Fallen Angel101
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
*looks at last post*.....fine dont comment! -3-....j/k ^^
okay i just got off the phone with Chibi Hiei and M.Armstrong!! was on the phone for 3 hours again 0_0...sadly i wasnt able to talk to Armstrong that much though -_- lol
umm.....what else....ummm....ok i got alot of hw again not as much as i did yesterday which by the way i actually finished XD lol
ummm..lets see....well I dont think anything really happen today, just the usual ^^ lol
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Heart doctor says........
okay frist I'd like to say Sorry to M.Armstrong and Chibi Hiei ((who ever called today)) sry i wasnt here to talk to ya! I was at the heart doctor!!! GOMEN NASAI!!! ((u DID call right? my bro called and said u did ^^'))
ok not much happen bout you guys??
Oh i went to the heart doctor today. you guys know what i'm talking about((those of you who visited when i posted on it)) if u dont know my dad died of a heart thing my bro has it and i might...the doc says I.......I................................................................................. I....... :D *keeps doing dots* ................................................................. I DONT HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -3-' I HAVE P.E. again!!!! NOOOOOOO!!! I HATE U P.E.!!! lol
Okay i have LOADS of homework due tomorrow!!! >:O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! lol
I gotta read 50 pages or more in a book! >:| 5 tests i gotta finish tonight and tomorrow morning and a bunch more!!!
(computer starts freaking out* OH @#$%!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO U DO THIS COM!!! YOUR HAUNTED ARENT U!!!!!!!! oh that reminded me *com stops* AHA!!!! oh yah anyway we were on our way to El Pollo Loco and this guy behide us had his BIRGHT lights now, not the normal ones, and my mom and grandma were ranting about him:
Me: flip him off and tell him to turn his @#$% lights off...
mom: you'll end you getting shot if you do that!
me: if that happen I'd come back as a poltergitest and haunt them!!! [inster evil laughter cuz of evil thoughts]
mom: RACHAEL?!!!
me: WHAT?!!! I WOULD!! >:D
*everyone goes silent of a minute*...*than starts laughing*
me: WHAT?!!
*we get to El pollo Loco*
mom: what do u want?
me: I hate their food..i dispise this place...they should burn to the ground *evil laughter* >:D
mom:*sighs* Rachael...
me: what? its i alwayz say, cant hide from the truth. ^-^
my mom just got home from a store and she bought me black nail polish O_O has sparkles in it -_-;; lol she says i cant have the normal back -3-' lol she wants to go to target now lol its *looks at clock* 9:20pm lol XD *paints nails*
um...what else happen today?..nothing that i can remember...
Ra's Random Question:
What do ppl at your school or any where else clasifi u as??
My answer: I'm know as the goth/emotionless doll/ and an anti-social b*tch XD lol
 You are Uchiha "The Bastard" Sasuke! Loosen up, will ya?
Which Naruto character are you? (Images, not that obvious) brought to you by Quizilla
Sweet!! suits me ^___^ *trys o paint right hand* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I CANT PAINT MY RIGHT HAND WITH BLACK NAIL POLISH >:O lol
 Your word is silent.. You've a few good friends and your loyal to them. You aren't sad but you don't like to talk that much.
Whats your word?(Anime pics)(Updated...) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, December 5, 2005
Whats up?
Okay I JUST got back from Big Lots -_-; I was forced to go -3-i hate that place...when we were there i was walking around thinking how i so didnt wanna be there and as i was walking by this shelf a dvd caught my eye and when i looked it was anime!
me: O__O *grabs* oh my...*sees more anime* WTF?!! $3 bucks?!! THESE ARE $30 AND UP EVERY WHERE ELSE!! *grabs all the ones i wanted* O_o;; *runs over and shows mom*
mom: *takes them* you gotta wait till christmas though
me: *throws arms up* ^0^/) OKAY!!
lol! before we went to Big Lots we went to Wally World but nothing rly happen there. me and my bro bought Yu-Gi-Oh cards and every time i get a card my bro likes I give it to him! XD i've won cards at playing games with ppl! won them by winning Tic-Tac-Toe with ppl! lol XD and I've never lost once ^0^ I think I may have a nac for gambling! XD lol w000t w000t!!! :P
and My dickies that were once on the tight side are falling off me!!! and i MEAN falling off!!! seriously they are! O_O They baggy now XD mom says I'm gonna kill myself if i dont start eating more -3- i eat!!! i love food XD lol
I've been happy today for some reason!! w000ty w00t w00t w00t!! XDDD
i sent a card to Jess((JingleStansChibi)) and I THINK she really liked it XD lol! i sent her these chips from Japan and she wants to eat them yet she wants to save them XD lol. they have picture of the FMA MOVIE on the front! ^-^ i got three bags and sent her 1 ^^' cuz i opened one, didnt like it still have that half a bag, and a whole bag that im saving for who knows how long XD lol
I draw markings all over my left arm earlier today and you could barely see them -3- cause i draw it in this white paint junk -_-; lol
umm...what else happen today..? i dunno...
did my song stop working??? I cant hear it!! ><
okay thats all i got!
*sneaks up behide someone*..8other self starts laughing* me: shutup!! u: I see u!...and hearu XD me: eh...*throws stamp that says 'Dope' at their head and runs* :D!!!
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Sunday, December 4, 2005
Yoyo...yo!!! >:D
Thanks for the comments yesterday guys :D lol
Okay yesterday afternoon I put a new chat box up and took the other off ^_^ only cause i liked how this one looks o.0 lol XD and last night i changed the song to My December-Linkin Park ^-^ lol
ok well not much happen today...I'm still sick of course -3-' lol
ummm...Oh I had my bro make me a yu-gi-oh! deck cause well i had nothing to do PLUS he enjoys playing so yah! lol he won 3 times i PWNED him only twice! :P he used a card that takes every monster card in your deck and graveyard moving them out of play so we were killing each other with magic and traps XD I won that one! and a different one he totally creamed me! he pulled out this powerful dragon ((ME: O______O him: HAH!! BEAT THAT~~!! 2 minutes later bro :*does lil vistory dance* HAH me: -3-' nee~!....... >.< NOOOOOOO!!!! REVENGE SHALL BE MINE, FOOL!!! bro: oh please me: dont make me hurt u boy!!)) lol I kept saying dumb things that made him laugh him butt off lol! I actually enjoyed playing ^0^
right after we stoped playin((He wouldnt keep play even though i wanted revenge! XDD)) i started chasing him around the house with this marker thingy and he was screaming yelling at my mom to make me stop trying to write on him! ((me:FINE!! i'll just wait till u go to sleep and write PWNED,DOPE, ect all over u!! *evil laughter* *thinks: and Ra's b*tch XD j/k* bro: O_o....))
Which Naruto character do you fight like?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
okay I'm out
*alter ego*..*looks at random person*..*narrows eyes and points at them* YOUR MY B*TCH FOOL!!! >:D
me: *laughs*
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
okay not much happen today..I feel very sick today...not how r u guys?
umm ok my teacher only stayed for 20 minutes today cuz i was sick but YAY ITS FRIDAY!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! T__T *is happy* okay I'm going over board on that one aren't i!
okay i gotta read this book called "My brother Sam is Dead" and it looks really dumb! I'D MUCH RATHER BE READING A ANIME!!! >:O CURSES!! BUT YAY MY MOTHER IS GIVING MY FMA BACK!!! THANK U GOD!! XD YAY!! *happy again XD *stops with the happy* ah...i dont feel well at all!! >:D lol!
I just started thinking that my birthday is coming up..on January 21'm gonna be 14 O_O NO WAY!! HELL I KEEP FORGETTING IM 13! O.O and ppl think i'm 12..what a shocker XD lol and i have a doctor appt. with a heart doctor on the 5th -3-' yay *waves hand up in air like a fruit* how annoying -3-
My Friend is makin me a Pride!Ed cosplay O_O! I'm really happy about that!! I'm gonna wear it outside to XD lol! the only problem is that the tops a belly shirt and the bottoms look like a skirt! -3- you guys probably know what i mean, it looks just like Envy's outfit but the gloves are different. lol
oh looky quiz
 Otaku Level 6
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla
Ha lol!
ok I'm out
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Friday, December 2, 2005
Hello guys
looky new blog and i kinda like it! :D
ok I'm REALLY bored with this theme so I'm gonna change it again ^^' dunno what to but New Theme gonna be coming it up in a few days just to inform ya ^^
okay we gave my mother her b-day presents early. her birthday isn't untill the 6th but whatever. shes a total pacman freak so she got this pacman game thingy that she loves and she was rly happy about that. lol
I have a TON of homework and I'm to lazy to go and do it -3-' so tomorrow i gotta get up early and do it..i have 4 test i gotta turn in and a bunch of other stuff but lucky its friday!!! that means after this no more for a few days!! YES!
oh yesterday I forgot to post about this funny yet wrong dream i had!! *laughs* omfg....Edo-kun((Edward Elric the FMA)) was being forced to work in this strip bar but he wasnt striping or anything just to make sure u know! and he was wearing all these girl outfits and had this choker necklace and it was makin him sound like a girl and all the guys were hitting on him as well 0.0 it was weird yet funny how Ed was acting XDDDD but at the end of the dream....YET AGAIN...Ed dies!!! ya know in every dream i have someone dies! lol
and yes i know being on the phone for 3 hours yesterday was insane!!! HOW COULD I DO THAT!!! well it made up for a years worth of not using that thing u ppl can a phone...evil lil money sucker -3-
lol ok I'm out
My Stats:
Total Hits: 1279
Popularity Ranking: 769
G-Book Sigings: 250
and thats it
PS visit Bluebirds on MyO plz :D
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
OMFG! 0.0
OMG...I just got of the phone with Chibi Hiei and M.Armstorng! and i was on the phone for over an 3 hours! Okay...thats very rare for me! I'm usually only on the phone for like 15 minutes with other ppl besides them and Jess! O_O very strange! but it was fun ^_^ I actually enjoyed being on the phone for a change! as you guys know the phone is my enemy. lol. i HATE the phone! but i enjoy talking to chibi hiei, M.Armstrong, and Jingelstanschibi ^^' lol my family keep yelling at me to get off and saying i was on for to long! DUDE IM NEVER ON THE PHONE UNLESS MY MOM MAKES ME TALK TO SOMEONE OR I HAVE TO ANSWER THE PHONE THOSE ARE THE ONLY TIMES!! CANT THEY GIVE ME A BREAK?!!! seriously -3-'
ok my teacher didnt come today, which yes thats good, BUT she's coming tomorrw at 9 am instead of 4pm >:O NOOOOOO!! though its better than 7! ^-^' lol *thinks* o crud..i still have homework I forgot to do O_O o well... ^-^ lol all it is, is a little math and English :D lol
Okay what ELSE happen *thinks* ummm....I was trying to get to everyones site today but my com kept saying "Error" ect than shuts me off! >:O I've been complaining about that alot -3-' lol
okay thats all i got
*sneaks up and writes "BIG FAT NINNY" on random persons head* *snickers* >:D lol *runs away laughing*
- Rachael Pride
and for Infamous Hacker heres the code ^-^:
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
to lazy to think of a title
Hey!...Oww chest pain ack....*coughs*
ok I gave my teacher the 4 page SHORT story -_- she said she was SOOO excited to read it o.O;; ooook riiight
I had to go x-mas shopping today -3-' oh and my moms b-day is coming up on
umm...lets see what else...well I'm talking to my lil sis ((M.Armstrong)) right now :D lol
you know whats is great..they gotta make more good food though -3- that reminds me..every year at x-mas I'm forced to make cookies and crap like that -3- and i HAVE to make sugar cookies not the ones i wanna make since I'm being forced cant i make something I want!! like chocolate chip and brownies?!!! I love those and I'm good at making them :D lol
*jumps behind a random person and scares him* :D sweet *walks away*
-Rachael Pride
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
ok right now I'm doing a story -3- my teacher didn't come today cause of a computer problem at school and i guess she had to fix it or something. i dont know and i dont care. I had today all to myself...and plus i'm feeling horrible today -3-' how bout you guys? how are ya?
ummm what else happen...Oh Jess((jinglestanschibi)) did a cute pic on me and her!! XD I love it!! lol! umm...what else...umm...I dunno 0.0' riiight....umm...yaah..ok i gotta go finish my story! ><
*throws a spork before she takes her leave*
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Monday, November 28, 2005
Ok thats enough "Hey"s! x_x MY SITE GOT MESSED UP TODAY!!! I FIXED IT A LIL BUT THE INFO ON THE SIDE IS STILL THERE!!! THE DUMB CODE WONT WORK >.< I'll try to fix it tomorrow ^^' Oh and was it just me but was TheOtaku not letting you comment on stuff and check comments @_@ It's been like this for a few days >.
Today my cousin and aunt came over and my cousin brought here boyfriend!!! >< who none of us here like! I dont rly care for him for more than one reason:
1) He looks and acts like a punk
2) Is immature
3) Called me a pussy something on the phone cause my cousin said i said i called him dumb
oh yah! and he ate my pizza!!!
right before he left he walked up to me and said:
do u hate me?
bf: why do u hate me
me: u called me a rude name on the phone for something i didnt do?
bf: i'm sorry
bf: thats not gonna change anything is it?
me: Nope *turns back to com*
what else happen today..umm..i dont think anything did o.O;; lol
oh crap! I forgot to due my story!!! I think I'll do it tomorrow...yah the days its due ^^; lol i alwayz do that XDD lol
ok thats all i got!
- Rachael Pride
Im bored so i did a quiz:
 Why do you cry? brought to you by Quizilla
 You go for the dodgy Bad Boy. You love taking risks and feel attracted to guys who share your hazardous hobbies. There's just something about a guy with confidence, flair, and a fuck-off attitude that drives you wild! Go you!
What Kind of Guy Would You Go For?? (Nice D.N. Angel Pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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