Fallen Angel101
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Current Mood: sick does that count?
Time: 11:11am
Listen 2: got no idea what its called -.-'
hi guys!.....Sssssh im not suposed 2 b b quite....*looks around* well wats up?? nm here....still...but yah...well my grandpa DOES have a scanner BUT its packed up in the storage >.< DAMNIT...opps....Sssh....well ummmmmm....hmmmm.....thats rly all i can say i think......o im sick agen or still whatever
g2g my moms gonna catch me if i dont go
ja ne pplz! *waves than disappears*
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Current Mood: HAPPY!
Time: 3:55pm
Listening 2: Haunt
Hiya pplz!!!! wat up?!? nm here! well its been storming out ALL day! the thuder was so bad the whole house was shaking and it finally just stoped!! i thought it was sooo kewl! XD AWESUM!! i luv days like this!! i dont like sunny days! i like rainy ones and such! my mom started yelling at me cause i stood in the rain with just socks on and got my clothes all wet! ^^' well since i was just now able 2 get on the computer i've been drawing, watching anime, reading comics, and eating junk food! lol! oo and im making RAMEN!! and my mom keeps bugging me i want sum HOT COCOLATE!!.....BUT sadly after 3 years without having any i've COMPLETELY 4gotten how 2 make it ^^'......we just got sum last night so yah......o and my moms had it 68f in here!!((in the house...while its raining and such)) well yah...thats y i didnt post earlier...its been thudering since 8:50pm last night or sumthin like that! o and 4 the ppl who have asked me what i am im Irish, Dutch, German, and a bunch of other crud that i have NO IDEA what they mom 4got...not my dad was full blooded Irish thats all i know by heart! ^.^ lol well bye bye
My Stats-
Total Visits: 712
Popularity Ranking: #1347
G-Bookie Signings: 195...i think ^^'
well yah thats all 2day....i might not b on 4 very long so sry if i dont return Pms and such k!
GOMEN! ...oooo RAMEN's done!!! ^.^ yipppeeee!! *grabs chop sticks* HA! I CAN USE EM VERY WELL NOW!!!! yesterday my mom said "U ARENT TURNING JAPANESE OR CHINESE ON ME NOW R U?!?!?!?!?!!?" -.-' annoying.....well bye!!!..............*static sound*.........
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Monday, September 19, 2005
Current Mood:....bored...hungry
Listening 2: one of my fave songs 4 sum reason!!
and YES over 700 hits!! w00t w00t! *dances around* *hugs everyone* THANK U!!!

ja ne
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Current Mood: 
Listening 2: FMA-Winry Rockbell song file-BOYFRIENDS
wtas up ppl? nm here as usual. *yawn* im so bored....theres nothing 2 do! >.< i got nothing 2 talk bout!!! umm...*thinks* ahhh thinking strans my brain 2 much!!! my brain hurts! well actually the brain cant feel pain! but yah -.-'....well i need a scanner!!! i wanna post piccies sooooo badly!!! who cares if they suck balls! i still wanna!!! ok new subject...umm...well so far i havent found anyone at my skool that i dont like YET!! it'll happen sooner or later though -.-'...will i need 2 get more FMA:BBI((Bluebirds Illusion)) pics! i have almost 2000 pics download and like half of them r BBI. most of the BBI pics r avis though...*sigh* does anyone know where i can get sum more piccies of BBI??? plz help the obsessed fan-girl! plz! lol well thats bout it i guess not much huh! wooot!
ja ne
My Stats-
Total Visits: 696
Popularity Ranking:#1372
G-Book Signings: 195
~*Winter has made my heart cold as ice....can u make it Spring....
found while just hunting last night! ^.^

cant remember when or where i got this....heh my bad

..........i couldnt resist this one....hahahahahahahaha!!! i dont know y but i luv it!!! ^.^ ((who gives a ((blep)) if its a yaoi lol

well thats all 4 2day!
ja ne
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
Current Mood:happyish
Time: 10:11pm
Listening 2: chrno crusade
Hey!!!!! wats up? OMFG! i just realized 2day is friday! no skool!!! i dont HAVE 2 get up at 6:00 am and get on the bus in the morning cause its gonna b saturday!!!!!! well my last post was what happen 2day so yah if u didnt read it i'm gonna repeat myself kk! ok well 2day i got transfered out of P.E. and am now the office aid! T.A what ever i now wrok in the office instad of doing P.E. so who cares! if ur wondering y i got transfered out its cause i MAY have a heart problem. my dad died of a heart thing that no one knew about and shortly after we found out that my bro has the same thing and i MIGHT have it as well...and if i do P.E. could kill me! ^.^ lol! heh but we dont know yet...i have a murmur and sumthing else but yah ANYWAYZ nm 2day! last night sumone went around my skool and put fire 2 the "donate 4 the hurricane victums" morons! but yah! ^^ ummm wat else...hmm.....oo i was sick agen 2day! which is old news causeim sick everyday so yah new subject ok,ok!! ummm lets c...ummm....o i cant find my color pencils T.T frist my sharpener and now my pencils!! >.< WHAT NEXT?! o 2day i wore my FMA t-shrit 2 skool and during lunch i took my jacket off 4 once and i could believe how many ppl luved it!!((the FMA shirt)) ppl i never would have expected!! lol! well 2day what else...o yah 2 friends b-day is 2day! one at skool and Edo-kun((a.k.a. edward1123)) HAPPY BIRTHDAY U GUYS!!!!!!!! MUCH LOVE!! heh ^^ well thats all
ja ne!
My Stats though-
Total Visits:683
Popularity Ranking: #1397
G-Book Signings: 194
no question yet agen kk no piccys either
this is kinda ture but kinda not...-.-' here u chose! ((the ppl who know me alot u dicide...))
Your Brain is 46.67% Female, 53.33% Male |
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve |
Comments (13) |
Friday, September 16, 2005
Current Mood: bored
Time: 4:05pm
Listening 2: Chrno Crusade-Pleasure Line
hey guys! wats up? nm here! i got transfered out of P.E. 2 Offices Aid!!! T.A. whatever u wanna call it but i work in the office! 2day was filled with nothing-ness....quite boring!!! ooo ppl((as in "ppl" i mean kids at my skool)) in my and other art classes made this poster thingys 4 donating money 4 the victums of the hurricane at my skool and last night sum one came by and burned a bunch of em!!!!!! O.O that bad...will if the skool burnt down than NO MORE SKOOL!!!!!!! 4 a while anyway....but yah! will in art class i gotta make a name tag thingy and im gonna draw a chibi neko person! w000t! heh! ^-^ hey it kinda looks like Ed.....-.-' o well! he says "KUU! KUU!!" w000t w000t! me gotta color it now BUT me lost my color pencils TT.TT o well.*dances around* LALALLALAALALALALLA! DEMO TRY! lalalalalalalalalalalalalala!*starts singing* anyhoo thats bout it! and its not kewl im hours late now!! on posting i mean!
My Stats-
Total Visits: 682
Popularity Ranking: #1400
G-Book Ranking: 193
ja ne!
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Current Mood: sick and utterly bored
Time: 10:10pm
Listening 2: DDR-Bumble Bee
kon'nichiwa ppl! wats up? not much sick agen i get sick 2 much! >.< ITS REDICULUS! RITE AFTER I GET OVER ONE THING I GET SUMTHING ELSE!!!!! AHHHHH!! owww....*cough* ((i rly did just cough)) aww man im dizzy....=.= and kinda tired....hey i noticed that i seem 2 get rly happy when im sick yah ^.^ anyhoo other than me being sick agen nm here...i missed skool 2day though which who cares!! and last night i though i'd c if there were cuse ((cant spell)) the new dictionary i got and there isnt!!! not fair! but damn is in damn a bad word?? *tilts head* i dunno!! ^^ o well its in here!!! heh! huh....hey i can understand my anime in japanese now!! awesum!! w000t w000t!! *cough* i need 2 stop huh...o man...i dont feel good....i feel like drawing!! *starts drawing* ^^ lalalala...hmmm wat should i draw though...hmmmm anyone wanna help me?? PLZ! i feel like drawing Ed dieing....y do i wanna draw that??? got no idea but i do so i will!!!! *starts drawing Ed* *starts humming MOMENTS* WAIT!! i wanna humm UNDO!!!!!!! *starts humming UNDO* toku toku...lallalalalalala!! EEKKKKK!!!..........*utter silence*...y did i ek? o well! well gotta go!
ja ne pplz!
...........*sniff*....EEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! TT.TT.............*utter silence yet agen*...y did i say Edo?? o well! o and im gonna try 2 get 2 everyone how has updated 2day but i dont know if i will cause well im sick...but i'll try kk! sry if i dont though! o AND my puter has been annoying agen!!!!! >.< *grabs bat* heh *evil smrik* hoho!! *beats puter yet agen with batty watty!* ...............*static sound*........*utter silence*.......Pssst this is ur conscience talking...ok its not but ja ne dudes and dudets! and yes i know ur consciene cant spell! ^^
ja ne 4 real ppl
My Stats-
Total Visits: 671
Popularity Ranking: #1424
G-Book Signings: 193
Comments (13) |
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Current Mood: bored
Time: 9:27 pm
Listening 2: N/A
Kon'nichiwa!! whats up? Nanimo takusan koko de...nothing much here!((think thats how u say it...)) i learn more Japanese!! w0000t! and i might b getting a kimono AND a yukada!! ^^ yes! *brake dances* heh! cause i have a cousin how lives over in japan!! i just realized that we have all there is in our family...japanese, indian, mexican, Irish!!! my dad was full blooded irish! heh! but he didnt sound like it! ^^ lol! he had the accent but only when he wanted 2 lets say! lol anywayz i started skool 2day((Tuesday)) it was VERY boring...stupid guys keep ask'n 4 my name at lunch! i either ignored them or gave them a dirty look and walked away! ^.^ i think that mad em mad 2!! awesum!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! o and my moms best friend sent me a Japanese dictionary((YES!! I FINALLY GOT ONE!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FEAR THE 13 YEAR OLD WITHTHE BOOKIE!!!)) FMA manga vol.1((YES!!!!!! *hugs book* heh)) a Inu Yasha patch((MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm gonna put it on my Inu Yasha backpack!!)) a cd case thingy with a awesum black dragon on it((its so kewl!!!)) a japanese bookmarker((ooo look i has japanese words on it *3*))and all that must have cost like 30 bucks or MORE!!! she has 2 daughters ((very nice ppl)) 1 is a year older than me and the other like 3 years younger than me! ^^ they call my mom anutie Barbara! ((barbara is my moms name))lol! when i unwraped the FMA comic i ekk-ed! and my mom said "Let me c it." i said "HECK NO!!! U'LL BEND IT AND GET OIL ON IT AND GET FINGER PRINTS ON IT AS WELL!!!"((oil 4m ur skin u know)) than turned around and rubbed it against my face! my mom started laughing! ^.^ w000t! so other than skool and my mom nagging me ABOUT skool my day was good! oo and just like i told u guys im moving AGEN! we started packing a few days ago but didnt even know if we were gonna move or not but it was dicided 2day! ^^ c i told u guys give it another month or so! and look i was rite!any wayz how bout ur day? it good?
My Stats-
Total Visits: 649
Popularity Ranking: #1445
G-Book Signings: 191
FA's Question: ummm....hmmm...umm...lets me think..*thinking* ahhh thinking strans my brain!!! o got one...nope lost it...wait there it is agen...nope bout how many times have u moved in the last 3 years??
My Anwser: bout 13 times! ^.^
ja ne
Every night someone thinks about you before they go to sleep. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. There are at least 2 people in this world that would die for you.You mean the world to someone. Someone that you dont even know exists loves you. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look again. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget the rude remarks.....
No Pics 2day
Quiz though!!!!!!
 You're Riku
Which DNAngel Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
lol! ^^
Comments (8) |
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Current Mood: tired, bored, kinda happy-ish, and kinda pissed off
Time:9:52 pm
Listening 2: DNAngel-True Light
wats up? nm here as usual...i gotta get up at 6:30 am every morning 4 skool! TT.TT all 2 take that damn bus! >.< i'll be at skool over 30 minutes early! thats bull! and i only had like 4 or 5 hours of sleep last night! >.< thats WAY 2 lil 4 me!!! man im tired! *yawn* well i got a bunch of music codes and junk 2day! *yawn* huh? AHHHH! I KNEW I 4GOT SUMTHIN! I 4GOT 2 WATCH NARUTO! TT.TT darnit! nore bad news 4 me! and my mom stoped me 4m getting my revenge on my bro! ((he poured cold water on me one night and we were on our way sumwhere2...and it was freaing outside!!! >.<)) he took a nap 2day cause he got lil sleep last night((same as me but my mom wouldnt let me sleep TT.TT)) and he told me 2 wake him up at 4:00pm so at 4:00 i went 2 get him up and he keep saying a few more minutes so i went and got sum water and he started screaming!! *inner self: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FEEL MY WRATH!!! )) and started running 4m me and i was just about 2 pour a bunch of water on him and my mom just had 2 bud in!!!! >.< so annoying! well i'll shut up now! how was ur guys day? My Stats-
Total Visits: 648
Popularity Ranking: #1464
G-Book Signings: 189
FA's Question: What is ur favorite kind of music?
My Answer: I luv Depressing music 4 sum reason! i find it VERY relaxing! its my fave of all time! heh
ja ne


and cause i luv this one SOOO much here it is.....AGEN!!!!!


Comments (9) |
Monday, September 12, 2005
Current Mood: tired and bored
Time: 8:53 AM!!!
Listening 2: Moments!!! ((MOMENTS ROCKS ^.^))
hey ppl...o frist off i wanna tell lil sis((a.k.a. Kawaii Inu)) 2 get ur butt sum rest so u can get better and 2 stop straning urself! ur sick so go get sum rest!!!!!!!! and next...AHHHH! IM SO LATE ON PPOSTING THIS!!! MY MOM KICKED ME OFF THE PUTER AT 8 FREAKN O'CLOCK!!!! EIGHT!!! WTF?! *yawn*......* im this is the earlest i've gotten up in a LONG time -.-zZzZz....i tired....need sleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......OK I'M UP.....kinda...i would b at skool rite now BUT they cant find my paperwork...the skool cant...the idiots lost it -.-' morons...wait y the heck am i complaining?!?!?! i got another day of freedom!!!!! ^^ not gonna say it....well i gotta take the bus 2 skool...the regular bus...with weirdos and crud...when my mom told me i said i'd probably b falling asleep! she didnt believe me at frist....she said "NO U WONT! U NEVER DID THAT ON ANY OF THE OTHER BUSES U'VE TAKEN!" which i did ever morning! ^.^ so she called my bro and he said that i did all the time and so did he....ppl would wake us up when we got 2 skool! ^^ lol! she got all weirded out....saying i better not fall asleep and miss my stop or i wouldnt b allowed on the computer 4 a long time! she alwayz using the computer, anime, or tv against me -.-' lol i just remembered when i was lil' on my way 2 and 4m skool, the times i wasnt sleeping, i'd b crowling under the seats! ^^ tis was fun but when we'd go up a hill i'd fall -.-' ((i lived in the mountains)) and we...well the driver sh-sumthin...drove on VERY cruvy rodes 2 which didnt help -.-' but yah enough 4 the stupid flash backs! ^^ o i watched 12 episodes of Naruto yeserday or sumthin like that! ^^ heh im on episode 47! WOW! i watched ALOT yeserday! cause i just finished the 12 disc and theres 3 episodes on each disc thats 46 episdoes rite? im in the middle of the next episode on the 13 disc! ^^ well i think thats all! how is everyone? My Stats-
Total Visits: 639
Popularity Ranking:# 1474
G-Book Signings: 184
no question agen 2 tired....zzzzzzzzzzz.....
ja ne
o but i got piccys!!!!! Jess((a.k.a. jinglestanschibi)) gave em 2 me! she said they would make me squeal....and dude....SHE WAS SOOOO RITE!!! -^^- looky one of em....((JUST the frist one))-

EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! *glomp* hehe *faints* ((so hot!!))
i know i should put sum Tsubasa pics up.....but dont feel like it rite is Ed-kun and AL-kun!! ^^ MORE PICS OF MINE!!!
awwwwwwwwwwww how cute!!! Ed is adorable!! *glomp*.....o...Ssssh...must not wake the Ed...^^
more l8r now.....
ja ne
and yes i know lotz spelling errors....BUT ME NO CARE RITE NOW....actually me never care...-.-'
 Guys just cold and wicked you can be!
What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3) brought to you by Quizilla
Your Deadly Sins
Sloth: 80%
Envy: 20%
Gluttony: 20%
Greed: 0%
Lust: 0%
Pride: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 17%
You will die while sleeping - and no one will notice. |! i got 80% on Sloth! ^.^
((meaning of the sin Sloth: The avoidance of physical or spiritual work
Synonyms: Laziness, idleness, sluggishness, inactivity, indolence, apathy
Antonyms: Liveliness
Punishment In Hell: Thrown in to a pit of snakes
Associated Symbol: Goat
Associated Color: Light Blue
Celestial Ruler: Saturn))
half those words i cant even say! lol ^.^
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