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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Monday, October 17, 2005

Another Day....A Different Time....

*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: bored
Listening to: Lying from you
whats up? today was boring....im still in a bad mood today...thankz 4 all the nice coments yesterday *hugs all*

looky!!! my big sis ((aka Jess also known as JingleStansChibi)) made me 2 new buttons!!!

frist is the one 4 Fallen Angel101...

and the second 4 Forsaken Soul...

i luv em!!! o and before anyone thinks that the ppl on here i call Lil ((Kawaii Inu and Oathkeeper 1))and Big sis ((JingleStansChibi)) are NOT blood related!!! just lil nick names!! and well there like sisters 2 me!! o and i cant 4get my LIL BRO ((edward1123)) *snickers* he hates it when i call him that!! i think its cuz he a lil short *snickers*

well 2day was rly nice out!! it rained all day!and thuder 2!! yes thats a nice day 2 me! and sunny days i hate!

well today i was FORCED 2 go 2 best buy!! i didnt wanna go ONLY because im BROKE!!! whats the point if i have NO money?! i'll just see things i want and wont be able 2 get them! like when i was there i saw SOOOO many DVD's i wanted!!! BUT the one movie i want SOOOOO very badly,The Nightmare Before Christmas, wasnt there!!! they were ALL out!!! i asked after i hunted...and they checked there computer and they were sold out...and that Best Buy had the WORST selection!!! it sucked!!!

o and i saw this DVD there called Elfen Lied i wanted it so badly! but i didnt dare ask because than my mom would have looked over it like 10 times making sure it had NO NUDITY, VILENCE OR ANYTHING BAD!!! WTF?! and the DVD has Aalot, and i mean ALOT, of blood in it!! i saw part of the frist episode and part of the second...ALOT of blood! the chick ripped some dudes head off!!! i still wanna see it though!

o and ALSO while we were there i sat done on a couch they had there waiting for my damn mom 2 finish when 45 minutes earlier she said we were leaving RIGHT THAN! and anywayz while i was waiting my bro came over and grabed the backpack around my neck ((my INU YASHA one)) and yanked it SO hard it almost broke my damn neck!!!!!! and asked where our mother was!!! i said WHO THE HECK WOULD I KNOW?!! than he started pulling the backpack trying 2 drag me off the couch so we could go look 4 her!!! so i throw the backpack off, what it hurt!!! and he got pissed and throw the bag on the floor so i called him a mother fucking moron and 2 go 2 hell BUT he's deaf and didnt hear me i swear 2 god im gonna...*stops self*..you know what im not EVEN gonna go there *sigh* i hate it here!! WHO WOULDNT?!

well thats all i got 2 talk about!
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Woopty Flipin Do...thats as happy as im gonna get
FA's Random Question: wow been awhile since i've don one of these huh! ok now What song or songs suit you?
My Answer: Numb, Faint, Lying From You, Somewhere I Belong, One Step Closer, Crawling, Out Of Control, and..umm...*thinks* i cant think of the name *sigh*


vid 4 today sorry if it spoils anything-
Lying From You series Naruto!!!

the song suits me!

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