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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Friday, October 21, 2005

Another Day

*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*

Current Mood: bored
Time: 10:00pm
Listening to: N/A

whats up? not much here!!! im playing alot of Gaia today! AGAIN! *dope* i e la dumb dumb lol!im only allowed on for 30 minutes!! so Ssssssh!

well nothing really happen today!! i had NO school so i've been on the computer ALOT today *sigh*

well we got my blood results back!! and my white blood cell count is real low i guess! XP and i has a BAD infection! and its like lecking into my tummy and thats why im so sick!! -______-' so stupid!! and my throut is killing me!!! i can barely talk! @.@

o dude i was on Gaia and some girl poped in and talked to me for like 3 minutes-maybe not even that-and than PM-ed me asking if i wanna nawty!!! stupid n00d who just cant say cyber!! and why the hell would i?!!! my friend got SOOOOO pissed xD!!! lol!

well other than that nothing happen *sigh* i gotta go to school tomorrow!!! but i get out at 11:25pm!! i'll probably miss the bus again!!! watch!! stupid!!!

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