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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Sunday, August 21, 2005

hiya everyone! whad up! nothing new here. its so funny though! my bro got my mom into watching Naruto!!! ^-^ awesome! she rly likes it 2! lol! ((u go big bro)) well other than that and that fact i saw some more Naruto episodes nothing new has happened! :D i got alot of pics 2day! ((i mean lots!!!))((well the codes anyway)) and i found out that i have over 1100 pictures on my puter!! *mouth drops* and i havent had this puter. lol! i still dont havent a been able 2 use my grandpas scanner...well i havent even asken yet but knowing him he'll probably say "every time u borrow sumthing u end up braking it"...ok yah i've broken a few head phones big deal....ok more than a few....fine i brake at least one every month...-.-' hmph! or every 2 months...sumtimes three! :D and i've broken about 7 cd players but sume of those were NOT my fault! i go 2 skool one day and i come home 2 find it broken! ((the lid was completely discenected)) i didnt do it i was at skool the whole day!! and it was at home! TT.TT not me...must've been my bro or maybee my mom...i dunno...other times i drop it...now baq 2 the point how am i suppose 2 brake a scanner! not like im gonna pick it up and start running around with it...rly how the heck would i brake it...but i havent even asked yet sooo yah...so how was ur guys day? :D My Statistic-
Total Visits:389
Popularuty Ranking:# 2241
Guestbook Signings:153
Random Question: Have ur parents watched an anime and actually liked it? and if so what anime? My Answer- Yes...and its Naruto and Ranma 1/2 a lil! yipee! Go Naruto!! w000000t!
Quote: no quote 2day...sry
2days PIC or PICS

P.S. sry this was such a short post!

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