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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Current Mood: bored
Time:3:48pm ((in Cali))
Listening 2:MOMENTS!!!! XD
hi guys! wats up? not much here! ^-^ bored as usual!! sorry i didnt update sooner!! i was sick yesterday AGAIN and my mom wouldnt let me on the computer at all and i just got home 4m skool!!! SORRY!!! sorry i didnt return my PM-s sooner as well!!! T.T ((i bet u the i'll only get 1 or 2 at the most comments on this cause i took so long watch ^-^)) AHHHH!!!!!!! I BET MY LIP!!!! >.< GOD DAMNIT IM BLEEDING NOW! o well! i'll just let the thing bleed -.-' y would i care! ^-^ omg this kid in 4 or 5 of my classes is annoying the hell out of me!!! i've been i step away 4m punching him!!!! he kicks my damn chair i wont stop! NOW i sit rite next 2 him in science!!! WTF?! in every class but one i sit next 2 him!! AHHHH!! ok i need 2 keep my cool....now i cant....>.< I'VE ALMOST PUNCHED 5 DIFFERENT KIDS MORE THEN ONCE!!! BUT i held my anger in....that wont last long...well maybe i cant keep it held....on my frist day some kid run into me almost made me fall and didnt say he was sorry so i jumped up and pushed him and made the moron go flying!!! ^.^ i wasnt rly in a bad mood that day 2...lol! but yeah nm here! so how r u guys??


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