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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Thursday, October 13, 2005

*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood:Time: 8:58 pm
Listening 2: N/A
Sup! well 2day was boring! not much happen! very uneventful

well at lunch my friend tryed 2 get me 2 eat part of her lunch! of course i refused! she started saying "OMG Ra-chan((yes she DOES call me Ra-chan)) why do you have 2 be so stubern?!" ((cant spell)) hehe lol! she got me 2 drink her chocolate milk *sigh* blah made me sick though....o yah i call her Angie-chan and Angie-san cuz' she likes both...she wanted 2 call me Ra-SAN so she calls me both Ra-chan AND Ra-san....

o yah did i say in my last post that my gramps IS gonna let me borrow his scanner when he finds the cord??? well when he does im gonna let everyone see my crudy pics!!! ....well some of them r good...but still crudy...does that make sence?

well im not in the greatest mood 2day....had such a urge 2 punch a BUNCH of ppl again.....seriously i need 2 calm down....well i never rly show any emotion at skool...im like some kind of zombie! lol....i NEVER talk even if some talks 2 me frist...i only talk 2 a few good friends there....and the teachers when thye start asking me junk

in math the teacher made us take this thingy 2 see how fast we could do multi.((times junk like 8x9=72 ect...)) 4 ALL 0-9 but not 1...i did them all in 1 minute and 55 seconds....was one of the frist 2 get done AND i got em all right....such a bore *sigh*
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well im being kicked off


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