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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Saturday, October 22, 2005


*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*

Current Mood: bored out of my frikin mind!!!!!
Time: 11:00pm
Listening to: N/A

hello guys..*sigh* my computer has been a you know what today -3- annoying...it wouldn't load anything!!! i've punched it SOOOO many times today!!! yes i DID punched it!! STUPID THING!!!

well nothing really happen today! i've been talking to my friends on gaia!! ^_^ o and i actually remember dreaming last night o.O frist time in over 4 months.....it was a dream about Gundam Seed!!! see when i dod dream its ALWAYZ anime!!!! LOL! my mom grounded me from the computer ALL WEEKEND!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! DAMN HER!!! watch she'll give in *grins evily* oh yah...she grounded me today BUT i keep bugging her about SO she gave me 30 minutes on it...HA!! i kept trouchering my brother *WEEEEEEE* he hurt his leg and i kept poking it ^0^ he got SOOO mad!! than hit me X_x bitch! *runs away* o my bro went in the bathroom earlier 'cuz my mom wanted a VERY hot rag and while he was warming up the rag in locked the bathroom door and shut it and he was trying SOOO hard to open it!! and started yelling at me saying to let go of the handle than he realized i was standing there laughing my ass off and that i wasnt holding the handle and it was just locked!!! *rolls on floor laughing* it was sooo funny listening to him freaking!!! HAHAH!!! than when he got out he hit me up top the head!! lol!!

o and he wouldnt let me see what he was looking at on his computer! he kept trying the screen so i couldnt see and when my mom came in to look something up on his com i said "MOM HE's LOOKING AT PORNO!!!" *snickers* and my bro got soooo mad at me!! of course my mom went along with it!!! and after it was over i laughed my ass off and YET AGAIN my bro hit me, which i deserved!! lol and it was all worth it!!!

well im being kicked off!


I LOVE this one!!!

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