Fallen Angel101
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: bored out of my mind!
Time:10:36pm ((1:36am Otaku wise))
Listening 2: White Destiny-Pretear
sup! whats up? nm here! i've been on myspace 2da! the demon span came over again 2day!! ((aka lil cousin)) started being a lil jerk!!
well not much happen 2day! o ya know how i told u about that jerk at skool how i hate and is in almost everyone of my classes! he asked me out 2 the dance...*growls* mother buzzered! lol and course i say no..well it was more of the evil eye! lol
2day my friend keep yelling at me cause i NEVER eat only at dinner and a lil bit at that! she got rly upset ((the same one im teaching how 2 draw)) so i ate lunch at skool so she'd stop worrying!...*sigh*
what else happen *thinks* o when my cousin's where over i helped up my cousin out with her myspace...well she shares one with her friend...and her friend made it look...well ill just say "bad". so yah ^^ i got a bg and music ect up 4 her!
well my moms kicking me off
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: bored
Time: 11:00 pm
Listening 2: Invoke-Gundam Seed
whats up? not much here as usual lol...well i totally 4got 2 update earlier.....2 hours ago i mean *sigh* i zoned out listening 2 music and chating with friends on Myspace hehe lol
well i didnt go 2 skool again 2day...gosh why am i ALWAYS sick?! it gets REAL odd over years damnit! *smacks self in the head over and over* *sigh*
well yah....not much here...ya know what...i REALLY wanna punch ppl out at many....annoying pplz...makes me pissed just looking at em!!! *clenches fist* ......strange...o well...everyone seems 2 do that now! lol! yah ppl tend 2 tick me off....sorry but its true!
god my neck hurts!!! ahh ANNOYING!!! well im being kicked off!
sayonara!! *disappears*
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Monday, October 10, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: bored
Time: 9:45pm((12:45 otaku wise))
Listening 2: na
hey! wats up? nm here! 2day was a lil better than yeserday! ^^ lol
ok lets see what happen 2day! ...nothing....o one thing just 2 make sure none of u got the wrong idea but yeserday was not horrible just becaue i didnt get a stupid DVD k lol
well i had 2 do alot of homework 2day..*sigh*..had a BUNCH of English, some gay ass math, and art! i LUV the pic on my art thing!! i dont know why but i do! lol
how long have i had this theme up??? i want 2 hurry and change it!!! i got sooooo many pics 4 the next theme!! w00000t!!
hmm...what else?? okkkk...hmm...ok here r a few lil dancers 4 ya!!

<<----Dumb Dumb
and my new lil banner thingy!!

man i cant remember whats the person on the banner is 4m!! XD you guys know? plz tell if ya do!
My Stats-
Total Visits: 863
Popualrity Ranking: 1135
G-Book singings:213
well i gotta go
Poem i found!!!
My name is Sarah
I am three,
My eyes are swollen
I cannot see,
I must be stupid
I must be bad,
What else could have made
My daddy so mad?
I wish I were better
I wish I werent ugly,
Then maybe my mommy
Would still want 2 hug me.
I cant do a wrong
I cant speak at all
Or else im locked up
All day long.
When im awake im all alone
The house is dark
My folks arent home
When my mommy does come home
I'll try n be nice,
So maybe ill just get
One whippin tonight.
I just heard a car
My daddy is back
From Chariles bar.
I hear him curse
My name is called
I press myself
Against the wall
I try 2 hide
From his evil eyes
Im so afraid now
I startin 2 cry
He finds me weepin
Calls me ugly words,
He says its my fault
He suffers at work.
He slaps n hits me
And yells at me more,
I finally get free
And run 2 da door
Hes already locked it
And i start 2 bawl,
He takes me and throws me
Against da hard wall
I fall 2 the floor
With my bones nearly broken,
And my daddy continues
With more bad words spoken,
"Im sorry!", I scream
But its now much 2 late
His face has been twisted
Into a unimaginable shape
The hurt and the pain
Again and again
O please God, have mercy!
O please let it end!
And he finally stops
And heads 4 da door
While i lay there motionless
Brawled on the floor
My name is Sarah
I am three,
tonight my daddy
Murdered me
And you can help
Sickens me 2 the soul,
And if u read dis
and dont pass it on
I pray for your forgivness
Cause you would have 2 be
one heartless person
2 not be effected
By dis Poem
And because you are effected,
Do something about it!
So all i ask u 2 do
Is pass dis on!
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: pissed
Listening 2: n/a
ok than only GOOD thing that happen 2day is that i got 2 read 1 of Kira-san's((EdWillSoS)) stories!((Cage-15)) other than that 2day sucked.....
i just got back 4m Wally world aka wallmart...hate that place...while i was there i looked at the dvds just 2 see what they had and i saw Ah My Godess vol.1 i've been wanting htat 4 so long! but i left my credit card at home and i didnt feel like listening 2 my mom yell at me if i asked so i ended up not getting it...and they had the backstreet boys playing there 2!! the horror of it!! i wanted 2 rip my ears off!!!
theres so much yelling going on here!! my head is killing me!!
wait....this is a normal day 4 me what am i saying -_-' well i gotta go my moms yelling at me...
D34th 1 h0p3 b3f4ll5 m3...
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: kinda happy kinda pissed!!!!
Time: 10:35pm
Listening 2: na
whats up? not much here! im soooo pissed at my lil cousin!!! the demon span ruined my art project AND riped up my anime popsters when i was at skool yeserday!!! i JUST found out when i got home 4m skool 2day!!! he's freakin a DEMON SPAN!!! i swear! you should see him!!! he's 3....he's rude...NEVER listens...he needs 2 get his butt beat but my anut spoils him!!! lets him do ANYTHING he wants!! his frist words were "DIE MAGET! DIIIIEEE!!!" see! hes bad!!!
well yah not much happen! o i started teaching a friend how 2 draw yeserday! she was REALLY bad at drawing...SORRY! but its true...her pics look JUST mine in k! when i was 3 and 4! you should see how good shes getting!! and just over 24 hours!! she keeps saying its only cause im SUCH a good teacher BUT i say she has talent thats why! ^^ i just gave her a lil tiny boast or lil tips ^-^ yup yup!! she has gotten pretty good over 24 hours!
yah she read all the Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE i have SOOO NOW im gonna let her borrow my other manga cause she REALLY wants 2 ^^
o yah the person who is gonna try 2 sell that house place 2 us said shes PRETTY sure we are gonna get it. my mom just wants this HUGE palm tree....palm tree....envy....-laughs-...ok back 2 what i was saying! ..wants this HUGE palm tree out of the yard! its RIGHT up against the house so yah ^^ ...great if that happens and we get the place im gonna b 1, maybe not even that, away 4m the demon span...PEEEEERFECT!!! just perfect!!! *beats head in wall*...*stops* ...*sings Dream A Dream 4m DDR* *dances*....DO YOU LIKE 2 SCREAM HEY I LIKE 2 SCREAM BABY DO YOU LIKE 2 SCREAM HO SO SCREAM IT OUT!....w000t o yah i got a myspace thingy go see me!!! and add me if u have one!! let me know plz!!! here its Forsaken Soul
GO THERE!!! -laughs-
sayonara pplz!
My Stats-
Total Visits: 849
Popularity Ranking: #1153
G-Bookie Signings:210
damn sooo many gb signs have been deleted this week SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! ok i'll stop
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Friday, October 7, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood:...kind on the sad side....
Time: 11:36 pm
Listening 2: Dream A Dream-4m DDR
sup! nm here...i just got back 4m looking at a house we might buy...we actually i stayed at my cousins house which is the next street over 4m the house we might get....DAMNIT!!! I GET ENOUGH OF 'EM ALREADY!! NOW I GOTTA MOVE BACK OVER IN THE SAME CITY AS THEM AGAIN!!!! i gonna see them almost everyday now...
well 2day i met my cousins NEW boyfriend...he's pretty cool! my cousin is 15 now...he's 18 i think, he seems REALLY nice! funny 2! o and he's kinda "hot" everyone says....i dont pay any atetion though -laughs- lol o AND he's the same age as my bro and is shorter -laughs- LOL! well yah..
umm what else happen...o school was quiet boring...i was late again hehe.....i didnt do ANY i repeat i did NOT do ANY of my homework 2day...i left shortly after i got home and i didnt know we were gonna b gone till 11:20 pm so yah im not gonna do it...maybe a lil math since i have ALOT of that and MAYBE a little english cause i have a test 2morrow...nah no im not..o crap...i have a big quiz in Social Studies 2morrow....since i was absent i didnt get 2 hear or do any of the junk on that damn...o well
o and a few students are doing a petition at my skool because a teacher there is getting fired because they have ONE 2 many of 'em there and the teacher started crying in class because of it SOOOO the students are holding a petition 2 keep him!! SO me and my friends signed 2 keep him even though i have NO idea who he is i felt kinda bad 4 him! so yah! *gives thumbs up* yup yup!
well i cant think of anything else SOOOO thats all 4 2day! cya!!!
i think its alot like me ^-^
 you are a dark angel. you preefer to be alone, almost like the hidden angel. you like to be isolated from other. dark angels are the total oppsite of the light angel. you aren't sociable, but you just like to sit around, like loafing around.sorry to say, but you don't really have many friends, but you can always make new friends. you need a friend like the light angel. you tend to be lonely. you should focus on others than just yourself. go out there and live your life to it's fullest. don't just stay in dark areas to yourself. also if you talk to some like a water angel, your problems will be solved. yet don't ever stop being yourelf. there is alway sa dark side to every one, but lighten up and get out there and play. brilliant.:)
what kind of angel suits you the best(cool anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: HAPPY-ish
Time: 9:02 pm
Listening 2: This is Halloween!
HEY ALL!!!! IM BACK!! *dances* w0000t! yah my mom is a softy and gave in after 4 days!! yah i had my com taken away 4 a few days b4 i posted on it! my mom let me post so everyone would now! lol! well yah im bak! and nothing has happen the last few days! umm...o my friend is borrowing my Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and she had the frist one 4 over a week cause i wasnt at skool during that time cause i was sick and it was in the SAME shape as when i gave it 2 her! shes the frist! everyone else bends my manga or something!
i was late again 2day!! COOL! lol!! i get ready 4 skool than go BACK 2 SLEEP and my mom comes and gets me 5 minutes b4 i have 2 take off 2 catch the bus! yep thats what i do EVERY morning! hehe lol! well yah my moms clock was wrong and so yah...i ended up being late! -laughs-
ok lets art ((yah im taking art this year and i havent learned a single thing yet...everything i already knew -sigh-)) we have 2 make this what-u-macall-it @.@ i 4got..well its 2 keep all the things i do in it. im gonna draw anime on it!! lol!
you know ALL my teachers r rly nice this year!! ITS THE FRIST TIME EVER 2!!! lol!
ooo AND 2morrow we are gonna go look at a place 2 buy! YEP! like i said a while back im moving....AGAIN!!!! that'll make it like 10 or 11 times in the last 3 years! ((times i've moved in the last 3 years)) ^-^ maybe more i lost count! -laughs- lol!
well i gotta mom wants me 2 get out my clothes 4 skool 2morrow!
sayonara 4 now!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
ok im just posting 2 let ya guys know im not gonna b on 4 30 days or so -_-' my mom took my computer away 4 a month -_-' PM m if ya need anything...if its full PM me on mt other site
~Turn your sadness into kindness and your uniqueness into strength~
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Monday, October 3, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: .....
Time: 12:54pm
Listening 2: n/a
sup! nm suck monkey bout you guys??? sry i took so long 2 post just NOW got on T^T
well i just got back from having my blood test....hurt like a b* arm is killng me!!! >.< though i didnt show it....had a straight face the whole time....i started thinking of FMA =3 lol i remember when i was a lil younger everyone had 2 hold me down! 5 nurses, my mom, and my bro! XD cause i'd be kicking the nurse and trying 2 take off!!! ^.^ lol! fun!! w0000t! but ya nm besides that! so i guess thats all!
My Stats-
Total Visits: 808
Popularity Ranking:1220
G-Book Signs:205
~Turn your sadness into kindness and your uniqueness into strength~
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
NEW ACCOUNT DUDES!!! and ect....
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: happy!
Time:8:54pm in ca
Listening 2: This Is Halloween
sup! nm here! frist off i'd like 2 thank everyone 4 commenting on my new theme!! im so glad you all like it!!
in other news i had 2 delete my OnFaithsWings account!! it got ALL messed up!! >.< i dont care though CAUSE i made a new one!! PLZ GO CHECK IT OUT!!! ITS FORSAKEN SOUL!!!! come on b nice! ^-^ will im gonna enter that one in a halloween contest when im done with it! lol! so plz go visit!
next up i was SOOO sad when i woke up 2day BUT my friend Kawaii Inu rly cheered me up!!! and im SOOOO freakn happy rite now!!! XDDDD w000t w0000t!!! *breakdances* *stops* *grabs rootbeer* hmmmm *3* gooood!!! XDDDD lol! w000t w0000t!! well right now my moms yelling at me 2 get off but i will in a sec whe nim done posting! ^^
well lets c what else happen 2day?? *thinks* hmm.....AHHH!! my moms yelling and hse made me forget what i was gonna say!!! >.< o well i guess thats it! o tomorrow i am gonna run around signing gb's with my new account kk!! ^^
My Stats-
Total Visits: 794
Popularity Ranking:1236
G-Book Signs:204
~Turn your sadness into kindness and your uniqueness into strength~
PLZ VISIT *+*Forsaken Soul*+*
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