Birthday • 1992-01-21 Gender •
Female Location • Palm Desert, Ca Member Since • 2005-07-27 Occupation • 10th Grade Student Real Name • Rachael. :]
Achievements • nothing what so ever ._. Anime Fan Since • i was 4 years old Favorite Anime • I'm too lazy to name them all. Goals • Become an Homicide investagtor!
Learn Japanese
Become a better artist
Go to Japan Hobbies • Reading
Teasing my mom about her big ass
Being a mean little sister XD
Pretty much anything to do with pissing my people off. Talents •Read Hobbies Fallen Angel101
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Current Mood: bored out of my frikin mind!!!!!
Time: 11:00pm
Listening to: N/A
hello guys..*sigh* my computer has been a you know what today -3- wouldn't load anything!!! i've punched it SOOOO many times today!!! yes i DID punched it!! STUPID THING!!!
well nothing really happen today! i've been talking to my friends on gaia!! ^_^ o and i actually remember dreaming last night o.O frist time in over 4 was a dream about Gundam Seed!!! see when i dod dream its ALWAYZ anime!!!! LOL! my mom grounded me from the computer ALL WEEKEND!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! DAMN HER!!! watch she'll give in *grins evily* oh yah...she grounded me today BUT i keep bugging her about SO she gave me 30 minutes on it...HA!! i kept trouchering my brother *WEEEEEEE* he hurt his leg and i kept poking it ^0^ he got SOOO mad!! than hit me X_x bitch! *runs away* o my bro went in the bathroom earlier 'cuz my mom wanted a VERY hot rag and while he was warming up the rag in locked the bathroom door and shut it and he was trying SOOO hard to open it!! and started yelling at me saying to let go of the handle than he realized i was standing there laughing my ass off and that i wasnt holding the handle and it was just locked!!! *rolls on floor laughing* it was sooo funny listening to him freaking!!! HAHAH!!! than when he got out he hit me up top the head!! lol!!
o and he wouldnt let me see what he was looking at on his computer! he kept trying the screen so i couldnt see and when my mom came in to look something up on his com i said "MOM HE's LOOKING AT PORNO!!!" *snickers* and my bro got soooo mad at me!! of course my mom went along with it!!! and after it was over i laughed my ass off and YET AGAIN my bro hit me, which i deserved!! lol and it was all worth it!!!
Current Mood: bored
Time: 10:00pm
Listening to: N/A
whats up? not much here!!! im playing alot of Gaia today! AGAIN! *dope* i e la dumb dumb lol!im only allowed on for 30 minutes!! so Ssssssh!
well nothing really happen today!! i had NO school so i've been on the computer ALOT today *sigh*
well we got my blood results back!! and my white blood cell count is real low i guess! XP and i has a BAD infection! and its like lecking into my tummy and thats why im so sick!! -______-' so stupid!! and my throut is killing me!!! i can barely talk! @.@
o dude i was on Gaia and some girl poped in and talked to me for like 3 minutes-maybe not even that-and than PM-ed me asking if i wanna nawty!!! stupid n00d who just cant say cyber!! and why the hell would i?!!! my friend got SOOOOO pissed xD!!! lol!
well other than that nothing happen *sigh* i gotta go to school tomorrow!!! but i get out at 11:25pm!! i'll probably miss the bus again!!! watch!! stupid!!!
Current Mood: umm..happy-ish,,i guess
Time: 9:30pm
Listening to: um...well..the gamble thingy on Gaia.. @.@
whats up? not much here!!! i think all of you agreed with me on the who not understanding girls thing eh!! lol!
well not much happen today! i've been on Gaia alot just talking 2 friends!! lol! and making new ones!! all but one were les' and bi's!! lol ^_^
well today i got out of school at 11:25 BUT my teacher,Mr. Ho, keep us in late and made me miss the bus... JERK!
o and NO school tomorrw!! ((thrusday))
oo..a person JUST-i mean JST NOW- found out im straight..she said its like a dagger just went through her heart o.O' i huged her and she wrote..."x_X so tempting too *huggles back*'s not wise to hug a lesbian who has professed interest in you XD she might not ever let go!!" lol!! than " I'll prolly hang around you for a bit >.> incase you ever wanna give me a go n.n;;" o.O' lol....and than another bi or lez came in the room and said:
"p4((me))is sexy, u r turning me on"
frist lez:"hands off, she's mine if she ever turns bi or lez XD"
first:"she's just here tonight to torture us n.n"
Listening to: N/A
Time: 9:23pm
Current Mood: bored...
hello all! glad you all like my new theme!! personally i dont like how it turned out..i throw it together 10 or 5 minutes before i posted so yah...thats why its kinda sloppy looking! lol o and yes i WAS upset cuz' the storm didn't hit us and niether did the would have been awesome huh!!
today i rained a bit!! the sky didnt look as cool as it didnt yesterday during the storm of course! during my absence yesterday all the lights in my school went out ohohoho wish i was there *sigh* i dont cuz' than i wouldn't have been able to watch the storms!!!
nothing really happen today...i taught my friend l33t and now she keeps wanting to write notes to me in l33t which i dont really mind but im not really the type to do notes...not my thing...BUT i did cuz' she really wanted to. lol!
yet again i was a inch away from punching a few math the kid behide me-how i dont mind at all, he's an ok guy i guess-started singing and humming and kicking my damn desk over and over i keep truning around and right when i did he'd say "I'm sorry i didn't mean to!!" so i'd just turn back around but after the 5th or 6th time i told him to shut the fuck up ya moron!! he just gave me this look like he was shocked i said it!! lol, cuz' im kinda nice in that class...even if i never talk. but yah...
o yeah when it started raining at school i ACTUALLY TOOK OFF MY JACKET!! my friend said "omg...yah NOW you chose to take it off!!! this is the FRIST time you have taken that thing off!!!....AHHH SHE'S STRIPING IN THE RAIN!!! *lauhgs" me# wtf.....*than stands in the rain looking up at the sky*
yah weird huh! lol
...umm..what to say?..*thinks*..OMG..i just remember last year they school did a slid show and in it where a few pictures of ME!!! WTF! and guess what?! they where pictures of me when i would fall asleep in class!!! lol!!! HA! WHAT A MORON RIGHT! *laughs* at the end of the dumb slid show everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, was crying!!! i was one of the few whole weren't! even all my friends started crying! WTF?! why would they cry? big deal, the end of the school year who cares! well a feww people might not see each other but really.
and whats up with girls anyway?? im a girl and i cant understand girls O.o; seriously! girls are rediculus! they break a nail and they freak out! yah i've seen girls freak out over that! such morons..really
well thats all i got!
My Stats-
Total Visits:926
Popularity Ranking:#1050
G-Book Signings:218
FA's Random Question: What's your favorite anime character?
My Answer: Edward whatever you say...ED'S BETTER!! HA!!
Listening to: Moments!!! MOMENTS RULZ ALL DUDE!
sup! well as you can see i got tired of my old theme SOOO i got a new one!! its FMA:BBI!!!! i luv it!!((BBI i mean)) the music is Moments ((from BBI)) ect....o and i put the Moments vid up..well in my quiz thingy lol
well im in a better mood today..kinda! well my mom asked "what happen 2 my 'SWEET' little girl?" me# she died along time ago... mom# no shes still in there *trys to hug me* me# get away...stop that!!! *pissed*
yah i dont like ppl getting to touchy feely when im mad at them...really annoying eh...
o today stormed!!! SOOO COOL!!!!!!! there was a tornado watch and everything!! the news said there was hale the size as DIMES and that the storms, NOTE STORMS!((more than one)) can produce tornados and 2 get 2 a sleter!!! BUT sadly it just barely missed me T^T DAMN!! i wanted it 2 hit us!! it would have been soo freakin cool! yes tornados and storms are one of my faves! the sky got all dark all of the sudden and i mean FAST! so cool!!
well yah i do NOT, i repet DO NOT, like my cousins boyfriend! when i posted about meeting him and i said "he seemed cool" i didnt mean i thought he was cool i ment EVERYONE else thought he was...i dont though..i dont like him...he seems OK but he has this look about a REAL @$$ ya know...
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: bored
Listening to: Lying from you
whats up? today was still in a bad mood today...thankz 4 all the nice coments yesterday *hugs all*
looky!!! my big sis ((aka Jess also known as JingleStansChibi)) made me 2 new buttons!!!
frist is the one 4 Fallen Angel101...
and the second 4 Forsaken Soul...
i luv em!!! o and before anyone thinks that the ppl on here i call Lil ((Kawaii Inu and Oathkeeper 1))and Big sis ((JingleStansChibi)) are NOT blood related!!! just lil nick names!! and well there like sisters 2 me!! o and i cant 4get my LIL BRO ((edward1123)) *snickers* he hates it when i call him that!! i think its cuz he a lil short *snickers*
well 2day was rly nice out!! it rained all day!and thuder 2!! yes thats a nice day 2 me! and sunny days i hate!
well today i was FORCED 2 go 2 best buy!! i didnt wanna go ONLY because im BROKE!!! whats the point if i have NO money?! i'll just see things i want and wont be able 2 get them! like when i was there i saw SOOOO many DVD's i wanted!!! BUT the one movie i want SOOOOO very badly,The Nightmare Before Christmas, wasnt there!!! they were ALL out!!! i asked after i hunted...and they checked there computer and they were sold out...and that Best Buy had the WORST selection!!! it sucked!!!
o and i saw this DVD there called Elfen Lied i wanted it so badly! but i didnt dare ask because than my mom would have looked over it like 10 times making sure it had NO NUDITY, VILENCE OR ANYTHING BAD!!! WTF?! and the DVD has Aalot, and i mean ALOT, of blood in it!! i saw part of the frist episode and part of the second...ALOT of blood! the chick ripped some dudes head off!!! i still wanna see it though!
o and ALSO while we were there i sat done on a couch they had there waiting for my damn mom 2 finish when 45 minutes earlier she said we were leaving RIGHT THAN! and anywayz while i was waiting my bro came over and grabed the backpack around my neck ((my INU YASHA one)) and yanked it SO hard it almost broke my damn neck!!!!!! and asked where our mother was!!! i said WHO THE HECK WOULD I KNOW?!! than he started pulling the backpack trying 2 drag me off the couch so we could go look 4 her!!! so i throw the backpack off, what it hurt!!! and he got pissed and throw the bag on the floor so i called him a mother fucking moron and 2 go 2 hell BUT he's deaf and didnt hear me i swear 2 god im gonna...*stops self* know what im not EVEN gonna go there *sigh* i hate it here!! WHO WOULDNT?!
well thats all i got 2 talk about!
My Stats-
Total Visits: 915
Popularity Ranking: #1062
Guestbook Signings: 220
Woopty Flipin Do...thats as happy as im gonna get
FA's Random Question: wow been awhile since i've don one of these huh! ok now What song or songs suit you?
My Answer: Numb, Faint, Lying From You, Somewhere I Belong, One Step Closer, Crawling, Out Of Control, and..umm...*thinks* i cant think of the name *sigh*
vid 4 today sorry if it spoils anything-
Lying From You series Naruto!!!
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: PISSED OFF!!!!
Listening 2: NOTHING!!
whats up?! i hate my bro!!! other than that nothing here.....
2day was...bad.....i've been in such a bad mood since yesterday!!! my mother has been a b*tch all day again!!!
trying 2 FORCE me 2 eat!!! sayingg if you dont get something in the next 10 minutes no computer 2morrow!!! so i said fine and when im have 2 puke im coming straight 2 you!! ((2 puke on her)) then she goes on saying "if your dad was here you wouldnt been getting away with all this!" me- "well he isnt!! he had 2 go and die, now didnt he!!!" F*CK THIS SH*T! *flips my bro and mom off* ((sadly there so blind they didnt notcie)) *wispers* f*ckheads...
i STILL havent been able 2 watch Naruto episode 63!!! my asshole brother wont let me!!! *points at bro* SCREW YOU!!!
you know its strange that i used 2 make soooo many friends b4 my dad died...everyone in my skool knew me ect....had MANY friends!!!! o well i dont give a h00t! im happy with ppl not knowing me....or being afraid of me its FUNNER that way
now 4 some piccys:
i used 2 ALWAYZ play this game with my bro when i was lil but i 4got the name
me 2day
well im 2 lazy 2 put more up soooo.....bye bye *poof and i gone*
~Life is not perfect. That's the beauty of it~
well 2day in sience the jerk in front of me kept trying 2 talk 2 me again...he started asking how old i was and if i liked drawing ((he saw a drawing that was in front of my folder BUT i riped it off)) ect...i gave him this evil galre...and truned away and he said 2 the kid next 2 him she doesnt like talking and the kid said O YAH U JUST NOW NOTICED THAT!!! XD lol
o and in english, my last class of the day, one of the kids next 2 me throw a fucking pencil at my head!!!! i spun around and glared at the 2 kids and they both pointed at each other and said HE DID IT! i glared at them for 5 minutes trying 2 figure out which one 2 punch in the face and stomp on! and than after a minute of thinking they said Please dont look at me like that than gave me this weird look. and in weird look i mean scared! MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA!!! FEAR ME!!! lol!
what else happen...*thinks*umm....i dunno...ya know i've been thinking...its been a LONG time since i cryed....last year i believe and thats only because i had a horrible headache!!! it was like someone has a hammer and was nailing a huge well nail or something in my head lol! but i alwayz have bad headaches thats not anything new!
umm well i think thats about all 4 today! o yah and look at the quiz right there *points* HA!!
~Life is not perfect. That's the beauty of it~
HA! you should have seen my mothers face when she saw this!!!
You Are 100% Boyish and 0% Girlish
You have a tough exterior - and usually a tough interior to match it.
You're no nonsense, logical, and very assertive.
Sometimes you can't understand women at all, even if you're a woman yourself.
You see things rationally, and don't like to let your emotions get the best of you.
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood:bored
Time: 9:24pm
Listening 2:White Destiny...still....
sup! whats up? not much going on here as usual!
well we had a sub in art...evil lil b*tch....when me and my friend Angie-chan were walking 2 class((we were the frist ones there cause we 4got that it was brake lol)) and she like forced herself 2 smile and us and say hi!!! it was "weird"....she was mean in class 2.....o and we had 2 watch this STUPID video in there AGAIN! and the teacher said "now if your all good i'll let you guys draw and if your not than your ALL gonna have 2 write 2 or 3 paragraghs 4 me!!!" i looked at my friend and she looked at me at the same time and i said "B*tch"
Angie-chan# yup
me# told ya...
Angie-chan# no....i told YOU....
me# *glare*
and the picture we "got" 2 draw HAD 2 b 4m the stupid art was about art jobs....really dumb so im just gonna do this pic of a hand...hey its easy and its NOT gonna try 2 do my best on it...we arent even suposed 2 get homework in that class its just a cheap reason 2 practice drawing ect..thats what my art teacher says lol
o yah anh i hear the my math teacher Mr.Ho....Ho...*laughs* omg!! o yah Mr.Ho's WIFE's name is its Ima Ho!!!! HAHAHAHAHA lol! sry but its funny! o man funnieness
well i have 2 projects 2 do...a Science one and a Math thing...i gotta write down 230 or MORE math definitions 4 the math project and the scince one is about elements...i have 2 do it on Argon..i wanted Neon but some jerk in class got chosen 4 it mother buzzered *sigh*
o yah glad 2 hear you guys wanna see my crudy yet "OK" pics!! still wanting 4 the gramps 2 find the cord trying 2 find some of my pics BUT i lost em all or my mom wrote on them!!!! DAMNIT ALL 2 HELL!!!!!!!
well im out
o wait!! *pops up* looky!!
"If you have attempted alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array then copy and paste this in your sig." hahaha!! sadly i did that when i got bored SOOOOO i copyed it 2 all my sigs!! DOPE!! lol!
~Life is not perfect. That's the beauty of it~ ((<<------NOT))
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood:Time: 8:58 pm
Listening 2: N/A
Sup! well 2day was boring! not much happen! very uneventful
well at lunch my friend tryed 2 get me 2 eat part of her lunch! of course i refused! she started saying "OMG Ra-chan((yes she DOES call me Ra-chan)) why do you have 2 be so stubern?!" ((cant spell)) hehe lol! she got me 2 drink her chocolate milk *sigh* blah made me sick though....o yah i call her Angie-chan and Angie-san cuz' she likes both...she wanted 2 call me Ra-SAN so she calls me both Ra-chan AND Ra-san....
o yah did i say in my last post that my gramps IS gonna let me borrow his scanner when he finds the cord??? well when he does im gonna let everyone see my crudy pics!!! ....well some of them r good...but still crudy...does that make sence?
well im not in the greatest mood 2day....had such a urge 2 punch a BUNCH of ppl again.....seriously i need 2 calm down....well i never rly show any emotion at like some kind of zombie! lol....i NEVER talk even if some talks 2 me frist...i only talk 2 a few good friends there....and the teachers when thye start asking me junk
in math the teacher made us take this thingy 2 see how fast we could do multi.((times junk like 8x9=72 ect...)) 4 ALL 0-9 but not 1...i did them all in 1 minute and 55 seconds....was one of the frist 2 get done AND i got em all right....such a bore *sigh*
My Stats-
Total Visits: 882
Popularity Ranking:1103
G-Book Signings:218
well im being kicked off