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Palm Desert, Ca
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10th Grade Student
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Rachael. :]
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
umm..random??..i dunno *nervious laughter*
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Listening to: N/A
Time: 9:23pm
Current Mood: bored...
hello all! glad you all like my new theme!! personally i dont like how it turned out..i throw it together 10 or 5 minutes before i posted so yah...thats why its kinda sloppy looking! lol o and yes i WAS upset cuz' the storm didn't hit us and niether did the would have been awesome huh!!
today i rained a bit!! the sky didnt look as cool as it didnt yesterday during the storm of course! during my absence yesterday all the lights in my school went out ohohoho wish i was there *sigh* i dont cuz' than i wouldn't have been able to watch the storms!!!
nothing really happen today...i taught my friend l33t and now she keeps wanting to write notes to me in l33t which i dont really mind but im not really the type to do notes...not my thing...BUT i did cuz' she really wanted to. lol!
yet again i was a inch away from punching a few math the kid behide me-how i dont mind at all, he's an ok guy i guess-started singing and humming and kicking my damn desk over and over i keep truning around and right when i did he'd say "I'm sorry i didn't mean to!!" so i'd just turn back around but after the 5th or 6th time i told him to shut the fuck up ya moron!! he just gave me this look like he was shocked i said it!! lol, cuz' im kinda nice in that class...even if i never talk. but yah...
o yeah when it started raining at school i ACTUALLY TOOK OFF MY JACKET!! my friend said "omg...yah NOW you chose to take it off!!! this is the FRIST time you have taken that thing off!!!....AHHH SHE'S STRIPING IN THE RAIN!!! *lauhgs" me# wtf.....*than stands in the rain looking up at the sky*
yah weird huh! lol
...umm..what to say?..*thinks*..OMG..i just remember last year they school did a slid show and in it where a few pictures of ME!!! WTF! and guess what?! they where pictures of me when i would fall asleep in class!!! lol!!! HA! WHAT A MORON RIGHT! *laughs* at the end of the dumb slid show everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, was crying!!! i was one of the few whole weren't! even all my friends started crying! WTF?! why would they cry? big deal, the end of the school year who cares! well a feww people might not see each other but really.
and whats up with girls anyway?? im a girl and i cant understand girls O.o; seriously! girls are rediculus! they break a nail and they freak out! yah i've seen girls freak out over that! such morons..really
well thats all i got!
My Stats-
Total Visits:926
Popularity Ranking:#1050
G-Book Signings:218
FA's Random Question: What's your favorite anime character?
My Answer: Edward whatever you say...ED'S BETTER!! HA!!
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