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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Another Day...yet it was ok!
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: not so good
Listening to:Moments
hello...again...yah today was actually ok!
well from now on im gonna be doing home schooling!!! i found out in last period. and after i got out i told one of my friends and she got really upset! you know the one, Angie-chan, the one thats alwayz yelling at me and getting after me when i dont eat -3- seriously shes like my mother with all the and after i told her we went to my art teachers class 'cuz i wanted to get my art junk i did, and my teacher seemed really upset that i was leaving...after she talked to me she said:
Ms.Jaffe((teachers name)): can i give you a tiny winy hug?
me: hmm...yeah *smiles*
lol! omg!!! i smiled!!!!! -gasp- OMFG....WTF?!!!!! lol
o and in frist period((Ms.Jaffe Art)) one of my other friends said:
Friend: are you doing anything for halloween?
Friend:do you ever go trick or treating?
me: sometimes when i have nothing else to do...
friend: does your mom let you go with friends?
me: umm..yah...
friend: GREAT!!!!
me: o.O; *thinks "WTF"*
friend: ok than your gonna come with me!!!
me: wha.....umm...oooooooook...o_O;
odd-ness -3- made no sence i just got bored so i told yah XD guess im gonna go with my friends...note it think like 20 ppl are gonna be with us o.O;...shes the kind of girl at school that all the guys like and yaaaaaaaaah....she's alwayz saying your my best friend Rachem!!!((yes she calls me rachem...)) and your so kind...ect...-3-
o and i had that bitch sub again!!! but for History XP you know the one...i told you about her a while back...she was our sub for Art one day....shes a real pain *sigh* o and i would have FINALLY gotten detention to!! only 'cuz my damn math teacher((Mr.HO!!XD)) kept the whole class in for 5 minutes because a few kids were 2 ppl out of 35 -3- i think i was really the fact that some kid jacked one of his jolly ranchers!! thats what he was really mad about and its SOOO easy to tell who did it!! i forgot his name though lol
well thats all i got! im off to pplz sites!
*dissappears into the shadows*
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
i thought a few ppl asked if i had any Roy pics...right? well here are a few-

FUNNY BBI PIC!!! *laughs* just the thought of Ed in a dress makes me laugh my ass off *snickers*

heres a pic of Roy,Pride!Ed,and Al-BBI of course-

heres a pic of Roy and Ed!!

o and guys...if you want any codes or anything please...just PM me ^_^ k?
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