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Palm Desert, Ca
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10th Grade Student
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Rachael. :]
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
pics a friend gave me 4 my inner fangirl ^-^
*my inner fangirl is squealing right now but i'll spare u*
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Monday, August 8, 2005

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hiya pplz! i dont feel like thinking of a better name! ^-^
hiya pplz! whad up! nothing much here just the usual, i go on puter all day watch anime c nothing new! oh wait my grandpa came over! i havent seen him in like over 3 years!!! im gonna go 2 a bqb in a few weeks and visit my dads side of the family! and my gramps is gonna take me, my bro, and cousin 2 the beach in a week!!! i havent been 2 the beach in years!!! over 3 year, i dunno i lost count!!! ^-^ i need a bath'n suit! god i hate shop'n 4 cloths! *sigh* -.-' wow i guess no one but me synchroizes their music huh. ^-^ kewl! i get RLY bored! im synchroizing my music rite now actually! ......hahaha i did it!! wOot! lalallaala! do any of u have a rly old book? i mean RLY old!! i have one thats over 100 years old!!! it smells good 2!mmmm! oh and looky i changed my avi...again! ^-^ well how was u r guys' day? My Statistics:
Total visits-190
Popularity Ranking-# 3761
Guestbook Signings-99
Random Question: What do u dislike the most? My Anwser- i hate shots, niddles, vegetables, i hate salad lot its like eating grass;like a cow!!! and i HATE milk!!!! its soooo nasty!!! yuck!
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
a lil' part of a song thingy thingy thing...i got bored...
" I've become so numb i cant feel u there. Become so tried so much more awear." i luv that ^-^
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hello pplz!! ^-^/)
well 2day was the same as usual!!!(well yesterday) S-CRY-ED was good!! my mom drug me 2 the mall!!! at least i got 2 go 2 SunCoast!! i bought TSUBASA RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE volumes 5 and 6!! im starting 2 regret it now. -.-'oh well i already bought them i cant take them back now. just great i have 20 FREAK'N BUCKS NOW!!!! >.< MAN I NEED A JOB!!!! AND I GOTTA GET THE FMA MOVIE!!!!! NOT FAIR!!! >.< I CANT FIND IT ANYWHERE!!!! MAN SOOOOO NOT KEWL!!! well how was ur guys' day? ^-^ bye ^-^/) My Statistics:
Total Visits-178
Popularity Ranking-# 3946
Guestbook Signings-94
Random Question: Whats ur 2 fave mangas? My Answer: Fullmetal Alchemist and TSUBASA RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
yo pplz! whad up!!! 2 lazy 2 think of a different name...
whad up everyone!!! ^-^/) well so far ive been chating with my friends 2day!!! im gonna get up early 2morrow(well 2day) so i can watch anime!!! 2morrow or 2day whatever u wanna call it is gonna b all 4 anime!!! music,tv, drawing and everything eles i just cant think of rite now! ^-^ i cant wait 2 c the new S-CRY-ED and Inu Yasha!!! and all my other fave animes!!! ^-^ i'm gonna draw alot 2morrow 2!!!! ^-^ oh yeah cant 4get boyt playing games!! i'm gonna kick some ass on FMA!!!! YAH!!! well hows ur day been? ^-^ my Statistics:
Total Visits-164
Popularity Ranking-#4150
Guestbook Signings-87
Random Question: What do u guys do when ur RLY bored?
My Anwser: i synchronize my music! 4 example i will have the song on my site playing and i will have my WMP up playing the same song and i will make the them saying the same words at the same exacted time!!! i got very bored real easyly! gotta do something 2 keep mind lil' mind occupied! ^-^ heehee
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Friday, August 5, 2005
a lil' thingy thingy thing i found a while baq!!! ^^
January - Edward Elric
February - Alphonse Elric
March - Roy Mustang
April - Alex Lous Armstrong
May - Riza Hawkeye
June - Maes Hughes
July - Jean Havoc
August - Winry Rockbell
September - Envy
October - Lust
November - Gluttony
December - Edward and Alphonse Elric
WOOHOO Ed's on my month!!!! *3* awesome!!!
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wha'd up pplz! ^^
yo everyone!! whats new!! nothing here, nothing exciting ever happens here!!! i feel like i was going i do something important but i cant remember what. i'll have 2 think about that 4 a while. well i've been work'n on some drawings of Ed 2day!! i've also been reading fanfics again. i noticed that i do that when im real bored. u can alway turn 2 the fanfics! ^^ what have i been doing 2day. i slept,ate,draw,computer,listened 2 anime music,watched my anime dvds,watch anime movies that i rented,and i did something eles...oh i played games! ^^ of course!! i remember now, i was suppose 2 play my games!!! silly me! hee hee! ^-^ i finally got a new sharpener but it suxxs!! -.-' i think im gonna leave my Ed gb up 4 a while! i think its funny! my bro thinks its discusting!! (cant spell) *snicker* well how was ur guys' day? my Statistics:
Total Visits: 147
Popuarity Ranking: # 4462
Guestbook Signings: 75
Random Qeustion: Who or what got u into anime?
My Answer: My bro got me into anime. he got me into watching Dragon Ball Z when i was 4!! ^-^ l8rz!! ^-^
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
yo!!! ^-^ how's it hang'n!
im soooooooo sry i haven't been 2 all ur guys' sites l8ly!!! please 4give me!!! my mouse has been being a u-know-what!!! half the time it wont work!!! >.< i need a new one!!! so i sometimes use my bros computer but i get kcked off by my mom so she can play games or my bro needs 2 do something. i get off without rly saying that much cause its his and the rest of the time im um...playing video games! hehehe ^-^ i just got up but 20 minutes ago! its 1:12pm here right now! ^-^ i cant get up any earlier than 10:00!! ^^ i cant beleive i got up at 8:00 a few days ago! maybe i 4got that there was something on tv that i wanted 2 watch. i dont know! ^-^ so who was ur guys' day? ^^
Random Question: what is ur fave anime show? What is ur least? my fave is Fullmetal Alchemist and my least is probable Saikano! ^-^ im just wondering! ^^ bye
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yo! whad up pplz! ^^
hiya! how's it hang'n!!! ^-^ well 2daywas as boring as usual! nothing exciting ever happens here!!! not kewl!! as u can c i changed my background 2 a funny pic 4m FMA:BBI!! looks like Ed found his feminine side! *snicker* i luv it!! its soo kewl!!! ya'know i just found out that i cant prenouns feminine!!! sooo not kewl!! ^-^ i've decided 2 make it my goal 2 get up in the top 500 sites!!! i will get there no matter what it takes!!! ^^ well how was ur guys' day? and my statistics have gone up since last night:
Total Visits: 129
Popularity Ranking: # 4865
Guestbook Signings: 69
hasn't gone up that much but i'll get up there!!!
Random question: What anime character do u think u look like? lots of ppl think i look like Winry 4m FMA! ^-^ just wondering! ^-^ bye
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