put on poster in a certain way on a poster ._. i ask what way she wanted it but all she said was "your last teacher should have given u a paper saying" yesh like i'd REALLY keep it -3-' ((its in the trash...))
well I'm listening to Brothers being sugh by no other then Edward Elric!!!...ok Vic actually sounds good XD I'd thought that if they did a english one they'd totally murder it but i was wrong XD lol a friend said "oh his voice is taht of an angel" me-"ok I'll addmit it sounds good, but a ANGEL? o_0 did u smoke some bad weed?((i was joking there...))"
oh when i was in Hemet i saw my cousin Sara, and my grandma sent us to her house to get a knife and some something else ((we walked)) and on the way back i was holding the purdy knife
me: ya know, someone is gonna think im crazy and am gonna kill someone if im walking around with a big knife ._.
Sara: u should put that away, there are cops all over here for some reason lately ((which yes it is true))
me: -3- right...
than we saw some of her friends walking towards us((guy friends of hers))
me: *is holding knife which is hid in jackets sleve*
guys:*walking closer*
me: *holds knife infront of my face* Can i poke 'im? *grins evilly*
Sara: put the knife away Rachael ._.'
me: aw but it'll be fun *crackles*
me: *stares holding knife as if i was gonna stab someone* nee?*grins*
Sara: 0_0 Please put the knife away rachael
me: o fine -3- *puts knife back up in sleve*
Sara: maybe i should hold the knife ^^' *heh*
me: -_-*looks at her* i was only kidding sara!
Sara:...i know *heh*
HA! lol
ok I'm done now
 What is your idea of love? brought to you by Quizilla
Toooo true

Itachi Uchiha. Cold blooded-killer. Congradulations. Your tied for first place as my fav. character with Ochimaru.
Which Naruto Character are you? (Girls and Guys) brought to you by Quizilla
 Naruto: Would you interest Uchiha Itachi? (girls) brought to you by Quizilla
and another >:D
 .: What kind of wings do you possess? ::. brought to you by Quizilla
oooo i like dark *V*
another ._. yah i got bored
 You are a protective friend! You are always there for your friends when they need you the most! You are always standin up them!
What kind of friend are you? Anime pics!! brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 6, 2006
bye-byes ^^
ok im going to hemet((the place we're moving to)) for a few days! I'll be back in 2 or 3 days i think ^^'
when we move we aren't gonna have direct tv anymore because they're such asses! T_T we're gonna ha ve a different service that at around 5pm cartoon network changes to bassball till the next morning T^T NOOOOOOOO!!! no more AS!! T_T right now im SOOOOO happy i bought the FMA series cuz im never gonna see it on tv again unless i go to a friends place((which i doubt will ever happen ._.')) lol
my bro got Narutimate Hero 3!!! Its so cool!! XD Sasuke is so awesome in the game ^^ i love it XD its a import PS2 game ((everything is in japanese ^^')) lol
i was gonna say something but i dont remember what it was ._.' i'll tell u later if i remember xD cuz it was really cool thats all i remember ._.'' heh lol
ok i gotta go
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
not much here i should be moving in 3 weeks...*thinks* what a today Jan.5?! heh what do u know, todays the anniversary of my dads death! *laughs* lol and 16 more days till my b-day! -^^-
anywho, Im gonna TRY to get up early to do some homework..OMFG O_O did i just say that *smacks self* oooooook o-o
well nothing really going on here o.o

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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
..bored..short post..VERY short
ok im soooooo bored!!! i got nothing to do -3-' i STILL have all that hw thats due in a few days....maybe i should do it...NAH!! >:D
ummmm....well i got NOTHING to say ._.
 ...a hidden sorrow
Who Are You From Within? (Anime Images used) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, January 2, 2006
J00 D34D F00
'Sup all
not much here! Yes!! I've FINALLY found a NEW anime obsession!!! *sparkley eyes* I've beed meaning to find new animes to get into! and i've really been wanting to check quite a few out and i finally got to read one called megatokyo! alot of u probably have heard of it!! ^^' i dunno y but i totally wub it!! lol i've so far read up*looks* only page 176 on the net T_T how very sad! i got into it a few hours ago i should be farther along!! i would be to if i wasnt for my com shuting down so much and my com being so very slow and freezing up so much!!!! >X| no fair dude! Thank You Jess for the Link to it -^_^-
umm...what else....i dunno..*thinks* OMFG!!!! I GOT A BIG SCIENCE PROJECT TO DO!!! I HAVENT STARTED IT!!...oh well -3-' i got ALOT of homework, i'll start it tomorrow ro so (probably will "forget" XD)
dude....i cant think of anything to say ._.'' lol..? *heh*
ok i take my leave than
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