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Palm Desert, Ca
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10th Grade Student
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Rachael. :]
nothing what so ever ._.
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i was 4 years old
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Monday, October 31, 2005
-______-' Not So Good....
*+*Guestbook*+* *+*Backroom*+*
Current Mood: NOt so good
Hi...ok well moms been a b*tch ALL day! >< and its put me in a not-so-good-mood!!
well i still cant remember what i wanted to say yesterday!!! i can only remember that i was gonna say that i measured my self...AND i grew!! XD im 65 inches!!! 5 feet and 5 inches!! HA!! see just because you DONT drink milk doesnt mean you wont grow!! now Ed on the other hand...*snickers* no but sorry but he is kinda short...its a tiny bit sad....but funny!!! >:D SORRY!!!
and im dumb com keeps glitching!! >< damn you com!!! *grabs chair and beats computer to a pult* aw i feel a lil bit better!! >:D *punches com* you suck Mr.Com!! no but seriously...i feel like smacking someone with a bat!!!
o i took this quiz a while back ((it was on EdWillSoS's MyO site)) and i think it was on what part of life do you represet..yah i think that was it...dude i took that thing 100's of times and each time i got "YOU REPRESET THE 'END' OF LIFE" >:D HA!!! lol!! but seriously..i dont hate ALL humans...yes some tick me off and make me wanna cause serious pain BUT i dont hate everyone and everything....just some things!!! XD lol if you took the quiz this is the pic os the results i got just not with the words:

do i seem in a not so good mood...*thinks* i dunno but i am! and this damn song is ticking me off!!! *throws headphones* >:D
ok i gotta go the MOTHER THING is kicking me off -3-....why the heck do i do this faces when they bug me?!!!!!! YESH!!
*+*Ra-chan*+* |
 You're Pride-Ed! Calm and mysterious. And looks cool. If you're confused please search for help matey! (Maybe you'll became a poet...or say this phrase all the day: to be or not to be, that's the question...) (daisuki da yo 6_-!! )
Which Fullmetal Alchemist: Bluebird's Illusion character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
*flips maker of quiz off* BITCH!!! IM THE #1 FMA FAN!!!! GO TO HELL!!!!
 Excellent work!! You got 100%. For those of you who took my last knowledge quiz, your still the #2 fan of FMA, because I am the #1!
(A much better quiz) How Well Do You Know About Fullmetal Alchemist??? brought to you by Quizilla're Angela! At first glance you come off as being rather cold and uncaring, but there is much more to you than just that! You are a strong person, a born warrior, and as a result you tend to put up a tough exterior to those around you. Emotions are not something you are accustomed to and you get uncomfortable in situations where they are apparent. You try to remain aloof and distant even to those you consider friends, but to the few people that have managed to worm their way into your heart you can sometimes show a more trusting and caring side. Once someone does something that truly upsets you than you carry around a huge resentment that you may misplace onto someone else, however a special person may one day be able to finally make you realize that not everyone is as horrible as you think. To those you care for you are an able protector: your strength alone is enough for one to rely on. You're one tough cookie!
Which Character From the Anime 'Kurogane Communication' Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your A Confident Anime Girl! your brave and fearless and will do anything to get what you and anybody else wants, you will beat up anyone who stops you and you have a hot temper that maybe one day will be tamed, but until then you use that big mouth of yours to swear and scold and of your competitors chill ok its not the winning that counts its the fact that you took part <_< >_>
What Enchanted Anime Girl Are You? (ABSOLUTLY GORGEOUS ANIME PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
 Goddess of the Night. Beautiful yet a strange darkness and sadness lurk about you.
What element would you rein over? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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