Fallen Angel101
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
1400 hits...[to lazy to think of title]
okay not much here! i got 1400 hits today though >:D
Greed 2k's puppy died at 8:58 and the doc says his knee will be better in 5 months!!! 5 months?! thats so long ._.
okay well today i walked into one of the rooms in our house and i steped on a freakin nail!!!
me: *feels something jam into heel* ....what the hey...ow ._. *looks* OH GODDAMN IT!!!! WTF IS A NAIL DOIN' IN HERE?!!!
and also when i was gettin a cup yesterday a knife that was on the shelf feel off a stabed my foot ._.
me: ...*sees knife fall from corner of eye*...ah crap..
luckly i moved so it didnt get me that badly ._.
know what i hate my name! Rachael Philomena...Philomena!! i hate my middle name!!! its sounds!! and ppl agree!! GAH!! ummm...what else happen today...
oh my teather gave me little homework!! all i have is yet another test in science, 24 q's in algebra, and some english...and when she was over she said "oh when i was at the store i was so tempted to buy u a basket and put a bunch of veggies with a lil bow on top...*goes on* as a joke! ^_^*laughs*"
me: O_O ..oh my.....*thinks: my god why does everyone here bug me bout that?!*
and thats really all that happen today!


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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Yoyo yo!!
ok i'm so very bored!!
my teacher loaded me down with homeowrk the other day ;_; today she gave me a science test which i finished just now, math q's 37-54 than 71-78 and a worksheet, than 2 test in social studies, and than i gotta read 2 chapters in my book and do vocab for both chapters than do 2 worksheets that have things to do with the book ._. not that much
ok today...not much happen my mother has been really buggin me today! and i went across the street to get something to eat from taco bell for her and get myself some breadsticks((its also a pizza hut)) and when i was walkin back she was standing at one of the cross walks watching me! saying "watch out for cars!!" >:O LEAVE ME ALONE WOMAN!! GOD I CAN WALK ACROSS THE STREET BY MYSELF!
ummm....what else...i dunno ._. i cant think of anything! im chewing on a sharpie though XD my moms yellin at me to get off the computer and do homework ._. annoying! oh and if u didnt notice i took a few different codes off my sitey lol!! XD
oh and greed 2k's new puppy has parvo! she could die!!! and she's having trouble breathing right now ._. poor thing
-Rachael Pride
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Monday, December 19, 2005
whats up? my uncle and older cousin came over today to drop christmas gifts off and to pick up gifts ^^ my cousin got over 100 bucks i think and my uncle got alot of stuff from us as well and so did his daughter, other son, and wife to whom no one here ever really cared for. ^^' he had given his wife money to go buy for us she got my bro a 30 dollar gift card my mother this perfume she loves but within the last 4 years she now is allergic to it ._. see we havent been in contact with them for the last 3 years and we havent seen his wife since i was like 7 or something and anyway the got my gramdpa a new wallet 'cuz the last one they bought him((which he still uses)) is dieing on him ._. and my grandma got these crystal thingys and she bought me this kiddy crap! things u would give a 10 year old, she bought these PINK pj's!!! I HATE PINK! and plus they were a size 14 in little kids! i wear a 7 in pants in the erm...i forgot the name! i wear 7's cause the lenght and i like baggy junk and the shirt was a 14 as well! to small 4 me! and than she got this kiddy make-up! i HATE make-up! alwayz have ._. and she bought this other thing as well which was also kiddy and girly! gosh she should use her brain! i'm as old as her son not a lil 8 year old!! im turning 14 in a month ._. oh well. last time she saw me i was a tiny lil kid with REALLY blonde hair
my mother gave me a x-mas gift early! :D it was the Ah! My Goddess the movie!! im watching it now ^_^ lol than my grandma gave me this mini fridge early! I've been wanting one for like 5 years!!!! YAY!! i craked this huge smile when i opened them XD lol
ummm...what all i can think off ._.
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
ok not much today, i talked to Chibi Hiei and M.Armstrong for hours today...and i was draged to the store and was told we would be gone for 1 hour, at most and ended up being gone for over 4 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:O WTF! and my site got messed up ._. AND i joined ANOTHER FMA club! its called True FMA Fans XD lol oh yah! i joined a contest EdWillSos is holding! i wanna see who else entered!!! for those of u with a christmas theme, u should join!! >:D what? dont blame the weird lil kid ._.
today i got to thinking on how I've seen pictures of my friends her at MyO but they dont know what i look like and a few were wondering ._. i really gotta get a piccy up huh...i dont have any really recent pics taken...i really dont like the camera -_-; i gotta show the ppl who wanna know a pic though ._. i've seen Chibi Hiei, JingleStansChibi, Kawaii Inu, Sarah and more!
i got Chibi Hiei's address today as well! i wanna send her,M.Armstrong, and Chibi Duo something for x-mas...but i cant get to Cartoon Field till AFTER x-mas!!! >:O no fair!
oh mom came over to me late the other night saying
mom: Rachael...I feel misunderstood dont u...
me: O.o;; *giving her stupid look* *thinking: umm...YEAH!*
than a thing about that hurricane came on tv and the ppl were being totally b*tches
me: god they're like wild animals *has pissed off look on face* reallly shows how *vile* "horrible" ppl are...freakin morons
mom: you know there are some nice ppl
me: yesh...yah right-3-
mom: you could be one
me:*giving her dumb look thinking "okay why the hell is she bugging me?!" also thinking about how useless those ppl are and how they should have died*
mom:*pats my head*
me:*thinking: ok go anyway now im in a bad mood damnit!*
mom: *leaves* *yells* I love you
me: yah yah -3- how annoying
oh and when i was on the phone with M.Armstrong she started yelling saying "RACHAEL STILL GETS SPANKINGS!^___^"
me: wtf?! no i dont -_-;
*few seconds later*
me:*is standing right infront of mom handing her something she asked for and talking to M.Armstrong on phone*
mom: *grins* *starts screaming for no reason*
me: wtf r u doing? *giving her dumb look*
mom:*still screaming and smiling*
me: nee~! -3- can u hear them? *talking to m.armstrong*
M.Armstrong:yes, you know they're funny to listen to! :D
me: yah yah -3- *ppl in background going all high pitch voice babing the dog* omfg....
and now my moms yelling at me to find her a @#$% pen!
me: i dont have in pens, u keep taking them.
me: yah yah *walks off*
mom:*finds pen right next to her* nvmd i found one
me: OMFG! *sighs and smacks forehead* how annoying...*goes to com* -3- see how she is?!!!!!
Card from little inufan!
thank you ^_^
okay im done
its so me-ish XD
 You feel anger. You've been holding back all your life.. after all it's all their fault anyway. Right? Well I have something to tell you, there is someone out there who loves you. You just need to find them first. Lady fate has been very cruel to you, and it has scarred your heart deeply. You are far beyond sadness for you have already gone into an all out rage against the world. Those who barely know you probably think you're just a rogue rebel, but then the people who knew/know you are actually afraid to be around you because you can have extreme mood swings. Sometimes this anger that curses your heart can cause you to even feel disgusted at your own existance, which would maybe lead to self mutilation. You need a vent or some sort of remedy. To calm you and comfort you. So you don't feel like the whole world is turning on you. You'll find it. Don't give up.
Element: Fire
Color: Blood red
Quote: If you stop being an asshole, then I'll become a worse one than you.
Expression: A death glare and an irritated frown.
Symbol: A steaming gun/bloody sword/flame
.:Look me in the eyes... Tell me how you feel:. (anime pics) [Detailed results] brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
Another Day, Another Time
Today i found my ring!!! i lost it while putting up the tree ^^' Do NOT put up a tree with a 500 dollar ring on!!!! and thats with it on sale! 50% OFF!!! O.O my grandma i nutz for giving this to me ._. she gave it to me for valentines day this year
i also found my FMA watch!!! yah i had lost it a few weeks ago T_T it had fallen behide my computer desk -3- and i didn't notice!?!! what an idiot!
other self: got that right -3- *is throwing my FMA watch in air*
me: WHAT?! *growls* *gasp* PUT IT DOWN, B****!!!
other self: WHAT DID U SAY?!
me: U HEARD ME!! *attcks her* *fist fight breaks out* *starts laughing*
other self: W-WHY U LAUGHIN'?!
me: aw man! everytime i get in a fight i remind myself how me and my cousin would fist fight!! ppl would have to tear us apart before we killed one another! yah good times! ^^
other self: ._.;
me: what? it was fun! *grins* last time i saw her, her and her bf started neckin and i mean come on! i dont wanna see him putting his hands down her pants and who KNOWS what else!! so yah i was just about to punch him in the back of the head before he saw me and stop saying ((and i qoute)) 'please dont hit her! hit me instead' i just laughed and called him pathetic (sp?) ^-^
other self: ._.
me: STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK!! anywho what else happen?
oh yah my cousins boyfriend disappeared a while back! i kept forgetting to post on that, 'cause its not really at the top of my list cuz i hate him and hope he fell of a cliff and plunged to his death....maybe hitting a fell bolders on the way down! *grins*
u: o______O; issues?
me: -3- maybe...ok yes....
and hopefully hes in hell and king yama is playing good old tennis with his balls *insert evil laughter* AW MAN!! i love my bro for saying that about me!!! its so much fun!!! he also has been calling me gothic the past few days ._.
*so arguement with my mom happens*
bro: you know, its all because shes a gothic tom-boy
me: *twitches* what?! *glares*
bro: *says some stupid comment*
me: *pissed*
my mom keeps calling me something i cant remember what it is refers to me chewing on everything ._. lol she also calls he a shit ass
me: shit ass...? wtf is that suposed to mean?! and it sounds so lame!
she also calls me a little asshole!! XD she comes up with the dumbest names its rediculus!
oh and my site got messed up i'll fix everything tomorrow ._.
Card from EdWillSos to all her MyO friends:

Thank you! I for one love it!!! :D
i gotta make a card ._. im just to lazy to do it...((sloth is getting in the way lol))
okay i shall take my leave
-§Pride§ "The Emotionless Doll"
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
*shifty eyes* hello...
okay not much today *taps table*
*looks over*.....looky *reaches over and grabs knife off desk* hmmm *pokes tip of knife spinning around in chair* umm...*holds knife to head* i cant think of anything!! and yaaaaaaah.....*hold up knife* this IS real! im totally serious when i put things in *'s!! i said that so many times now ^^' lol watching a FMA video right now! they got a bbi vid here to lol......O_O wtf?...okay what is up with this vid X_X what the hell....the song is makin me laugh 'cause of its stupidity
okay i got lots of homework which i still havent even started!! and i have a freakin dentist appt tomorrow morning!!!!! >:O I hate u dentist!!! why do u haunt me so!
umm...what else..?...i dunno
oh crd from Sand Dragon 19:

Thank You ^_^
i guess I'll leave it at that
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
i guess im not dead yet!!! >:O
okay I'm getting better...-3- i went WITHOUT food from thursday till late monday night ._.
but anyway i still have a cough, its not as bad as it was luckly! and sorry M.Armstrong! u called and i was to sick to talk to ya ;_; i couldnt even TALK! seriously! and i was so kind to give it to my brother XD muahahahah!! he had it comin!! he keep playing games in the room when i was in there trying to sleep -3-! and he kept cursing and wouldnt shutup! >< HA!! so yah.....
its hot....and im so freakin dizzy x_X oh i watched up to episode 120 of Naruto! i watched 18((i think)) of them last night ^^; lol oh and i changed my theme around ^0^ but my avatar wont change! ><
and now heres a card from WindSar00, Thank You ^-^:

very cool
*mom starts yelling at me*
mom: have u finished your homework?!
me: no
me: b*tch -3-
okay i'm done
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
hey ;_;
I've seem to have gotten worse!!! sick wise i fever hasnt gone down! its been in the 102-105 range for days!!!! it wont go down!!! >:O and my head is killing me!!! i went to the doctors yesterday and he gave me like 5 different meds @_@ this one here *holds it up* made me very sicky -3- the last doctor((not the one i saw yesterday)) gave me this stuff and the moron gave me WAY to high of a dose! shes gonna end up killing someone watch!! and this cough med gave me a rash!
other than that not much has been going on ^^;
i g2g i'm suposed to be in bed cause well im sick and this fever does NOT seem to want to go away -_-; *starts coughing* uhg!! i can taste BLOOD O_O~~!!!!!
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Friday, December 9, 2005
okay this is gonna be short...maybe...why? im running a 105 fever!! w0000t!!! amd i have a MAJOR headache 'cause I've been coughing non-stop today and its given me a HORRIBLE headache!!! >:O
okay not much happen today! we WEREN'T gonna put a tree up this year BUT my mom told me that she'll MAKE the pplz here put a tree up just for me ^_^ so tomorrow the tree ish up!! XD sweet! i just like the smell and stuff! *laughs* lol *starts coughing* @_@ NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I COMAND YE TO STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *keeps coughing* >:O STOP I SAY!!!!! ((and yes i really am coughing! the things i put in "*" those i am rly doing unless its something to do with u k! ^-^ lol))
my bro is on the game ONLY cause of me! >:D he WOULD be off BUT i stook up for him! ^_^ sweet!
and said Edo-kun((lil bro aka edward1123)) has left MyO T_T he than gave his site to his sister Avery! :D she says that he might come back at the end of Winter break ((which by the way i dont rly have!!! >:O only get 4 days off from dec.23 to some other day >:O!!!!!!!!))
ummm...what else?....ummmm......i dunno ^^
thats all i can think of 'cause this headache is getting in the way! Oh yah!! NO SCHOOL FOR ME!! XD i would but im sick ^^
mom: Rachael?!!!
me:O_O ah crap!
me: NEE~!!!!!!!!! >:O
ok i g2g later!
I'll try to get to everyones site cause all this week my com has been being a b*tch and wont let me comment or it just wont load the page!! >:O
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
okay today sucked!!!
I'm still sick as usual!
I was forced to go to Target again! my mom bought me pj's and i dont want them -_- she says shes tired of me wearing jeans and junk to bed -3- lol
and my grandma bought me this CD i wanted! I only wanted it cause it had Moonlight Sonata! i like that song, I'm listening to it right now XD lol
oh before i went though i was talking to M.Armstrong but her dads cell ran out of power so we got disconnected -3- lol
i just got done reading FMA movie things and now...its made me sad XD lol
oh and at target my mom wouldnt let me see something she was buying but well she put it up at the register i caught a glims of it! it was PURE blackk nail polish that i wanted and she had said "HECK NO!!" XDD lol
umm...I have LOADS of homework yet again!! >:O MORE THAN LAST TIME!!!! I GOTTA GET UP EARLY IF I WANNA FINSIH IT ALLL!!! >:O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! lol *seta alarm clock to 6am* *sobs* thats to early for me T3T
ummmm....I cant think of anything else ._.
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