Birthday 1992-01-21 Gender
Female Location Palm Desert, Ca Member Since 2005-07-27 Occupation 10th Grade Student Real Name Rachael. :]
Achievements nothing what so ever ._. Anime Fan Since i was 4 years old Favorite Anime I'm too lazy to name them all. Goals Become an Homicide investagtor!
Learn Japanese
Become a better artist
Go to Japan Hobbies Reading
Teasing my mom about her big ass
Being a mean little sister XD
Pretty much anything to do with pissing my people off. Talents Read Hobbies Fallen Angel101
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hello everyone!how r u guys? how was ur day? my day was good yet agen! i finally got 2 watch more Naruto! i had 2 watch sum episodes i've already seen cause my mom hadnt watched them yet but that was fine with me cause the episodes where sooooo kewl! 4 those of u who have seen or read Naruto u know the part where Naruto gets all evil and crap, when my mom saw that she said "...Danm........THAT WAS SUM GOOD SHIT!!" all happy like! lol w000t w00t! my bro told her that he didnt have anymore episodes burned yet and she said 2 get his @$$ up and go get sum! lol! w00t! :D well where having a baby shower 2morrow so i probably wont b on 4 a while. *sigh* sry i havent been able 2 comment on pplz sites the stupid comments r giving me problems! >.< ooo did u guys c the pretty link i made?! looky looky! its in my profile! click it u know u wanna!! clicky clicky! ok u dont have 2 cause it'll just take u baq here but its pretty!! ooo aaaa! *stares at pretty link* :D im trying 2 figure out how 2 make buttons but that ended in failure...BUT IM NOT GONNA GIVE UP!!! IM FIND OUT HOW!!! SUMHOW! does anyone know how i can? pplz help me if u can! i'd b VERY greatful! :D w0000t w0000t! i keep saying w00t....w00ting is fun! :D gotta luv w00ting! *dances around like an drunken monkey* my mom says that the song Numb((one of my faves))is depressing.....NOT 2 ME! I LUV IT! :D w00t w00t! my good friend JingleStansChibi got me saying w00t! :D very kind person! funny 2! :D luv ya like a sister jess! and same goes 4 Kawaii Inu! luv u guys! ((like a sister im not a lesbo))huh? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! MY POOR GUNDAM!!!! HE FALL DOWN! AHHHHH! HE BROKEN! TT.TT MY POOR GUNDAM! HE WAS 34.99 2!!! WASTE OF MONEY! BUT I WAS FUN BULIDING HIM! :D LOTZ FUN!w000t w000t!lalalaala well i dont know what else 2 say so till next time! My Statistics-
Total Visits:484
Popularity Ranking: # 1876
G-Book Signings: 165
hello pplz! and sumppl i may or may not know! l>^w^l>
Hi everyone!! how r u guys? how was ur day? frist off i would like 2 thank Jigglyness 4 helping me out with my blog problem!!!! THANK U SOOOO MUCH!!!!!! EEEKKK!!! C IT'S BIGGER NOW!!!! OOOO AAAAAH!!! *break dances* w000t w000t! as u might b able 2 tell im in a very good mood yet agen! lol! i keep saying w00t! my mom told me 2 go eat and my response was w00t w00t! she looked at me weird and sadi WHA? my bro w00t w00t? i was all...uuuuuummmmmm..*looks back and forth*...hehe! i did that 4 times! w00t! lol! my bro wont let me watch Naruto cause my mom is 4 tapes bhide. -.-' kinda annoying. but thats ok. while i was on the puter my bro came up and started messing with me. kept poking me wouldnt leave me alone we got in a lil fight and than he picked me up and started sunging me around!!! haha it was fun! but when he put me down i almost fell over! the room was spinin. @.@ dizzyness!! w000t!! it was fun though!! :D hmm...what else 2 write..*thinking*...ok im gonna through anything out ther....what happens alot...*thinking*...oh i know! everytime my cousin comes over she goes on bout how my boobs r bigger than hers! not true! shes a C cup and im an A! do the math C is bigger than A! w00t! but everyone says im bigger...not true! ok....umm...what else...*thinks*...umm.....i'm planning my new theme! and i got everything ready! yipppeeee!! it was gonna b my frist theme but i changed my mind at the last second! :D bumbumbubmbam cant touch this bumbumbummbummbummbum!
i even got a pic 4 my lil saying i seem 2 b saying alot...w000t! well i dont know what else 2 say so sayonara! My Statistics-
Total Visits: 468
Popularity Ranking: # 1933
Guestbook Signings: 163
Sweet lil bumble bee i know what u want 4m me
sweet lil bumble bee more than just a fantasy.
My heart skips a beat when u walk in the room, i go Boom Boom Boom u go Zoom Zoom Zoom
ur my playboy, playtoy, luv of my friends i wanna b with u untill the end
i give my heart and my soul 2 u 2 make u c it through
im so confused baby cant u c plz come rescue me
Sweet lil bumble bee i know what u want 4m me
Sweet lil bumble bee more than just a fantasy
w000t w000t i luv that song! thats probable not even the words! :D
hiya everyone! i had another good day! *amazed* i cant believe it! w000t w000t! lol! :D i took alot of quizzes! im gonna go 2 a pool party on the 30th! (\^o^/) ((my lil face says w000t!!!)) happy day! my bro is getting more Naruto episodes! gonna change subject kk!! umm.....ohh! i did some changes 2 my site agen! c new song, new bg, new avi, new blog.....the blog....i got a new one but i cant figure out how 2 make it u guys even understand what im saying?....where my writing is...its sooooo do i make it bigger? can anyone help me? i'd b very greatful! :D im gonna change the subject agen! :D umm...lets c...i've said some not so me things 2day...well things i normally wouldnt say....and i keep talking in japanese....i catch myself rite after i mom starts ask'n me stuff and i talk in! w000t w00t! bambumbumbambum cant touch this! bumbumbummbumbubmbambum cant touch this! *brake dances*! i think i said that earlier 2day! w00000t! w00ting is fun...w00ting is alot like rooting! lol! *does lil dance* OH YEAH! im 2 happy!! lol! dog is so.....fat....well hes lost weight suprisingly! he was like a lil ball! lol! w00t w00t! man y is he always over here by my puter desk? very strange. hmmm...w00t! sry i had 2 w00t! well im gonna stop boring u guys now ok, ok! i should ask how ur guys day was shouldnt i so i well! how was ur guys day! g2g i have a fever! w00t w00t :D My Statistics-
Total Visits:456
Popularity Ranking:# 1977
Guestbook Signings: 161
*thinking* .....YIPPPEEEE!!!! I'M OUT OF THE 2000'S AND NOW AM IN THE 1000'S! W0000T!!
hmmmm....i dunno if i should do pics 2day....*thinking* no i dont think i will...actually i will! :D w00t
hiya everyone! we'll my day was good 4 once! w000t!! i've been in such a good mood! and i keep wanting 2 laugh my butt off 4 some reason! haha and i keep saying w00t! i watched 6 more episodes of Naruto! they were sooooo kewl!!!! i luv that series! lol haha!! my mom keeps kicking me off the puter but thats ok cause im very happy 2day 4 some odd reason! haha maybe it's cause im learning thats not it...i got no clue! hahaha! w00t!((u: ..... me:......................
me: haha my silence totally kicked ur silences @$$!!!! hahaha w00000t!
u: *thinking..okkkk..werido*)) lol! y do i keep saying w000t? *thinking*...i dont know....kewl! :D well i dont know what else 2 write so bye bye! :D w00t! haha so how was everyone else's day? :D My Statistic-
Total Visits:438
Popularity Ranking:# 2044
Guestbook Signings:160
FA's Random Question-umm.....*thinking* ....umm....THINK RACHAEL THINK!!!.....thinking thinking...umm.....the only think i can think about is how much my puter sucks....well i guess there's no question 2day! sry u had 2 read all that!
hmmmmm...i need a bigger blog gonna go look 4 one! :D bye bye agen!>
Hiya pplz! w000t! testing 2 c if this works kk! w000000000000t! lalalalaaalllalalalalalalllaa! :D im watching Naruto rite now! w00t w00t! WOW!! SASUKE KICKS @$$!!! W00T W000T!!! U GO SASUKE! DUDE...THAT WAS KEWL! *zoned out watching Naruto*...*utter silence*.....
hiya pplz! w000000t! hiya everyone! how r u guys? ^-^ well my day was very boring! i dont know what 2 write....*thinking* umm....i got nothing TT.TT.....umm....nope nothin...oh my bro got the next episodes of Naruto! w000t w000t! and i've learned alot of japanese...okay maybe not alot...sum i already knew...anyway i learned sum w000t w000t!
hello everyone! ^-^/)
hiya pplz!! well this sucks, im over 2 hours late on posting this. i had 2 go 2 the hospital...i was there 4 over 3 hours what fun that was *sigh* and the doctors wanted 2 give me, a 13 year old vicodin!!! whos heard of giving a 13 year old vicodin?! that stuff can b addicting! and while we were in the waiting room my mom started teasing me on how they might giving me shots! i told her that if they came near me with a needle i'll b running!!! w000t! well at least i got a cup cake afterwards! lol :D yipeee! i made it 2 everyones site 2day!!! ...but i had 6 more ppl 2 visit and the comments stopped working. TT.TT at least i came by though...sry u guys! oh and i started learning japanese 2day!! the thing just got here this morning!! w000t!! my grandma asked if i wanted her 2 teach me thinking bout it and i might but if i do i might get chinese and japanese mixed up! @.@ the confusion! i found more vids!! if u didnt look at the post right b4 this and watch my Fullmetal Alchemist movie trailer!! WARNING CONTAINS SPOILERS! :D well other than that 2day was uneventful as usual! oh thanks 2 all the comments yesterday!! i got 20! most yet! w00000t!!! lol! well how was everyones day? :D My Statisitcs-
Total Visits:414
Popularity Ranking:# 2138
Guestbook Signings:157
FA's Random Question: should i do keep doing Quotes?
I DESIDED 2 DO A VID INSTEAD 4 2DAY! :D this is TSUBAS RESERVOIR CHRONICLE the's only manga in the us rite now but it's now an anime in japan! the song is fukai mori a Inu Yasha song
lol! look at Syaoran stand without fear in front of the flaming ball! all 2 protect Sakura! pretty ball... :D ((i already know what the flaming ball thing is soo...yah..i just wanted 2 call it that kk :D)) Comments (11) |
Monday, August 22, 2005