Fallen Angel101
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Monday, August 22, 2005
hello ppl!
hiya everyone! well nothin much happen 2day. i did some more drawings. its so kewl!!! my moms hocked on Naruto!!! AWESOME!! i've been listening 1 music all day. and eating alot of chips!! *3* yummy! i luv the hot ones! there soooo good! other than that my day was uneventful as usual. *sigh* this post is gonna b very short if u didnt already notice...oh well...ummm...i dont know what else 2 say.....well how was ur day guys? :D My Statistic-
Total Visits:404
Populartiy Ranking:# 2181
Guestbook Signins:155
Random Question: umm......what do u use a desktop or portable? My Answer: i use a desktop
*thinking* what a sec..*gasp*..i pasted the 400 point!!! yippeeee! *brakedances* yay!!!! :D

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Sunday, August 21, 2005
hiya everyone! whad up! nothing new here. its so funny though! my bro got my mom into watching Naruto!!! ^-^ awesome! she rly likes it 2! lol! ((u go big bro)) well other than that and that fact i saw some more Naruto episodes nothing new has happened! :D i got alot of pics 2day! ((i mean lots!!!))((well the codes anyway)) and i found out that i have over 1100 pictures on my puter!! *mouth drops* and i havent had this puter. lol! i still dont havent a been able 2 use my grandpas scanner...well i havent even asken yet but knowing him he'll probably say "every time u borrow sumthing u end up braking it"...ok yah i've broken a few head phones big deal....ok more than a few....fine i brake at least one every month...-.-' hmph! or every 2 months...sumtimes three! :D and i've broken about 7 cd players but sume of those were NOT my fault! i go 2 skool one day and i come home 2 find it broken! ((the lid was completely discenected)) i didnt do it i was at skool the whole day!! and it was at home! TT.TT not me...must've been my bro or maybee my mom...i dunno...other times i drop baq 2 the point how am i suppose 2 brake a scanner! not like im gonna pick it up and start running around with it...rly how the heck would i brake it...but i havent even asked yet sooo how was ur guys day? :D My Statistic-
Total Visits:389
Popularuty Ranking:# 2241
Guestbook Signings:153
Random Question: Have ur parents watched an anime and actually liked it? and if so what anime? My Answer- Yes...and its Naruto and Ranma 1/2 a lil! yipee! Go Naruto!! w000000t!
Quote: no quote 2day...sry
2days PIC or PICS

P.S. sry this was such a short post!
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
OMG! ((heh))

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hello everyone
well hi pplz. whad up. my day was very boring. nothing special happen here. well my mother has been very rude 2day. my friend gave me some URL codes and thats about it. i listened 2 alot of music. i've been on the puter all day long. oh and all u who where wondering i met the dude 4m my last post on a FMA site. my bro burned some more Naruto episodes on dvds 4 me. he can b a real jerk at times but he has his good times 2. sry this is such a small post! well how was ur guys day? My Statistics-
Total Visits:375
Popularity Ranking:# 2296
Guestbook Signings:151
~Fallen Angel101~
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Friday, August 19, 2005
y that mother f*cker!!!!
OH MY F*CKING GOD!!! I MENT SOME WEIRDO ONLINE((PERVERT)) I SOOOO WANNA KILL HIM!!!! HE IS THINKING OF THESE SICK FANTASYS! LIKE WHILE HE'S LOOKING AT A BRA MAGAZINE HE STARTS THINKING OF ME IN THE UNDERWEAR!!!!! GRRR!!!! ((HE IS SOOO LUCKY I HAVENT MET HIM IN PERSON)) RLY I JUST MET HIM LAST NIGHT!!! ((I DIDNT LIKE HIM 4M THE MOMENT HE STARTED TALKING 2 ME)) GRRR!!!! >.< MOTHER F*CKER!!!!! @#$%!!! GOD I SOOOOO0OO WANNA KILL HIM!!!! I DONT EVEN KNOW THE BASTURD!!!!!! *pant* ok now that i have that off my chest my day was ok. my friend came over but my mom and i completely 4got so when she came over at 11:00 am i was snozing and my mom woke me up horrablely! but other than those things i had a pretty good day 2day! :D my dog wanted 2 eat my friend though. but he was locked up almost all day. i got lots of anime music 2! lots!!! GOD I CANT BELIEVE THAT PERV!!! GRRR!!!! I'LL KILL HIM IF I EVER MET 'EM!!!!! My Statistics-
Total Visits:364
Popularity Ranking:#2350
Guestbook Signings:148
Random Question:umm.....i dunno...
Quote:hope-Oh whatever that your days may bring, no use hiding in a corner, cause it won't change a thing, if your dancing in the doldrums, one day soon it's got to stop, when you're master of the off-chance, when you don't expect a lot..
P.S. i dont know if i used that quote already if i did sry.
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
colorbar! :D
Munich!Ed is Love
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hiys pplz! -2 lazy 2 think of a name-
whad up. anything new? same as usual here....completely boring...nothing special happen 2day. i dont know what 2 write about.....umm...i dunno....*thinking*....*still thinking*...i dunno....T.T im lost...oh my bro burned a cd 4 me! he tryed 2 burn kingdom hearts simple and clean but it didnt wanna burn 4 some reason...alot of the songs did...only MOMENTS would! T.T but thats ok cause i luv MOMENTS!!! well thats rly all...sry this is such a small post. so how was ur guys day? My Statistics:
Total Visits:354
Popularity Ranking:# 2458
Guestbook Signings: 144
Random Question: umm...Whats ur fave color? i couldnt think of anyting else...My Answer: red & black
Honour your challenges, for those spaces that you label as dark are actually there to bring you more light.
~Fallen Angel101~
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
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whad up pplz!!
hello pplz! whad up! 2day was ok i guess. i talked 2 my friends alot. and my friend is gonna come over on thursday. god y cant parents just bud out. -.-' my mom and her mom aranged it. im over here on the puter and just happen 2 hear something that caught my attention and found out it was them aranging it. i didnt even know dude soooo not kewl. she could've asked me. but i dont rly care. so i might not b on then so sry if i wont b able 2 get ur guys' sites k!and im still having problems commenting. the thing will come up but its pure white. y? i dont know. ya'know y is it that when i say i dont wanna make friends ppl say 'good luck making friends!!! :D' i rly dont get it. i mean i just said that i DIDNT wanna make friends....oh well. man i wanna submit pics but i dont have a freakn scanner!! T.T i told my mom bout it and she said 'who knows u might get one 4 chrismas.' if i did thats SOOOO far 4m now! T.T waaa! this sucks!hey i wonder if any of my friends have a scanner?hmmm...i i hate talking on the phone so much! u'd think a 13 year old girl would b on all the time dont u think. but i dispise the phone. man im bored. i did nothing 2day. mmmaannnn. i got nothing 2 do. -.-' everytime i say that out loud my mom just says u'll have alot of things 2 do after u start skool. grrr gets so annoying. man i cant believe i read Tsubasa vol.5 and 6 in one night. i rly should try not 2 do that but i cant help it. >.< it like pulls u in ya'know. now i gotta wait till vol.7. T.T well im eating some yummy hot cheetos! *3* mmm there so good!!!! XD i luv these! a hate the mall out here theres a cartoon feild but its the crapiest one i've ever seen!!!! its soooo freak'n small 2! its lik as big as my living room which isnt that big. well how was ur guys day? :D My Statistcs-
Total Visits:328
Popularity Ranking:# 2550
Guestbook Signings: 140
Random Question:ummm...this is a rly dumb question but whats an oreintation again...what i 4got!! im sry! XP
Quote:"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
such a cute pic! ^-^

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