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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Tuesday, September 6, 2005


Current Mood: tired agen...and bored...but more torwards tired -.-'
Listening 2: FMA-Kanashimi no Kizu
hey everybody! wats up? nm here..still sick but getting a lil better. thank u all 4 ur concern! ^-^ just dawned on me that i gotta do a new theme in a few days....i dont know what 2 do!! >.< AHHHHH!! I 4GOT I START SKOOL 2MORROW!!! >.< NOOOO!!! I DONT WANNA!! I HOPE THAT THERE ISNT ANY MORE ROOM 4 MORE STUDENTS!! PLZ GOD! TT.TT WHAT? SKOOL SUCKS! ^.^ i registered 4 a site 2day! my user name is lostheaven! w000t ^.^ but this is bullshit! ((sry the language)) i wanna download sum wallpapers they have there but when i go 2 download it, it says u have 2 b lvl 20 or higher 2 download this!! WTF! dude how the heck am i suppose 2 get my lvl higher!! its hard enough on video games!!! sumtimes it is. im at lvl 1!! i just registered 2day! i dont know that junk!! >.< not kewl! well 2day has been pretty boring none the less....nothin happen...well actually sum thing did but yah....BIG fight....u-huh...nvmd..^-^ enough bout me how was ur ugys day? My Ststistics-
Total Visits:588
Popularity Ranking:#1573
G-Book Signings:177
FA's Random Question: Where is ur favoite place 2 b?
My Anwser: Standing in the rain! letting the water run down my skin! ^.^ w00t! tis is relaxing!

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