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Palm Desert, Ca
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Sunday, August 14, 2005

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hello everybody! 2 lazy 2 think of a better name!
well hiya every one! my day was very boring as usual. i've just been watching anime, on the puter,listening 2 music, listening 2 anime music, and more things 2 do with anime. god i cant stand the bitch nextdoor!!! i watched some Naruto 2day as well. my bro has been downloading them on Kazana or whatever its called. episode 9 was going kinda slow than all of the sudden started 2 download at 126.57 or something like that. than it stopped. im soo bored. >.< my mom keeps kicking me off the puter! well as u can c my day was filled with nothingness! and 4 of my gb signings were deleted!!!!!>.< how was ur guys day? My Statistics:
Total Visits-279
Popularity Ranking-# 2876
Guestbook Signings-133
Random Question: ummm.....whats ur fave movie? My Answer- i can only think of Princess Mononoke
Quote:Life-"Fear less, hope more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours."
 i dont care if it is yaoi its Ed is soooo freak'n hot!!! XD
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avies ^-^
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Saturday, August 13, 2005

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hello everyone!
hiya everyone! hows it hang'n! well my day was completely boring! i've had a headache all day long! still have one 2! i've been reading fan fics again. sry i havent been by ur guys' sites! im very sry!! will i've been changing my bg's alday again! i've been adding pics and than deleting them. i added a FMA:BBI vid 2 my site if u guys didnt notice! its in my profile! and i'm gonna start doing different themes each month, next months! ^-^ man i've been reading 2 much fan fics 2day! good my moms drag'n me 2 hollywood video again!!!! she does this every night!!! and last night she would not stop nag'n me bout school!!!!! VERY ANNOYING! askn me if im excited bout it!! of course im not i HATE school!!!!! >.< AND A BUNCH OF MY GB SINGINGS WHERE DELETED 2DAY!!!! Y?!?!?! >.< I DONT GET IT!!! GRRR! i gotta go moms nagn me 2 hurry up and get ready so we can leave! bye Quote: Love-I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh. But I never knew that looking back on the laughs would make me cry.
P.S. i changed my song should i change it baq? i rly like this one though! ^-^
 Hagaren is love.
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Friday, August 12, 2005

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Chrono Crusade

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a pic that i was gonna put as my wall a while baq

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hiya pplz!
hello everyone! well its 10:05 pm and im bored out of my mind again!!! >.< well i've been messing with my site all day long! i've changed my bg 17 times 2day! my friend said this one looked best so i think i'll keep it up 4 a lil while! well i think im gonna do a new theme each month! now i gotta figure out what one 2 do first! *sigh* anyone have any suggestions? i've been thinking bout it and i wanna do either Fullmetal Alchemist, Chrno Cursade, or Neon Genesis Evangelion! what do ya think? im lost. i've been trying 2 figure out how 2 put videos up but i cant seem 2 get any 2 work!! >.< my mom keeps saying "aren't u happy ur gonna b starting school soon! i cant wait!" i can wait 4 the rest of time! *sigh* man i need a scanner!!!! >.< man i cant believe i spent almost all my money!!! i only have 20 bucks left!!! >.< oh and one more thing! i........ummm......nvmd i lost it! >.< so how was ur guys' day? My Statistics-
Total Visits:254
Popularity Ranking:#3143
Guestbook Signings:128
Random Question:ummmm.......hmmm....let me c...i cant think of a good one so i'll just throw one out there. What is the worst thing that has ever happen 2 u? My Answer: ooo i feel of a cliff and slit my knee open, i almost drowned in a raging river and my dad had 2 jump in and save my butt and i was laughing my butt of the whole time! and i guess my dad dieing would b one! ^-^ i cant think of anything eles right now!
Quote of the day: Hope-Everything in the end will be okay. If its not okay, then its not the end. 
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