Birthday 1992-01-21 Gender
Female Location Palm Desert, Ca Member Since 2005-07-27 Occupation 10th Grade Student Real Name Rachael. :]
Achievements nothing what so ever ._. Anime Fan Since i was 4 years old Favorite Anime I'm too lazy to name them all. Goals Become an Homicide investagtor!
Learn Japanese
Become a better artist
Go to Japan Hobbies Reading
Teasing my mom about her big ass
Being a mean little sister XD
Pretty much anything to do with pissing my people off. Talents Read Hobbies Fallen Angel101
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Happy 2006...? o.o
omfg i totally forgot that today was new years eve!! XDDD lol
well happy new year east side!
i got 3 hours to go till its actually the new year -3-' and my mom pointed out that in 21 days i turn 14, lol -3-
ok not much here, u? *thinks* yah nothing here at all ._.
oh i got a lil persent from M.Armstrong this morning..ok this afternoon ._.'' lol anywho its a awesome lil ornament with Pride!Ed on it that she made -^^- YAY!! lol >:D which btw is tiled around my wrist ^^ lol
ok im bored so i show u my gaia avvie to bore u XD
._. eh
..sneaky...ok not really XD my mom let me on because of good behavior!! >:D lol
well im on my bros com right know cuz mine doesnt seem to wanna work -3-' and i lost 4 gb signings with in the last day! O_O
i got on DOA when my mom was gone today!! MY BRO WONT LET ME PLAY IT ANYMORE!!! T^T DAMN HIM! see, i knew this was gonna happen! he does it with ever game he gets -3-' he probably will let me on in a few months when he starts to get over its 'awesome-ness' lol i still like playing as ayane!! XD lol my bro has been playing online all day with Dee da Gee, videoace, and more -3- lol ((those r the pplz names XD)) my bro wont let me tell anyone his name -3-' lol i wont his dang XBOX!! he's gonna trade it in T^T NOOOOOO!! no fair ;_; lol
umm...nothing really going on here other than hungry O_O.........OMFG!!! my dickies AREN'T falling off me!!! XDDDDDDDDD lol last week or so they were falling off me like i said in a post!! XD i'd have to hold them up if i didnt have my belt cuz they were so loose on me ._. if i didnt, and took a step or 2 they would freakin fall to my knees XD lol
ah, bloody hell
crap, i got myself grounded!!! freakin hella stupid! i didnt e ven do anything! my mom told me that it was time to get off the com the other night and i asked if i could stay on for 10 more minutes to check something and she said yes and not even 5 minutes later she stomps over screaming and yelling telling me to get off the fucking computer and get my ass in bed, AND i was already in the middle of turning the com off a dumb pop-up came up asking if i wanted to end a program! X|
anyway they dicided not to release DOA4 till tomorrow and they might say that they are holding the game till the 4th -3-' man life stinks!
oh yah also my mom wont let me watch naruto for a while OR play DOA when my bro gets it ._.' wtf! not cool! also....some of u said i act like naruto! T^T NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOHOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!! i was so hoping u wont say that ;_; *doesnt like that idea* h-how sad! T_T
ok i g2g before my mom finds me! ^^'
Pride's Random Question: What anime character do u most identify with?
my answer: eh...i dunno Comments (4) |
Thursday, December 29, 2005
YESSSSS!!! DOA4 COMES OUT TODAY!!!! WOOHOO!! *does happy dance* w00t w00t!! w00t w00t!! i cant wait to play it!! do you guys wanna play it?? I'm gonna play as Ayane first! i love playing as her!! >:D and its on the x-box 360!! XD on DOAU my bro would play as Bass, gramps, Lei Fang, Tina, and someone else ._.; i cant remember who though -3-! i would play as Ayane, Helena, Kasumi, and umm...who else...? x_x i! in this new one my bro is gonna play as all the new characters -3-; lol
man she should be a playable character -3- *points up at pic*
oh man Naruto is sooo cool!!! ((the show not the character)) I watched up to episode 143! ah man such cool episodes!!! XD I gotta see the next!! i'm gonna TRY to get up before 2pm so i can watch them!! ....what?...yes i stay in bed till 2pm or later ._.' lol..? *heh* ^^'
ok what else..?..ummm...x_x i cant think of anything...i KNOW something else happen today...what was it!! *thinks*....umm..*thinks harder*...
other self: don't strain yourself now *grin*
me: oh shutup -3-'
oh i remember!! my mom logged into my account here again!! >.< she got on my com when i fell asleep at 4am and snice i have the code saved on my com it wasnt very hard for her -3-' she sent a PM to my INBOX saying that she loved my site ._.' w...t...f...and it was sent 5 times -3-'! what the hell! ((yah if you read this mom, I JUST CURSED!!!)) yah i'm not allowed to curse here -3-' she freaks when i say "freakin" -3-' wtf...
Question: Do I act like Naruto?((yah this time im talking bout the character)) o.o just wondering ^^
ok i gotta go, the mother thing is yelling at meh -3-'
*throws arm up* Later!
*throws a purdy smoke bomb* o.o oooooh purdy *coughs* @_@
ok well i just got off the phone with M.Armstrong and Chibi Hiei! XD i was on the phone from 8 to 12((yes 12 on the dot ect!)) lol! that the lonest i've ever been on the phone!!
well I've gotten on gaia again has drawn me in *V* loll
my mom kept trying to find my site here at MyO 030! if she saw my theme and the pics here she'd freak! XD lol she donts approved of things like that -3-' lol
umm...nothing else rrly happen today...yah nothing...-3-' gaia has been pissing me
Time: no idea
Current mood: can u say happy
Listening To: Im An Ugly Girl >:D
omfg...BBQ!!!!*throws Pride up in air* >:D MUAHAHAH!! *starts throwing FMA pocket watch up in air as well* XD *watch hits me on head* @_@ ow...
eh..welllll...nothing new today! just a bunch of nothing! yup yup thats all today! pure nothingness!! i wanna watch Puni Puni Poemy so bad right now!! XD
im changing my theme either right after i post this OR tomorrow ._.; lol
oh before u go! i would like to point out the cursor!!!! Jess made it!!!! XDDDD TIS IS AWESOME!!! FMA:BBI ALL THE WAY!! >:D
Card i got right after i posted yesterday and forgot to go back in and post it -3-' SRY!:
stupid vid XDD
Called..IM AN UGLY GIRL!! *sings along with song* *does lil happy dance* ._. OMFGWTF!! go to view at the top of your screen and click 'stop' to hear vid k!
i love the end!! (("OH SCREW YOU KEN!!" FRIKIN PRICELESS MAN)) Comments (7) |
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Time:10:20pm ((here in cali ._.))
Current Mood: bored ._.
Listening To: Memory from FMA:BBI! >:D MUAHAHAH! ((THANK YOU JESS FOR THE CODEY!! ^0^))
ok not much today...i slept till 2pm ._.;; lol I cant believe so many of u havent tryed pocky before!!!! O_O
my!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!! ?:"
ELVIS!! yay for Sarah!! ((she showed me it >:D))
*thiinks* WTFOMFGBBQ!!!! It's Christmas ._.;; i forgot yesterday was Christmas eve till i went to Mina, Sophia's site,which btw looks great, and she had posted on it! x_x
ummm..what else happen today...well i didnt get on the com till 8:30pm here cause my com was being a b*tch and wouldnt work x_X! lol
*looks at FMA Cheetos* DONT MOCK ME DAMNIT!! >:O *talking to FMA Cheetos*...*stares down cheetos* *pops one in mouth* X_X *hacks* U TASTE BAD!! x_X *stares* *slowly pops another in mouth* X_X *chokes* *cough* *cough* *death* X_X
Sesshys only wife
*couldnt dicided which one to post so did both*
Thank You All!!
i uploaded a piccy, very old to -3- over a year!! i was like 11 or 12 when i did it. go looky, if u comment dont be to harsh ._. it was my first pic of that series
okay not much here...I won EdWillSOs's contest though! XD yay! lol
my scanner does not seem to like me ._.;; lol was just like usual..uneventful...-3-..ummmmm...i've been talking o friends alot today...i just got off the phone with M.Armstrong ._. umm and thats really it...
oh when my teacher came here i had pocky and i asked if she wanted some
her: OMG!! IS THAT POCKY?!?!
me: yes ._. i for one love it
her: i know its so good!! XD my husband went to japan a brought some back once! i love it
me: o.O; lol...
i have no more pocky...i ate it all -3- no fair..and jess semt it to me ;-; u cant get it here *sob*
YAY! this isnt as long as it looks...its the cards fault ._.;; lol card from me to u at end
current mood: happy!
Listening to: Inside out
well I've been happy today! ^^ w00t w00t!
today at like 1pm or so i got a box from Jess in the mail taunted me so i opened it ^^' it!!! a Pride!Ed cosplay!! im wearing it now *does lil pose* w000t! and a Pride!Ed doll!! >:D my mom said it looked like a voodo doll ;_; than a Ed figure and than coco mix cuz i love coco but never have any lol and than a FMA t-shirt XD than a purdy drawing she did! and a card! it has Pride!Ed on the cover holding a donut XD lol and inside it has a bunch of funny drawing heh lol and on the back it had Ed in a pink dress XD and when u totally unfold it ((its folded in 4)) it has Ed in a kimono!!! XDDDD and that it says "stupid fun with yaoi" and a lil arrow pointing to a lil tiny roy XDD lol i laughed when i saw it -^^- lol
umm..what else happen today..? eh...when my teacher was leaving today she made yet another crack bout me not eating veggies!! she does it EVERYDAY!!! wtf!!
umm..oh my mom made me go to target with her yet again today and while we were there i heard someone yell my name and when i turned around a good friend from school was right in my face! XD my mom was giving her this weird look the whole time and when we left i asked why the heck she was giving her that look and it was because she looked like a gril we knew before my dad died XD lol
and yah...the reason there is most likely ALOT of typos in this is because im still trying to get used to this frikin keyboard!!! my old one curved and this one doesnt@ its straight..NONCURVY like!!! @_@ so
card for all u i didnt get to send it to *^*
from Easterwong415
THANK YOU! i like alot :D
thank you sooo much! ^_^
from lilflaregymnast83
purdy! thank u ^^
from captainfirelily
I love it thank u ^^
from wiseangel101
Thank you ^0^ i rly like it
if your card isnt here and i havent posted it yet let me know!!!! mom had me open all my presents last night! u know that presents that was taunting me...IT WAS A SCANNER~!!!!!!! YAY!!! w00t w00t!! w00t w00t!!! ^0^ and there was a small box taunting me as contained Chobits vol.3 and a Detective Conan DVD >:D! i also got 3 other dvds! and a new keyboard cuz mine sucks! and i got a new mouse since mine sucks! and a few other thingd! than my other grandpa and his wife((she is chinese >:D)) came over and gave me a new moniter! and 25 dollars -^^- *ish happy* Im watchin' Chobits right now :D and talking to M.Armstrong ^^ yay lol
ummm....Uhhhhhhhh.....riiight......oh and i got that pure black nail polish! and a new wallent((havent had since i was 6 ._.;;)) and it has a purdy long chain on it >:D lol
ok i g2g im gettin distracted! ((is talking to M.Armstrong))