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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

-3- sucky

*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*

Current Mood: okay
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hello pplz! yaaaaaaah....*sigh* ok i wasnt allowed on earlier so tahts why i didnt post yesterday -.-' damn mom...SOOOO today im gonna tell you all what happen the last few days ok, ok! so..be perpared to get bored -_-' o and sorry i couldn't stop by everyone!!!

ok the other day i talked to Jess((JingleStansChibi))....on...the phone o.O;....its weird talking to her on the phone after knowing her for a while...strange...lol!!! and she lives in PA, a cross country call she says!! lol

well as usual not much has happen...i FINALLY got to watch more Naruto -3- barely on episode 68 now...my damn bro never lets me watch 'em!!!!!!!!!! CURSE YOU!!!!((talking bout bro))

well yah...not much has happen...o today((monday)) my mom MADE me eat BREAKFAST!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! THE ORDER HAS BEEN BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! i havent eaten breakfast in years!!!! XP it makes me sick!!! and its all becasue of that damn doctor!!!! and my mom also had to go on saying "YOUR WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT IS VERY LOW YOU KNOW IT CAN KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!!!!!!!!!" me: -3- *thinks "well...yah kinda"*.....*rolls over and ignores her*/ seriously it gets rather old!!!! shes alwayz saying crap to me that just ticks me right off!! saying your gonna fail school, your not gonna do this and that,you got all F's on your report card!!! yesh thats NOT true i got two A's at least!!! others got ALL F's, PURE F'S! least i got SOME A's!!!! its bullshit!!! well i might just start going in at 8:23 instead of 7:00 -3- least i get more sleep!!!

o yah...tomorrow((tuesday))i have Office ad first...i dont like how that school works....a few of my schools were like this one....like one day would be periods 1 than,2,3,4,5,than 6 and than the next day it would be like this 2,3,5,4,6,than 1((4th NEVER gets moved around!)) it confuses me onetimes!!! and 1st period is my worst...English -3- i HATE it!!! the subjects i AM good at are Algebra,Science((sorta)),art if that counts,and...well...LUNCH!! what thats a period!!! ok well not really....lol

well thats all i got i'll try to stop by pplz sites and see what i missed if i can k?! my mom only gave me 10 minutes and thats about up!! XP


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