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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Thursday, October 20, 2005


*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*

Current Mood: umm..happy-ish,,i guess
Time: 9:30pm
Listening to: um...well..the gamble thingy on Gaia.. @.@

whats up? not much here!!! i think all of you agreed with me on the who not understanding girls thing eh!! lol!

well not much happen today! i've been on Gaia alot just talking 2 friends!! lol! and making new ones!! all but one were les' and bi's!! lol ^_^

well today i got out of school at 11:25 BUT my teacher,Mr. Ho, keep us in late and made me miss the bus... JERK!
o and NO school tomorrw!! ((thrusday))

oo..a person JUST-i mean JST NOW- found out im straight..she said its like a dagger just went through her heart o.O' i huged her and she wrote..."x_X so tempting too *huggles back* XD...it's not wise to hug a lesbian who has professed interest in you XD she might not ever let go!!" lol!! than " I'll prolly hang around you for a bit >.> incase you ever wanna give me a go n.n;;" o.O' lol....and than another bi or lez came in the room and said:
"p4((me))is sexy, u r turning me on"
frist lez:"hands off, she's mine if she ever turns bi or lez XD"
first:"she's just here tonight to torture us n.n"

well thats all i got!


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