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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

whad up pplz!!
hello pplz! whad up! 2day was ok i guess. i talked 2 my friends alot. and my friend is gonna come over on thursday. god y cant parents just bud out. -.-' my mom and her mom aranged it. im over here on the puter and just happen 2 hear something that caught my attention and found out it was them aranging it. i didnt even know dude soooo not kewl. she could've asked me. but i dont rly care. so i might not b on then so sry if i wont b able 2 get ur guys' sites k!and im still having problems commenting. the thing will come up but its pure white. y? i dont know. ya'know y is it that when i say i dont wanna make friends ppl say 'good luck making friends!!! :D' i rly dont get it. i mean i just said that i DIDNT wanna make friends....oh well. man i wanna submit pics but i dont have a freakn scanner!! T.T i told my mom bout it and she said 'who knows u might get one 4 chrismas.' if i did thats SOOOO far 4m now! T.T waaa! this sucks!hey i wonder if any of my friends have a scanner?hmmm...i dunno.man i hate talking on the phone so much! u'd think a 13 year old girl would b on all the time dont u think. but i dispise the phone. man im bored. i did nothing 2day. mmmaannnn. i got nothing 2 do. -.-' everytime i say that out loud my mom just says u'll have alot of things 2 do after u start skool. grrr gets so annoying. man i cant believe i read Tsubasa vol.5 and 6 in one night. i rly should try not 2 do that but i cant help it. >.< it like pulls u in ya'know. now i gotta wait till vol.7. T.T well im eating some yummy hot cheetos! *3* mmm there so good!!!! XD i luv these! a hate the mall out here theres a cartoon feild but its the crapiest one i've ever seen!!!! its soooo freak'n small 2! its lik as big as my living room which isnt that big. well how was ur guys day? :D My Statistcs-
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Random Question:ummm...this is a rly dumb question but whats an oreintation again...what i 4got!! im sry! XP
Quote:"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."

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