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Palm Desert, Ca
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10th Grade Student
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Rachael. :]
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i was 4 years old
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| Fallen Angel101
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Current Mood: bored
Time: 9:27 pm
Listening 2: N/A
Kon'nichiwa!! whats up? Nanimo takusan koko de...nothing much here!((think thats how u say it...)) i learn more Japanese!! w0000t! and i might b getting a kimono AND a yukada!! ^^ yes! *brake dances* heh! cause i have a cousin how lives over in japan!! i just realized that we have all there is in our family...japanese, indian, mexican, Irish!!! my dad was full blooded irish! heh! but he didnt sound like it! ^^ lol! he had the accent but only when he wanted 2 lets say! lol anywayz i started skool 2day((Tuesday)) it was VERY boring...stupid guys keep ask'n 4 my name at lunch! i either ignored them or gave them a dirty look and walked away! ^.^ i think that mad em mad 2!! awesum!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! o and my moms best friend sent me a Japanese dictionary((YES!! I FINALLY GOT ONE!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FEAR THE 13 YEAR OLD WITHTHE BOOKIE!!!)) FMA manga vol.1((YES!!!!!! *hugs book* heh)) a Inu Yasha patch((MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm gonna put it on my Inu Yasha backpack!!)) a cd case thingy with a awesum black dragon on it((its so kewl!!!)) a japanese bookmarker((ooo look i has japanese words on it *3*))and all that must have cost like 30 bucks or MORE!!! she has 2 daughters ((very nice ppl)) 1 is a year older than me and the other like 3 years younger than me! ^^ they call my mom anutie Barbara! ((barbara is my moms name))lol! when i unwraped the FMA comic i ekk-ed! and my mom said "Let me c it." i said "HECK NO!!! U'LL BEND IT AND GET OIL ON IT AND GET FINGER PRINTS ON IT AS WELL!!!"((oil 4m ur skin u know)) than turned around and rubbed it against my face! my mom started laughing! ^.^ w000t! so other than skool and my mom nagging me ABOUT skool my day was good! oo and just like i told u guys im moving AGEN! we started packing a few days ago but didnt even know if we were gonna move or not but it was dicided 2day! ^^ c i told u guys give it another month or so! and look i was rite!any wayz how bout ur day? it good?
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Total Visits: 649
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FA's Question: ummm....hmmm...umm...lets me think..*thinking* ahhh thinking strans my brain!!! o got one...nope lost it...wait there it is agen...nope bout how many times have u moved in the last 3 years??
My Anwser: bout 13 times! ^.^
ja ne
Every night someone thinks about you before they go to sleep. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. There are at least 2 people in this world that would die for you.You mean the world to someone. Someone that you dont even know exists loves you. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look again. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget the rude remarks.....
No Pics 2day
Quiz though!!!!!!
 You're Riku
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lol! ^^
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