Birthday 1992-01-21 Gender
Female Location Palm Desert, Ca Member Since 2005-07-27 Occupation 10th Grade Student Real Name Rachael. :]
Achievements nothing what so ever ._. Anime Fan Since i was 4 years old Favorite Anime I'm too lazy to name them all. Goals Become an Homicide investagtor!
Learn Japanese
Become a better artist
Go to Japan Hobbies Reading
Teasing my mom about her big ass
Being a mean little sister XD
Pretty much anything to do with pissing my people off. Talents Read Hobbies Fallen Angel101
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Ok for those of you who commented yesterday..and said "I dont mean to freak you out" why would that freak me out?? I dont get freaked THAT out easy! XD lol and thank you Kira! *actually feels loved* XD
ok did nothing...just talked to Jess..ALOT..again! lol my mom WOULD NOT LEAVE ME THE H3LL ALONE TODAY!!! >.<
my mom got this tiny lil digital camera..*looks at cam* o.o tiny!!!
OMFG!! ALL FREAKIN DAY I HAD GENIE IN A BOTTLE STUCK IN MY HEAD!! i kept finding myself singing it!!! T-T i died a lil inside each time....*tummy growls* o.o i need
umm..what else?....*thinks* um...I've been in a 'bad' mood today -3-...*thinks*...nope i got nothing else ^^'
VID THAT MADE GENIE IN A BOTTLE get stuck in my head!! ><
NOA!!! GET AWAY FROM THE EDO!!!! Moive Vid! CONTAINS SPOILERS!!! I WARNED YA! GO TO VIEW THAN CLICK STOP! ((so you can hear the damn thing))
whats up?
not much going on here! As usually!
Today I talked to lil sis(M.Armstrong) ALOT today o.o!!
o and no lil sis i wont take 'NVMD' as answer ^^' lol
*thinks* o Gundam Seed comes on in *looks at watch* 45 minutes! XD and YYH comes on at 2:30am tonight -_-;
o dude! yesterday night((wed. night)) i had a dream!! you know Kira's stories.....i had a dream about it o.O;; it was everything that has happen so far PLUS more! XD it was cool-ish! but than all of a sudden....the ppl in it ended up in my house! -_-; and I was THERE! >< ((i dont want that! i wanna think of the stories! not something that wont heppen XP)) and right before i woke up....they killed Ed!!!!! >.< BLOOD WENT FLYING EVERYWHERE! X.x poor poor Ed....he got killed....o and after he got killed the ppl 'LOOKED' like they where gonna TRY to kill me...sadly i woke up when they took a few steps toward me *Sigh* DARN U MOTHER!!! >< SHE HAD TO WAKE ME UP!
when i dream and in it someone gets hurt Its like I can REALLY feel it! XD seriously i can! its cool! XD In one dream it was someone like Lust((FMA Lust)) and had stupid LONG nails and stabed someone-that someone happen to be Edward Elric-and i could feel was cool *laughs* and NO im not making it up -_-' lol
*thinks* nope nothing o.o.....ok this isnt good....ok well it doesnt really matter...
ok I'm tallking to my lil bro((edward1123)) and lil sis((M.Armstrong)) and they said they we're sorry cuz my parents NEVER got married even though they were together for 18 years......why would they be sorry? i dont get it -.-
New Theme......-3-
Heylo all....yaaah....would've posted sooner but got kicked off at 8:45pm((15 minutes before i could have)) and i got my butt up out of bed at 12pm and just finished i gotta go take a shower -_-;
ok well not much happen...o my mom dicided to trash my FMA >
ok what else to say....? nothing....o new theme....i lost the other codes i was gonna use T_T ((bgs ect..)) so untill i find them again I'm stuck with this.....Song Playing Boyfriends from the Winry Rockbell song file!
sayonara Comments (5) |
Current Mood: okay
Listening To: Bumble Bee
heylo all!! *waves* ok well today was uneventful! o and i finally got around to putting a chat box up!! see *points* its that white box!! give it a lil bit to load if you wanna! you'll probably find me on it alot! or I'll be at the one on lil bro's site!
ok well im thinking about what my new theme is gonna be!! and im pretty sure what it will be! lol! so it might go up within the next few days!!!! if you want any pic codes that i've had up PM me!!!!! any codes at all!!! music whatever! if you did and i didnt PM u back either i never got it or a error happen and it didnt go through...cuz quiet a few ppl have but they never PMed me back -3-...soooo PM me again if you still need it!! K?!
ok lets see what happen today? *thinks* o i finally talked to lil bro((edward1123))!! XDDD *evil laughter* he doesnt like the 'LIL' part! XD lol
umm....*thinks* what else happen today?? *thinks* omg...i forgot about my homework! XD *laughs* my bad!
......*ubber silence*.....*looks at desk*..hmm...*smacks hand on desk for no reason* XDDD ooo theres a welt now! ^0^ see!!! and yis i rly did that!
ok what else happen....o we went and signed the papers for the house SOOOOO im gonna be moving in dec or so!! >< i better have the com on christmas!!! XP better not miss much while i'm away either!! be sure to inform me if i do k!!!
Hi pplz! ok frist boring...and yis the mother thing is STILL gonna throw away my FMA but frist she says shes gonna research it some more -_-''
School- for the next few weeks I'm going to be testing...the teacher gave me a choice of what subject i wanted to do frist and i chose Math...when i looked at it...well i had to idea what the hell i was looking at!! I asked her if we had learned this junk and she who the hell do they supect me to do it if i dont have any idea what it is!! >< sooo...I did reading instead!
in other news we're going to sign the papers for the house tomorrow so I'll miss the lol school thing!! YAH!!
o and i meet Jess's friend Hiei today on IM! She's really quite....she's a Kiba fan! XD ED'S BETTER!!! and she murdered Edo-kun!!!! >:O so yah....Kiba had to die!! ^_^ Jess did the dirty work. Ohohoho! but yah about 30 minutes before we both left((Jess had already gotten off)) she started talking a bit! XD lol. so yah...
Right now the mother thing is annoying the heck out of me!! >< my gosh! no one every gives me peace around here!!! ONLY 4 and a half more years!!! and after i get out of school im going to Japan!! and if no one wants to come bad I'm leaving em ^_^!!! what?!!! my mother says im mean because of it! -3- like i care if they think im mean!
ok this is one of the pics i did on the com...turned out BAD!!! >< its me....i totally messed up!! first *points* note the eyes...they suck! ^_^
and yah...i dont like it -__-;
Current Mood: okay-ish
Time: 10:07pm
Listening to: eh.....
.....heylo....-___-;.....ok not much today!
a friend called me while i was talking to Jess on AIM! XP everyone at her house was screaming! well her lil sister and big bro anyway....her lil sis keep asking if she could talk to me o.O'! :P
well as usual im later on posting!! 'cause i've been doing my big science project that i waited till the last minute to do -___-;*mom walks by*....*glares*
mom: did you do all your hw?!!
me: ......yis....
mom: Argon?!
me: *holds it up to her* -3-
mom: math?!
me:...*sighs* YIS MOTHER!!
mom: GOOD GIRL!!!! ^___^ *walks away*
me: -__-' annoying... *turns back to com*
yis i got bored so i wrote what was just happening....what?! im bored! this song can only do so much! :I
o and to khfreak FMA means Fullmetal Alchemist!!! ^_^ *looks over at watch* XD *pops lid open* lol
omfg..u know what my mom did to it trying to open it?!!!! she put a frikin knife to it!!! >< she didnt think of pressing the lil button!!! OMG!!! when i poped open the lid there where a few scrathes on it and was all WTF?!!! WHAD U DO TO IT?!!!!!! ><
o and yesterday i put the watch up to my ear and i was all OMFG!!! *mom walks by* MOM PUT THIS UP TO YOUR EAR AND LISTEN!!!
mom: okkk..*does so*
me: *waits*
mom: what? what am i supose to hear?
me: IT....ticks! *amazed*
mom: -____-;; oh my...put it away *hands it to me* *walks off*
me: *all happy and crap swinging watch*
eh is my virus serious?? could be i guess...i just dont sick all the time anyway so who cares! it'll just add to it! ^_^
a few friends((on MyO)) said i sholuld submit the pics i did on the COMPUTER!!!!>:O nah uh! gonna do more tomorrow -__-'
ok well i got nothing else to say!
Ra's Random Question: Do you like feeling pain?
My Answer: YUP!!! I ENJOY IT!! yis it may sound weird but i do!! XD
Current Mood: STILL pissed!!!
Listening to: N/A
hello again...well today i guess
the mother thing is gonna do "research" on the FMA signs and crud before she trashes it! BUT instead of trashing it im gonna send it to my friend Jess!!! she feels guilty about it though.....but im gonna do it anyway!!! hey its better than it facing death!!!! so i guess Jess is gonna get FMA game 2,FMA episodes 24-51, FMA manga keeping my FMA Cd no matter what she says!!! how is she gonna find out!!!!! o yah what about my pencil board? i dont know what im gonna do with my shrit cuz i dont know what size Jess wears..i should ask....dont wanna sound rude though....o and i WAS right!!! my mom DID get me the FMA watch as a stocking stuffer for christmas!!!! *looks at watch* i already have fallen in love with it!! i've been wearing it since i found out!!! >< guess jess is getting a NEW watch to!!
o and i talked to Jess on the phone again! XD Sarah was there to!! ^^ lol!
o and that virus i gonna have it forever and ever and ever get it! XD its NEVER gonna go anyway!!!! >:D lol!! *laughs* it actives its self well your under stress and crud!
o guess what my bro did!!!....he smacks a big hole in the roof!!!((you: do i still guess...-__-;)) AHHHAHAAHAHA!! Jess asked if he was freakishly tall or something!!! hes like eh...6 foot..umm...3 or so....
o and i got to read another of Kiras stories!!! X3 lol
well im being kicked off sooooo..
Current Mood: still...mad
Time:9:25 pm
Listening to: umm...dcant remember the name of this one either
heylo....ok well my mom hasnt trashed my FMA yet!!! she says she dosent know what shes gonna do with it yet!!! >< AHHHHHHH!!! I SWEAR SHE WILL PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! IM GONNA HOLD THIS AGAINST HER FOR A LONG,AND I MEAN LOOOOONG, TIME TO COME!!!! and seriously i mean it!!!! ><
o and right after she took away my FMA she gave me a new creidt card...some collector people got the odd cards number or something i guess
in other news i have a virus! its called eh..*thinks* o CMV virus!! it'll keep you sick for up to-or maybe more-4 months!!! *narrows eyes* yaaaaaaah....and i mean ME not my computer....
o and just to let you guys know...for those of you who know Oathkeeper 1her com got all messed up and now she cant get on the internet so thats why she hasnt been her in MONTHS!!!
well thats all i have for now
Current Mood: er....pissed!!!
Listening to: Haunt
hello ppl!!!! right now im very pissed at my mom!!!!!!!!! ><
just what my mother did!!!!! SHE'S TAKEN MY FMA STUFF AND TRASHED IT!!! well she hasnt yet...she said she was gonna have a good fire!!!!! >< WTF?!!!!! SHES SAYS ITS EVIL AND DEMONIC!!!!
mom: you are my hobbie
mom: eh...i dunno
me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
other me: YOU LIL B*TCH!!! *grabs sharp objects and laughs evilly*
no but seriuosly!!!! whats up with that?!!!! and i have over 100 and somethin put into my FMA!!! DVDS,CDS,BOOKS,SHRITS,ECT....>:I
its ticks me right off!!!!!
my mom says shes not gonna have that 'devil' stuff in her house!!! and that when i get a house that to go right ahead! hell yah im gonna!!! its a form of entertainment!! ((cant spell))
in other*thinks*...there is no other news.....*narrows eyes*