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Palm Desert, Ca
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10th Grade Student
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Rachael. :]
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i was 4 years old
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Friday, August 12, 2005
hiya pplz!
hello everyone! well its 10:05 pm and im bored out of my mind again!!! >.< well i've been messing with my site all day long! i've changed my bg 17 times 2day! my friend said this one looked best so i think i'll keep it up 4 a lil while! well i think im gonna do a new theme each month! now i gotta figure out what one 2 do first! *sigh* anyone have any suggestions? i've been thinking bout it and i wanna do either Fullmetal Alchemist, Chrno Cursade, or Neon Genesis Evangelion! what do ya think? im lost. i've been trying 2 figure out how 2 put videos up but i cant seem 2 get any 2 work!! >.< my mom keeps saying "aren't u happy ur gonna b starting school soon! i cant wait!" i can wait 4 the rest of time! *sigh* man i need a scanner!!!! >.< man i cant believe i spent almost all my money!!! i only have 20 bucks left!!! >.< oh and one more thing! i........ummm......nvmd i lost it! >.< so how was ur guys' day? My Statistics-
Total Visits:254
Popularity Ranking:#3143
Guestbook Signings:128
Random Question:ummmm.......hmmm....let me c...i cant think of a good one so i'll just throw one out there. What is the worst thing that has ever happen 2 u? My Answer: ooo i feel of a cliff and slit my knee open, i almost drowned in a raging river and my dad had 2 jump in and save my butt and i was laughing my butt of the whole time! and i guess my dad dieing would b one! ^-^ i cant think of anything eles right now!
Quote of the day: Hope-Everything in the end will be okay. If its not okay, then its not the end. 
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