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Palm Desert, Ca
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Rachael. :]
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| Fallen Angel101
Sunday, October 23, 2005
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: im bored dude
Time: 10:50pm
Listening 2:N/A
hello boring.....nothing happen...again!!*sigh* o new blog thingy sorry if its hard to read and if its to big im trying ot fix that now but the dumb thing doesnt like me -3-.... o and where the lil white writing is that says "FallenAngel101" in chinese!! by JingleStansChibi!!! o and ANOTHER button!!! looky!!

why his chin you may ask...'CUZ HIS CHIN IS E LA HOTT!!!! ((j/k)) hehe! also by JingleStansChibi! o and *points* see my pretty new welcome sign!!!! Pride!Ed is hot!!! i love his eyes!!! :E ---drool.....UBBER drool!!! ((jess showed me that one XD)) only have it up 'casue im messing with codes!!
o i went and saw The Fog at the movies!!! it was DUMB!!! IT WASNT EVEN SCARY!! it sucked!!!! o my cousin got a new boyfriend!!!! like i thought she dumped the other one cuz he was a jerk!!! TOLD YA!!!! HA!!! they kept making out!!! so i kept smacking my cuz!!! and at the movies her and her boyfriend went and sat up at the front of the place and me, my bro, and my OTHER cousin where a few rows behide them and my bro lend over and said "wanna throw ice and junk at em?!" me: O YEAH!! than my cousin started throwing popcorn at them and hit the person infront of us with it!!! XD lol!!! o and my bro tryed to scare my 4 times during the movie BUT it didnt work cuz the movie wasnt scary at all!! but he did it to my cousin and she jumped out of her set!!! XD lol! than a few minutes later she started busting up laughing and i looked at her and said what the hells so funny? her: THAT WAS SOOO FUNNY!!!((the fact my bro scared her!)) the whole movie we were wispering to each other...her watch its gonna come out of there..and it dose and she gets all scared!! me: its gonna grab her and pull her under watch and it XD
we WERE gonna go see DOOM BUT we needed a adult with us...the one time my bro forgot his ID card we ACTUALLY needed it!!! XP after we got the tickets for THE FOG my bro said EDWARDS IS BETTER!!!!
o and when we walked out of the movies-after we got done watching the movie of course-it was ALL foggy outside!!! it was awesome!!!!
o and i got my com back!
well i just got back from Target and Hollywood....they didnt have The Nightmare Before Christmas!! DAMNIT!!!! they were all out!!! 'cuz they know i want so they hide it! *laughs like a maniac* hehee...*rawks back and forth in chair* X.x *grabs chainsaw* im gonna get you pplz!! hehehe BUAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!
o i got hot cheetos! hehe....*grabs chips* i had to ask soo many times!!! damn you doctor!!! DAMN YOU 2 HELL!!!!! HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY HOT CHEETOS!!! *growls* my mom only let me get one lil tiny baggy though -3- curses...they're all mine cant have any!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
well rite now im talking to my friend Jess!((JingleStansChibi)) on IM!!! lol!!!! listening to Promised Land by larc~en~ciel!!! *sings it* lol!!! she's playing it not me!!! XD lol! ooo now its Boyfriends!!! *sings it* i RARELY sing....and when i do its ONLY in japanese!!!! XD lol!
o god...crap...*rubs eyes* man..hahaha lol!!! my eyes went PURE BLACK from the outside in!!!! happens everyday though!!! lol!! than i get VERY VERY VERY dizzy!!!! lol hahaha!! o and you know how i told you about my white blood cells being low...the doctor said that, that could be caused by one of two things, i have a bad illnes...aka cancer somewhere in my body OR im just not eating right which she says its that im not eating right..which everyone thinks...cuz i dont!!! NOTHINGS GOOD!
well i got nothing else to say!! so sayonara
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*+*Ra-chan*+* |
just a thingy...i got bored
Aquarians are known to be progressive thinkers. Those on their own wave length will understand them and realize what a truly oringinalturn of mind they possess. Those who aren;t, will simply think they're spaced out,weird, or plan batty-depending on what generation they belong to!
Of all the signs, these memebers are perhaps the most broad-minded and tolerant. They seem to be able to take on baord all sorts of odd human behaviour. Tell them about unusual lifestyles of bizarre beliefs and they'll shrug their shoulders and just say,"So what?""Live and let Live" is very definitely the Aquarian motto in life.

*disappears into the night*
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