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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

   hello everyone! ^-^/)
hiya pplz!! well this sucks, im over 2 hours late on posting this. i had 2 go 2 the hospital...i was there 4 over 3 hours what fun that was *sigh* and the doctors wanted 2 give me, a 13 year old vicodin!!! whos heard of giving a 13 year old vicodin?! that stuff can b addicting! and while we were in the waiting room my mom started teasing me on how they might giving me shots! i told her that if they came near me with a needle i'll b running!!! w000t! well at least i got a cup cake afterwards! lol :D yipeee! i made it 2 everyones site 2day!!! ...but i had 6 more ppl 2 visit and the comments stopped working. TT.TT at least i came by though...sry u guys! oh and i started learning japanese 2day!! the thing just got here this morning!! w000t!! my grandma asked if i wanted her 2 teach me chinese..im thinking bout it and i might but if i do i might get chinese and japanese mixed up! @.@ the confusion! i found more vids!! if u didnt look at the post right b4 this and watch my Fullmetal Alchemist movie trailer!! WARNING CONTAINS SPOILERS! :D well other than that 2day was uneventful as usual! oh thanks 2 all the comments yesterday!! i got 20! most yet! w00000t!!! lol! well how was everyones day? :D My Statisitcs-
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I DESIDED 2 DO A VID INSTEAD 4 2DAY! :D this is TSUBAS RESERVOIR CHRONICLE the anime...it's only manga in the us rite now but it's now an anime in japan! the song is fukai mori a Inu Yasha song

lol! look at Syaoran stand without fear in front of the flaming ball! all 2 protect Sakura! :D...ooo pretty ball... :D ((i already know what the flaming ball thing is soo...yah..i just wanted 2 call it that kk :D))

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