Fallen Angel101
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
>< NO FAIR!!!
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: a bit pissed
Listening to: Bring Me To Life
hello again!!! sorry i didnt post yesterday my mom took my com!! >< darn her!!! she's been a real b*tch today!!!
ok well not much happen today....nothing i can think of anyway...o yah we got the house so if my mom takes it we will be moving in like a sadly that computer for me fair...
man my mom is getting on my nerves!!! she keeps trying to hug me when she KNOWS im REALLY pissed at her!!!! >< why cant she find someone else to bug! o yah if you havent noticed i've alwayz been more of a daddys girl...not that close to my mom...
she said i was a 'mean' little girl earlier...yah she just noticed that?!! how annoying! XD
ok im done boring you!
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
Comments (13) |
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: ok...better than yesterday anyway
Time: 9:40pm
Listening To: N/A
hello pplz! ok i tryed to get to everyones site today((Halloween day)) but half way down the list my com keep freezing when i got to your sites!!!! >< stupid thing!!!
well i totally forgot that today was halloween untill i started going to your sites and you all were talking about it!!!! -3- im a idiot!!! XD lol
ok well not much happen today as usual! very very boring!!!
I'm talking to friends online and all like usual!! o instead of going trick or treating or something i had to pass out candy to trick-or-treat pplz! lol what a joy that was -3-..i had kids that go to my school at my frinking door!!! XD
o me and my bro had to go to 7 11 cuz da mother thing wanted us to and while we were there i saw that jerk who asked me out!!! >< ahhh!!! Y ME!!!! lol
ok i gotta go!
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
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Monday, October 31, 2005
-______-' Not So Good....
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: NOt so good
Hi...ok well moms been a b*tch ALL day! >< and its put me in a not-so-good-mood!!
well i still cant remember what i wanted to say yesterday!!! i can only remember that i was gonna say that i measured my self...AND i grew!! XD im 65 inches!!! 5 feet and 5 inches!! HA!! see just because you DONT drink milk doesnt mean you wont grow!! now Ed on the other hand...*snickers* no but sorry but he is kinda short...its a tiny bit sad....but funny!!! >:D SORRY!!!
and im dumb com keeps glitching!! >< damn you com!!! *grabs chair and beats computer to a pult* aw i feel a lil bit better!! >:D *punches com* you suck Mr.Com!! no but seriously...i feel like smacking someone with a bat!!!
o i took this quiz a while back ((it was on EdWillSoS's MyO site)) and i think it was on what part of life do you represet..yah i think that was it...dude i took that thing 100's of times and each time i got "YOU REPRESET THE 'END' OF LIFE" >:D HA!!! lol!! but seriously..i dont hate ALL humans...yes some tick me off and make me wanna cause serious pain BUT i dont hate everyone and everything....just some things!!! XD lol if you took the quiz this is the pic os the results i got just not with the words:

do i seem in a not so good mood...*thinks* i dunno but i am! and this damn song is ticking me off!!! *throws headphones* >:D
ok i gotta go the MOTHER THING is kicking me off -3-....why the heck do i do this faces when they bug me?!!!!!! YESH!!
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
 You're Pride-Ed! Calm and mysterious. And looks cool. If you're confused please search for help matey! (Maybe you'll became a poet...or say this phrase all the day: to be or not to be, that's the question...) (daisuki da yo 6_-!! )
Which Fullmetal Alchemist: Bluebird's Illusion character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
*flips maker of quiz off* BITCH!!! IM THE #1 FMA FAN!!!! GO TO HELL!!!!
 Excellent work!! You got 100%. For those of you who took my last knowledge quiz, your still the #2 fan of FMA, because I am the #1!
(A much better quiz) How Well Do You Know About Fullmetal Alchemist??? brought to you by Quizilla're Angela! At first glance you come off as being rather cold and uncaring, but there is much more to you than just that! You are a strong person, a born warrior, and as a result you tend to put up a tough exterior to those around you. Emotions are not something you are accustomed to and you get uncomfortable in situations where they are apparent. You try to remain aloof and distant even to those you consider friends, but to the few people that have managed to worm their way into your heart you can sometimes show a more trusting and caring side. Once someone does something that truly upsets you than you carry around a huge resentment that you may misplace onto someone else, however a special person may one day be able to finally make you realize that not everyone is as horrible as you think. To those you care for you are an able protector: your strength alone is enough for one to rely on. You're one tough cookie!
Which Character From the Anime 'Kurogane Communication' Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your A Confident Anime Girl! your brave and fearless and will do anything to get what you and anybody else wants, you will beat up anyone who stops you and you have a hot temper that maybe one day will be tamed, but until then you use that big mouth of yours to swear and scold and of your competitors chill ok its not the winning that counts its the fact that you took part <_< >_>
What Enchanted Anime Girl Are You? (ABSOLUTLY GORGEOUS ANIME PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
 Goddess of the Night. Beautiful yet a strange darkness and sadness lurk about you.
What element would you rein over? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
-_-' heeeeeeey.....
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood:
Time: 12:10pm
Listening to: N/A
hello...again!! weeeeell...nothing has happen SO far...
ok well my damn alter ego is getting on me nerves!!!!! XD she 'EVIL' lol! >:D
*thinks* i know im forgetting something!!! AHHHHHHHH! I CANT REMEMBER!!!! ><
ok while im thinkging im gonna post a funny lil avi that i love so very much!! XD

HHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! *inhales to calm self*
other me: what the hell was that about? -3-
me: *turns slowly and gives other me the 'evil eye'* *growls*
*thinking* think...think...THINK!!! AHHHHH!!! I CANT REMEMBER!!! >< god damnit!!!!
ok im out! my moms yelling at me to f*ckin clean!!!! XI
*+*Ra-chan*+* |

Comments (9) |
Saturday, October 29, 2005
..Another Day.....-_-'
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: bored
Time: 10:42am
Listening to: N/A
hello again!! >:^ *snicker* i jacking jess's faces again!!! o and i got WAY more comments yesterday than i thought i'd get XD
ok will not much happen today!! o and if you wanted to know my teacher is here for an hour maybe a lil less maybe a lil more. so yah......
anywayz i ha ve nothing to say rly...*thinks* o dude do you guys ever get that weird feeling that someone watching you?! i have it right unseen eyes pericing through you!! dude i ALWAYZ get that out of things to say.....o wait!!! im insane!!! >:D not crazy but INSANE!!! lol
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
Comments (6) |
Friday, October 28, 2005
X_x NO!!! TEACHER!!!
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: bored
Listening to: Link
hello ppl!!! well I'm not sure if I'll get very many comments on this but o well!! >:D *snickers* i keep jacking Jess' faces!! XD Ohohoho!
ok well right now I'm waiting for my teacher to get here!! X_x yah my teach comes over to my place!! not cool......*sigh* o well..but yah just!!!
*zones listening to Link* I LOVE THIS SONG FOR SOME REASON!!!! *sings it* o.o i am NOT sing!!! NO WAY!! >:P o nvmd! o if you go to my other MyO site,which i keep forgetting to fix up!!! anyway if you go to Forsaken Soul you can listen to it!!! >:D lol!!
*thinks* Well...I have nothing else to really say! so bye bye!!
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
Comments (11) |
Thursday, October 27, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: warn out
Listening to:Let Go-Frou Frou
whats new?! something actually happen today! O.O OMFG!!!
well guess what i got to do today!! *waits*...i got to sit in the hospital for 8 whole hours!!! know WHY.......i had a seizure...but the hospital doctor said she doesnt think it was a seizure...she said it was most likely causeed by a sugar thing...not eating enough yah...i had a ctscan done and i got poked!!! it hurt 10 times more than the last one!!!! the girl sucked!!! and it was more like she riped the niddle out NOT pulled!!! flet like she riped the frikin skin off!!!! B*TCH!!! o and that bitch doctor of NO LONGER MY DOCTOR!!!! you know what she fuckin did!!! she ordered a blood pregant test on me!!! WITHOUT telling us she did!!! WTF?!!!!! my mom got SOOOO pissed when she found out!!!! seriously!!! WTFs up with that?!!!! she was lucky she wasnt standing next to me when I found out!!! i would have punched her lights out!!!!
opps...ok i gotta go! my moms yelling at me!
My Stats-
Total Hits:983
Popularity Ranking:995
...i passed the 1000 in the 900's *yawn* big deal...-3- o well i dont care im not gonna get happy over it -3-
*dissappears into the shadows*
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
OMFG!! LOOK AT THIS!!! ED'S SOOOO FREAKING HOT!!!! JINGLESTANSCHIBI gave it to me a while back for my inner fan girl!!! XD

ok a Inu Yasha piccy

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Another Day...yet it was ok!
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: not so good
Listening to:Moments
hello...again...yah today was actually ok!
well from now on im gonna be doing home schooling!!! i found out in last period. and after i got out i told one of my friends and she got really upset! you know the one, Angie-chan, the one thats alwayz yelling at me and getting after me when i dont eat -3- seriously shes like my mother with all the and after i told her we went to my art teachers class 'cuz i wanted to get my art junk i did, and my teacher seemed really upset that i was leaving...after she talked to me she said:
Ms.Jaffe((teachers name)): can i give you a tiny winy hug?
me: hmm...yeah *smiles*
lol! omg!!! i smiled!!!!! -gasp- OMFG....WTF?!!!!! lol
o and in frist period((Ms.Jaffe Art)) one of my other friends said:
Friend: are you doing anything for halloween?
Friend:do you ever go trick or treating?
me: sometimes when i have nothing else to do...
friend: does your mom let you go with friends?
me: umm..yah...
friend: GREAT!!!!
me: o.O; *thinks "WTF"*
friend: ok than your gonna come with me!!!
me: wha.....umm...oooooooook...o_O;
odd-ness -3- made no sence i just got bored so i told yah XD guess im gonna go with my friends...note it think like 20 ppl are gonna be with us o.O;...shes the kind of girl at school that all the guys like and yaaaaaaaaah....she's alwayz saying your my best friend Rachem!!!((yes she calls me rachem...)) and your so kind...ect...-3-
o and i had that bitch sub again!!! but for History XP you know the one...i told you about her a while back...she was our sub for Art one day....shes a real pain *sigh* o and i would have FINALLY gotten detention to!! only 'cuz my damn math teacher((Mr.HO!!XD)) kept the whole class in for 5 minutes because a few kids were 2 ppl out of 35 -3- i think i was really the fact that some kid jacked one of his jolly ranchers!! thats what he was really mad about and its SOOO easy to tell who did it!! i forgot his name though lol
well thats all i got! im off to pplz sites!
*dissappears into the shadows*
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
i thought a few ppl asked if i had any Roy pics...right? well here are a few-

FUNNY BBI PIC!!! *laughs* just the thought of Ed in a dress makes me laugh my ass off *snickers*

heres a pic of Roy,Pride!Ed,and Al-BBI of course-

heres a pic of Roy and Ed!!

o and guys...if you want any codes or anything please...just PM me ^_^ k?
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
-3- sucky
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: okay
Listening to:N/A
hello pplz! yaaaaaaah....*sigh* ok i wasnt allowed on earlier so tahts why i didnt post yesterday -.-' damn mom...SOOOO today im gonna tell you all what happen the last few days ok, ok! perpared to get bored -_-' o and sorry i couldn't stop by everyone!!!
ok the other day i talked to Jess((JingleStansChibi))....on...the phone o.O;....its weird talking to her on the phone after knowing her for a!!! and she lives in PA, a cross country call she says!! lol
well as usual not much has happen...i FINALLY got to watch more Naruto -3- barely on episode 68 damn bro never lets me watch 'em!!!!!!!!!! CURSE YOU!!!!((talking bout bro))
well yah...not much has happen...o today((monday)) my mom MADE me eat BREAKFAST!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! THE ORDER HAS BEEN BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! i havent eaten breakfast in years!!!! XP it makes me sick!!! and its all becasue of that damn doctor!!!! and my mom also had to go on saying "YOUR WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT IS VERY LOW YOU KNOW IT CAN KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!!!!!!!!!" me: -3- *thinks "well...yah kinda"*.....*rolls over and ignores her*/ seriously it gets rather old!!!! shes alwayz saying crap to me that just ticks me right off!! saying your gonna fail school, your not gonna do this and that,you got all F's on your report card!!! yesh thats NOT true i got two A's at least!!! others got ALL F's, PURE F'S! least i got SOME A's!!!! its bullshit!!! well i might just start going in at 8:23 instead of 7:00 -3- least i get more sleep!!!
o yah...tomorrow((tuesday))i have Office ad first...i dont like how that school works....a few of my schools were like this one day would be periods 1 than,2,3,4,5,than 6 and than the next day it would be like this 2,3,5,4,6,than 1((4th NEVER gets moved around!)) it confuses me onetimes!!! and 1st period is my worst...English -3- i HATE it!!! the subjects i AM good at are Algebra,Science((sorta)),art if that counts,and...well...LUNCH!! what thats a period!!! ok well not
well thats all i got i'll try to stop by pplz sites and see what i missed if i can k?! my mom only gave me 10 minutes and thats about up!! XP
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
Comments (12) |
Sunday, October 23, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: im bored dude
Time: 10:50pm
Listening 2:N/A
hello boring.....nothing happen...again!!*sigh* o new blog thingy sorry if its hard to read and if its to big im trying ot fix that now but the dumb thing doesnt like me -3-.... o and where the lil white writing is that says "FallenAngel101" in chinese!! by JingleStansChibi!!! o and ANOTHER button!!! looky!!

why his chin you may ask...'CUZ HIS CHIN IS E LA HOTT!!!! ((j/k)) hehe! also by JingleStansChibi! o and *points* see my pretty new welcome sign!!!! Pride!Ed is hot!!! i love his eyes!!! :E ---drool.....UBBER drool!!! ((jess showed me that one XD)) only have it up 'casue im messing with codes!!
o i went and saw The Fog at the movies!!! it was DUMB!!! IT WASNT EVEN SCARY!! it sucked!!!! o my cousin got a new boyfriend!!!! like i thought she dumped the other one cuz he was a jerk!!! TOLD YA!!!! HA!!! they kept making out!!! so i kept smacking my cuz!!! and at the movies her and her boyfriend went and sat up at the front of the place and me, my bro, and my OTHER cousin where a few rows behide them and my bro lend over and said "wanna throw ice and junk at em?!" me: O YEAH!! than my cousin started throwing popcorn at them and hit the person infront of us with it!!! XD lol!!! o and my bro tryed to scare my 4 times during the movie BUT it didnt work cuz the movie wasnt scary at all!! but he did it to my cousin and she jumped out of her set!!! XD lol! than a few minutes later she started busting up laughing and i looked at her and said what the hells so funny? her: THAT WAS SOOO FUNNY!!!((the fact my bro scared her!)) the whole movie we were wispering to each other...her watch its gonna come out of there..and it dose and she gets all scared!! me: its gonna grab her and pull her under watch and it XD
we WERE gonna go see DOOM BUT we needed a adult with us...the one time my bro forgot his ID card we ACTUALLY needed it!!! XP after we got the tickets for THE FOG my bro said EDWARDS IS BETTER!!!!
o and when we walked out of the movies-after we got done watching the movie of course-it was ALL foggy outside!!! it was awesome!!!!
o and i got my com back!
well i just got back from Target and Hollywood....they didnt have The Nightmare Before Christmas!! DAMNIT!!!! they were all out!!! 'cuz they know i want so they hide it! *laughs like a maniac* hehee...*rawks back and forth in chair* X.x *grabs chainsaw* im gonna get you pplz!! hehehe BUAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!
o i got hot cheetos! hehe....*grabs chips* i had to ask soo many times!!! damn you doctor!!! DAMN YOU 2 HELL!!!!! HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY HOT CHEETOS!!! *growls* my mom only let me get one lil tiny baggy though -3- curses...they're all mine cant have any!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
well rite now im talking to my friend Jess!((JingleStansChibi)) on IM!!! lol!!!! listening to Promised Land by larc~en~ciel!!! *sings it* lol!!! she's playing it not me!!! XD lol! ooo now its Boyfriends!!! *sings it* i RARELY sing....and when i do its ONLY in japanese!!!! XD lol!
o god...crap...*rubs eyes* man..hahaha lol!!! my eyes went PURE BLACK from the outside in!!!! happens everyday though!!! lol!! than i get VERY VERY VERY dizzy!!!! lol hahaha!! o and you know how i told you about my white blood cells being low...the doctor said that, that could be caused by one of two things, i have a bad illnes...aka cancer somewhere in my body OR im just not eating right which she says its that im not eating right..which everyone thinks...cuz i dont!!! NOTHINGS GOOD!
well i got nothing else to say!! so sayonara
My Stats-
Total Visits:957
Popularity Ranking:1018
G-B Signings:221
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
just a thingy...i got bored
Aquarians are known to be progressive thinkers. Those on their own wave length will understand them and realize what a truly oringinalturn of mind they possess. Those who aren;t, will simply think they're spaced out,weird, or plan batty-depending on what generation they belong to!
Of all the signs, these memebers are perhaps the most broad-minded and tolerant. They seem to be able to take on baord all sorts of odd human behaviour. Tell them about unusual lifestyles of bizarre beliefs and they'll shrug their shoulders and just say,"So what?""Live and let Live" is very definitely the Aquarian motto in life.

*disappears into the night*
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